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Old October 17th, 2009, 06:41 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Higher province number moves first?

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Ok, a test with 3 nations

Arco (nation nbr 0)
Ermor (1)
Lanka (something highish)

All using vastnesses thanks through modding.

4 provinces
120 and 121
90 and 170

First trial (9 times) Arco and Ermor moving armies from 120 to 121 or vice versa.
The armies never miss each other. Sometimes Arco is the defender, sometimes Ermor.

Second trial (about 20 times) Arco and Lanka oving armies from 120 to 121 or vice versa.
The armies practically always miss each other. When they fight sometimes Arco is the defender, sometimes Lanka.

Third trial (7 times) Arco and Ermor moving armies from 90 to 170 or vice versa.
The armies sometimes miss each other. When they fight Arco is always the defender.
What are the province sizes, visually, and are any of them tagged as large or small. Also, what are the sizes of the sizes of the army?

Finally, my personal guess goes along these lines:

All units are given a unique number. When an 'army' moves it is composed of a 'group' of army commanders.

Suppose Army A:

Army commander 1,
Army commander 2,
Army commander 3

Suppose Army B
A Cmd 4
Army cmd 5
Army cmd 6.

I believe that army combats are triggered by any commander activating. Combats can be done in sequential order, or reverse sequential order. When a commander triggers, he triggers all commanders associated with him.

I believe this fits observed behavior pretty well. When numbering commanders, I believe that this is done in nation order. So, in the first turn, Arco will build commander x, ermor will build cmd x+1 etc.
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