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Old May 25th, 2003, 12:49 AM
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Grandpa Kim Grandpa Kim is offline
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Grandpa Kim vs. Gozguy approx. turn 54

I guess you would say we are in the deployment phase. The map is about as evenly split as you can make it and we are both building for the inevitable show down. Oddly enough, we both seem to have chosen the same basic strategy so it will be interesting to see who handles it better. After feeling out each others positions, we have settled down to dispute one system. I took one planet, then he mined my fleet, the touchy b*****d!

On a side note, I'm trying a tactic I haven't used since I played in tactical mode. We'll see how Goz like it.
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