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Old July 22nd, 2018, 12:32 AM

jp10 jp10 is offline
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Default A proposal for sewer movement

A standard for simulating sewer movement in urban areas

While the WINSP series has no movement via sewers in city battles, I propose a work-around that could be consistently used in scenario design.

1. Main road intersections (grey) of three or four roads would be considered to contain sewer entrances. The yellow lines of these intersections do not connect in the intersection leaving a small blank space that can be visually noticeable to a scenario designer.
2. In order for a side to use sewer travel the side must have sewer entrance/exit intersections within their starting area. A particular sewer intersection can only connect to the other entrance/exit intersections along that road section.
3. In Attacker scenarios an attacking element chosen to make a sewer infiltration would be assigned to a sewer exit via the Reinforcement Hex method. The % should be low 10%-15% and the first opportunity to appear can be a calculation of distance from the 'entrance' hex with a 2-3 hex movement rate per turn to the 'exit' hex. Multiple elements using the same route (example, a three squad recon platoon) could have an additional 2 turn delay to spread out the arrivals. (example, unit B0 scheduled to start % to enter as reinforcement on turn 6, B1 turn 8, B2 turn 10).
4. Defenders could be programmed to use sewer movement to launch raids to appear inside the attacker's perimeter.
5. Human players during setup would need to consider booby-trapping/barb wiring/mining sewer intersections when informed that sewer movement operations is part of the mission or warned that the enemy may try to use it.
6. Scenario design should make sure two opposing forces are not simulating using the same sewer route.

What do you think?
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