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Old July 8th, 2020, 12:35 AM
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Felix Nephthys Felix Nephthys is offline
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Default Artillery Plotting Without Actually Firing Guns

I've tried to see if this is a subject that has been covered before here in the forums for both MBT and WW2 but couldn't find anything so here goes.

Does anyone use the tactic of plotting artillery support while at the same time turning off the actual guns themselves in the unit view so as to not actually fire them but create a ready mission to use later if the need arises? I do this from time to time during play and I've found it to be useful but the only drawback is that when you play another human it can tip them off as to where and with what you are planning to fire at a later time (at the end of their turn when the rounds would normally hit the screen scrolls to the area, plays the sound effect of the firing, says what units are "firing", but since the weapons were "turned off" no rounds actually hit the ground). This gives your human opponent a warning and I was wondering if this is just a limitation of the game engine or something that might be able to be altered in the future.
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