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Old August 25th, 2023, 03:12 PM
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MarkSheppard MarkSheppard is offline
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

The US Army released it's Counter UAS (C-UAS) Field Manual (they now call it something else -- ADP).

ATP 3-01.81
Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS)


Group 1 - Micro/Mini UAS (0 to 20 lbs) (RQ-11 Raven / DJI MAVIC) - Generally, hand launched commercial off-the-shelf, radio controlled platforms. They have limited ranges and small payload capabilities. They offer real time video. Operated within line of sight of the user.

Group 2 - Small Tactical (21 to 55 lbs) (SCAN EAGLE / SKY-09Ps) - Small airframes with low radar cross sections provide medium range and endurance. Launched from unimproved areas with a small number of people involved. Requires line of sight to the ground control station.

Group 3 - Tactical (56 to 1,320 lbs) (RQ-7B Shadow / Shahed) -- Similar to Group 1 and 2 UAS, requires a larger logistical footprint. Range and endurance varies significantly among platforms.

Group 4 - Strategic/Theater (Over 1,320 lbs) (MQ-1 Predator / Gray Eagle) - Relatively large systems operated at medium to high altitudes. This group has extended range and endurance capabilities. Normally requires a runway for launch and recovery.

Group 5 - Strategic (Over 1,320 lbs) (RQ-4 Global Hawk / MQ-9 Reaper) - Operates at medium to high altitudes having the greatest range, endurance, and airspeed. Requires large logistical footprint like that of manned aircraft and has a suite of optics for targeting and weaponry for engagements.

NOTE: Integrated air and missile defense (AMD) capabilities can effectively counter larger classes (groups 3, 4, and 5). AMD assets have difficulty tracking, identifying, and defeating small-unmanned aircraft systems (sUASs) (groups 1 and 2).

It also lists publicly what the Army has for defeating small-unmanned aircraft systems (sUASs):

1.) Handheld Radio Direction Finder - it tells you if a threat is operating in the common frequencies used by drones, and where it's coming from.

2.) Simple Directed Energy Weapon -- "Drone Buster" -- an oversized radar gun that jams the frequencies used by commercial drones.

3.) SMART SHOOTER -- A new weapons sight that mounts to existing rifles. When the Smart Shooter is employed, it will only fire when the sight is aligned to hit the target, this includes the required “lead” on a moving target.

Last edited by MarkSheppard; August 25th, 2023 at 03:29 PM..
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