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Old February 19th, 2009, 07:27 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: MA Oceana - OMG, I think I've done it

Originally Posted by Evilhomer View Post
To ChrisP:

You seem to want to play the nation like LA ermor, this is not the best of ideas. First of all you dont have a starting income of death so you cannot cast dark knowledge. To add to this problem your only mage with death is your pretender (and if he is a rainbow with death - you move his fat *** out and site search manually). No forget about dark knowledge your pretender has better things to do, go for voice of tiamat, it will drastically increase your gem income.

Also pissing everyone off with BoT is not a good idea if you wish to make friends, the 3 steps of victory with this nation really is:

1. Secure the water (using those extra fort produce ichty soldiers (half the cost of mermidons and not 10 encumb!), and ichtycentaurs - expensive but good / Combine this with various battle spells like friendely current + school of sharks and do your best at taking the water. Easily said than done, but you should have a small edge against rlyeh or atlantis. Are they both in the game dont try to fight them both at once.

2. Build your strenght. Get gem income going with tiamat, haruspex and start clam production (earth on your pretender for hammers is good to consider). Make pacts and alliances and hope that MA oceania is not seen as a threat, and nibble up some provinces from dying nations.

3. Bust out with superior gem income and summon what you need to complement your armies for victory. Try to get the elemental summons like water queens if you are able. Use your high astral to wish for "gems" and if you feel like it you can get a few seraphs or something just for the fun of it.

I really feal your death, death, death! strategy will just turn everyone against you and violate "point 2". To add to this your heavy death dominion will kill off your pop and destroy your income. In my opinion Oceania really is a very late bloomer, and you need to make time your friend not your enemy in order to get the summons and gem income that can secure a win with this nation.

We agree on a lot of items. I definitely agree that your early site searching is done with your pretender. Definitely agree on fort production (in fact, I consider forts to victory to be one of 3-4 general strategies).

I can't see that MA Oceania ever has an edge against MA-Rylleh. R. out chaffs you, out elite you, has easier access to land, and better water mages (iirc). But for the same reason, I think a partial bless increasing your MR valuable for your expensive units.

I agree that Oceani is a late bloomer. I view gold as almost worthless in the late game.

But not everyone is going to be against a BoT. If you snag the agreement of ermor, or niefle or whomever....

The question about the income comes down to this: If Oceania has made it into the endgame - and everyone's population is dead - does it put Oceania at a competitive advantage. I think it does.
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