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Old February 12th, 2010, 09:30 AM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: a new direction to guides

Cleveland, I think you misunderstood my intention. I'm not simply asking for a step by step guide to late game, as that would be silly as you started saying, way too situational and nation dependent... all I said was that the late game for all nations seem similar, so some sort of guide on late game possibilities(tarts, blood summons, globals, etc) could be helpful to a lot of newbie players who are starting games and will eventually get into the late game(assuming they survive until than) and than will be pretty lost. again, not a step by step guide but more on line with the current guides available to the different nations, a few available options, why are they good, what are their key weaknesses, etc, so us newbies will know what to look for and what to expect. as an example, right now when you look at tarts you see undead(so you automatically run through all the good undead counters) than you see the need for nature mages for GoR and either GoH or the Chalice, and of course you see all the advantages you've mentioned here. a newbie on the other hand will not see all these things because he lacks the knowledge and experience that you and the other vets have accumulated... another example, a lot of people are talking about the all powerful blood summons(be it uniques or devils, vamps, etc), why are they so impressive? what makes these options so much better than the other standard options(say tarts) which makes these blood nations so much more powerful in the late game, what are some standard ways to counter these blood nations, etc.

basically the way the current guides, and other information, are presented here on these forums, they are meant mostly(but not only) for newbies yet they assume you(not you personally, more like most guide writers) already know the basics you're referring to in the guide. however the newbies reading those guides are missing these basics you're assuming they have. again, this is not a criticism on the current guide writers, far from it. this is just raising into awareness the fact that the first few steps are still missing from the staircase, and it would be very helpful, and a lot of newbies will greatly appreciate it, if there would be some more guides that cover those first few steps along with those aiming for the higher steps.
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