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Old June 18th, 2016, 09:45 PM

Gelainey Gelainey is offline
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Default Re: Russian M32 Rockets bug?

Hi Don,
No again!
I have never assigned anything to computer control (just my temperament I think!)
Something like a flame rocket is an area weapon with a relatively short range, and I like to keep a very close eye on where they are shooting, because as support units they never have enough experience to land with any degree of accuracy, but as a direct fire (z key) weapon they are devastating. And that is the weirdness of this whole experience, in that flame rockets that were not assigned in fire missions were firing randomly!
In 20 years of playing I have never encountered this sort of behaviour from any artillery unit. On the map, after an unassigned rocket had fired it was pointed at where it had shot, as they do, and the renegade units were pointing away from the enemy towards my own troops!. Taking control of the unit again in a fire mission made no difference, it just seemed to be locked onto a target hex of its own choosing. I could fire a z key mission wherever I wanted, but it would always go back to shooting at a particular hex that I had not chosen. I just switched it off as a matter of safety. In the two battles of a long campaign where I used a battery of these rockets, in both cases, two of the units behaved in this way.
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