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Old May 10th, 2016, 08:22 AM

Ts4EVER Ts4EVER is offline
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Default Re: Ts4EVER scenarios

I made a fifth scenario pack, the continuation of the "Rhineland" series. I guess technically it is half a prequel because it technically jumps back in time, but let's not split hairs So basically, it's more late war action, this time featuring Kingtigers, Pershings, Jagdtigers etc... all the good stuff.
I may make a third installment covering the end of the war, maybe including Comet tanks, Kriegsmarine infantry, infra red tanks... we will see.

Enjoy and please test it. We have almost a year before a new patch comes out, so there is lots of time to test and perfect. Last time testing led to a quite serious bug being fixed, for instance.



Date: 7th of March, 1945
Location: Rhine bridge at Remagen

Part of the "Rhineland" series of scenarios

Designed By: Ts4EVER

Two weeks before the launch of Operation Plunder and Varsity, American forces advancing to the Rhine river noticed that the bridge at Remagen had not yet been blown by the retreating Germans.
A Company of armored infantry supported by a platoon of brandnew "Pershing" tanks set out to secure the crossing.

Advance through the city of Remagen, cross the bridge, destroy the entrance to the railway tunnel and capture the peak of the Erpeler Ley overlooking the bridge. Your Pershing tanks
are some of the first to be used in combat and losing one will earn you a high point penalty after the match.

In real life the Germans did set off the charges on the bridge as the Americans were crossing it, but failed to destroy the bridge. It became, however, temporarily uncrossable by tanks. Because of this, there is a "rough" hex blocking movement over it.
German forces around the bridge are weak, consisting of convalescent and Volkssturm troops. Flak and pioneer units are also in the vicinity and may be used to counter attack your bridgehead. We do not expect enemy tanks.

Historical Scenario, designed to be played as the Americans.
Too little, too late


Date: 23rd of March, 1945
Location: Remagen Bridgehead

Part of the "Rhineland" series of scenarios

Designed By: Ts4EVER

In the last two weeks the Germans have desperately tried to destroy the Ludendorff bridge that was so surprisingly captured by our forces on the 7th.
To accomplish this, they used among other things jet fighters, V2 rockets and even frogmen. While the bridge did eventually collapse, American engineers had a secondary one up in no time. It seems that now,
on the eve of the American breakout attempt and the Rhine crossings in the north, the Germans are trying to collapse the bridgehead by ground counter attack.

A Company of the 1st US infantry division, supported by some Sherman tanks, is occupying an exposed forward position in the little village of Fernegierscheid. Listening posts have recently been driven out of the surrounding wooded valleys by German patrols.

The Germans are preparing an attack on the village, using the cover of the forests. Hold the position and destroy any Panzer attacking the allied position. Note that due to close proximity to the Kassel tank factories, the Germans have fielded an unusual number of heavy tanks and tank destroyers in this area.
Because of this, a platoon of M36 GMCs is held in reserve.

Historical Scenario, designed to be played as the Americans.
Rush to Altenkirchen


Date: 26th of March, 1945
Location: Remagen Bridgehead

Part of the "Rhineland" series of scenarios*

Designed By: Ts4EVER*

Operation Voyage, the breakout from the Remagen Bridgehead, is shaping up to be a resounding success, with the depleted German forces disintegrating everywhere. The spearhead of the 3rd US Armored Division is closing in on the town of Altenkirchen, where a major German repair depot is suspected.

The objective is to reach the outskirts of Altenkirchen as quickly as possible. Recon forces will brush aside retreating Germans on the road, while follow on tanks and infantry will deal with any serious opposition.

German resistance is weak and disorganized, however, they will use any bottleneck they can find in order to ambush you and inflict casualties.

Historical Scenario, designed to be played as the Americans.
The devil is loose


Date: 30th of March, 1945
Location: South of Paderborn

Part of the "Rhineland" series of scenarios

Designed By: Ts4EVER

General Rose of the 3rd Armored Division was the highest ranking American officer killed in action during World War 2. On March the 30th 1945, he was moving north towards Paderborn as part of Task Force Welborn. As they passed the castle of Hamborn the column was ambushed.

The enemy consisted of a platoon of Kingtiger heavy tanks of the 503rd Heavy tank bataillon, which were deployed to support infantry of SS Panzer-Brigade Westfalen. Having been driven off earlier by American air power, they now emerged from the woods and started to shoot up the American convoy from the flank. The terrain objectives are relatively insignificant: the goal is to take out American forces and the HQs, while sustaining as few casualties as possible.

General Rose was trapped between wrecks and a Tiger tank. Trying to surrender, he was shot to death by the tank commander. When asked about the cause of this war crime later, the German commander responded: "The devil was loose on that road."

Historical Scenario, designed to be played as the Germans. Note that there is already an older scenario depicting this action, however I believe that this take is the more historically correct one.
Bazooka Town


Date: 31st of March, 1945
Location: South of Paderborn

Part of the "Rhineland" series of scenarios

Designed By: Ts4EVER

Yesterday, General Rose of the 3rd Armored division was killed in a German ambush. The Allies had no time to dwell on this development though: The drive on Paderborn was still on, and resistance was stiffening.

The twin village of Kirch- and Altborchen is a local center of resistance, nicknamed "Bazooka Town". In order to clear it, flamethrowers and engineering equipment has been dispatched.

The enemy consists of SS infantry, which makes up their lack of training and proper equipment through countless anti tank rockets and sheer fanaticism. They will have to be burned out of every house and basement. Heavy armor from the 503rd Heavy Tank Bataillon is supporting them.

Historical Scenario, designed to be played as the Americans.
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