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Old September 11th, 2016, 04:44 AM
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Default Re: 20 pounder vs. T54's front hull

The best option for the game as it is now is IMHO to increase tank toughness for tanks fighting in early Cold War. Late 40ies-early 50ies tank toughness should be 140 for Russian vehicles, 120 for NATO ones (due to Russians using shells that work a bit better against slopes). Late 50ies-early 60ies Russian tank toughness 120, NATO same (the introduction of L7). After that, tank toughness 100 for both (APFSDS and HEAT rounds have very little degradation by sloped armor). Now my suggestion isn't without flaws, namely the fact that turrets become tougher than they should be and HEAT rounds are also affected when they shouldn't. About that I do have a request to make for a future update. How possible is it to include another option in the preferences screen, something like "HEAT tank toughness" that would be different than regular tank toughness? By fine fine tuning that we can make a better approximate of the probably behavior of tank armor vs every shell of the era.
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