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Old August 20th, 2007, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: Growth and Death by the Numbers

Keep in mind that in order to get the benefit of Order/Turmoil, you still need to spread your domain as well. What these charts show me is less that Growth is an equal alternative to Order as a money maker, but a good money maker in its own right that compliments Production.

In joke format, people without Growth or Order
take the bus to work, people with just Order drive BMWs, people with just Growth take the bus but retire early, but people Growth and Order fund the Russian space program to get to work.

mr_Logic said:
(4) My numbers represent additional gold over the several turns. Not how much additional gold you recieve per turn at the end of X number of turns. Expect gold income to below my given percentage for most of the turns, and significantly higher by the later turns.
so if you ended the chart at, say, turn 30, then the actual additional amount per turn would be higher at the turns just before turn 30, then now as youv ended the chart at turn 102?

either i am misunderstanding you, or your math is off.
OK, on a given turn (lets call it T(1)), a province will make X amount of money based on Y amount of population. Unless there are modifiers in play. Lets assume Growth 3. So, you make X*1.06 money. Now on T(2), your population has changed to Y*1.006, and since base money is directly proportional to population, you'll earn X*1.006*1.06. What my figures tell you is money made on T(1) and T(2) AVERAGED. Or they would if I bothered to do Turn 2.
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