Thread: basic questions
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Old April 13th, 2003, 09:51 AM

Nick Nick is offline
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Default basic questions

here are some basic issues/questions that I have run into in my first few hours with this game:

how many turns are in one year?
I have noticed that interest is not accumulated every turn and, similarly, stocks and investment funds don't increase every turn. So, what is the period between these changes?

what are the benifits and payouts for owning a tollbooth?
I had a tollbooth on every planet one game and I couldn't even notice the gains. For $30-50k a tollbooth, it seems that the benifits should be more apparent.

Interstelling Traveller 2 seems like a good game but I find some features hard to understand because of the lack of documentation. Hopefully, some feedback in the forums will make up for that

thanks in advance,
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