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Old March 1st, 2005, 02:36 PM

Flammifer Flammifer is offline
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Default To David, *another* OT request...

Ah, I have finally found the mythical David E. Gervais ! Through many a cold snowy mountain have I traveled, aye, and across many a burning desert. But now at last, thanks to the Orb of Googling I can put an end to my quest.

I have come to ask you, O mighty David E. Gervais, he who makest the very deepest dungeons of Thangorodrim quake at his slightest breath, what thinkest thou of the Creative Commons licenses ?

*straightens up, brushes sand out of hair*

I'm asking, you see, because I'm writing this little Free Software game, and I've been looking around for tilesets I can use, and have of course come across the angband tilesets. I don't know what the license status of those tiles is, it's written that it's best to drop you, er, thee a line, but it also seems that most anybody can use them without risking a lawsuit.

Now, the Creative Commons Licenses *brandishes scroll with a flourish and a colgate smile* makes everything easier - it's easy to chose a license, and it's quite clear who can do what with the works aftwerwards. Which means 1) less annoying "ooh, can I use your tiles ?" emails, and less incertitude among developers about wether or not it's ok to use the art.

So, if you would consent to put a Creative Commons license on works you give away as freeware, it will encourage reuse and (if you allow it) modifications, and it will give you better control on what is done with your works.

(as an illustration, I had to make my own little tileset for the alpha release game I'm making because free software hosting providers tend to get anal retentive about this kind of things and won't allow projects with possibly material artwork (quite understandable))

Um, that's about it. (um, also, I'm interested in any feedback concerning Creative Commons - I'm not related to them but I do have a tendancy to do evangelisation ^^ )


Emile Kroeger
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