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Old August 9th, 2015, 08:59 AM
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Default Re: windows 10 issue

Originally Posted by gdpsnake View Post
I just upgraded to the Windows 10 OS.

The game does not run smoothly on this OS. The scrolling is jerky and when you move units they move in 'spurts'. By that I mean, you click on a destination and the unit moves a few hexes, stops, moves some more, then moves the rest of the way. The fire routines are the same as if it's taking awhile to execute the code.

The game doesn't crash or fail; it just seems like the needed resources to run smoothly are being gobbled up by the Windows 10 OS.

Anyone else see this? Any work around to free up resources in the game or in the OS? It's very frustrating.

Just like Microsoft to sacrifice our memory to run their 'overhead' background crap. I've tried minimizing ALL the startup extras but it still gobbles up so much memory. Looking at the task manager, it looks like Win 10 uses 30% of my 6GB memory to run it's stuff. What's running in the background seems twice what Win 7 used. So many new routines I don't know. No, I'm not plagued with any virus stuff or malware, I checked.

Wave of the future? IS there a work around or do future machines need way more memory to run Win 10?


OK I loaded up an old save game with a lot of units and ran it fullscreen and I saw what you mean by......."does not run smoothly on this OS. The scrolling is jerky and when you move units they move in 'spurts'"

Check your scroll , graphics delay and movement delay in MISC. Reducing those values will go a long way to help alleviate the problems described above when using Win10 in fullscreen mode but if you do lower them ( to zero if need be ) you WILL find things a bit too zippy in windowed mode. When you reduce those delays in fullscreen mode there may still be a bit of hesitation during a long move but it is greatly reduced

As well right clicking on the start Icon in the lower left corner then clicking on "System" and then Advanced System settings/Performance to "adjust for best performance" might help as well ( I have not fully tested that ) but it will reduce some of the little things that use memory in win10 and may have a performance impact when running the game


Last edited by DRG; August 9th, 2015 at 09:27 AM..
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