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Old March 13th, 2017, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Modder's Toolkit?

Originally Posted by anlubue View Post
RecruitMonty has pointed out to me that I actually interpret some wrong. That he himself has been working on his mod "Das Reich" for 10 years already, and my general comment on Modders ... I do not know the word in English. It was beside it. Is injurious.

These are good points which I can think about. What I can say right now is that it is not my intention to make modders look in a way unnecessary. It is great that there are modders who love what they do. They created great. I did not want to bother anyone. Sorry if i did it to you Recruit Monty. The desire of the modder, to have more possibilities, is a perspicuous reason.

Lurk Moar:
I got involved in this conversation because i look at it from a somewhat frightened view. What about those, who gave me a great game many years ago? They still have to jump? Let me calculate: Any questions I ask in this forum, no matter how ignorant they might be (because of not reading the manual), are not only answered by experienced players like you. Those are also the developers with the most competent answers. So I buy the game for 30 doubles. then I let the developers look for my needs around the clock in this forum. After some time, i think: "Hey wouldn't it be great if the smoke is a little more hazy? Let's make a mod of my own." I should immediately ask in the forum how I do it best. The developers have a sense. 10 hours of question and answer later I can get started and the mod is getting bigger with the years. But these "brothers" do not want to sacrifice more time in creating space for my icons. The place i am in need of. What you do is your affair, Whether the developer donate you time is their. I just wanted to say: you all do, but you don't do it for me.

Maximus Autismus
Ich denke Sie haben es geschnallt.

Ich hatte schon verstanden was Sie zum Ausdruck bringen wollten. Lag wohl am Google-Übersetzter, dass es so bescheiden rüber kam.

Was die Mods anbelangt; klar kann man fragen wie die eine oder andere Sache halt funktioniert oder überhaupt zu bewerkstelligen sei, aber bei manchen Sachen muss man eben selber auf Entdeckungsreise gehen.

Beharrlichkeit führt dann am sichersten zum Ziel.

Machen Sie sich doch keinen Kopf, darüber, ob die Entwickler nicht mehr genug Platz für ihre eigenen Sachen hätten, wenn sie uns Modder einen Gefallen täten.

Schließlich war ihr Projekt am Anfang auch ein Mod.

Die haben eine enorme Leistung vollbracht und können immer noch Dateien herzaubern aus dem Nichts.

Vor einigen Jahren wurde es einmal zu knapp und "poof" da waren auf einmal wieder jede Menge jungfräuliche .shp Ordner. Hat natürlich viel Zeit in Anspruch genommen sie zu programmieren - ist ja klar - aber möglich war es.

Also, gut ist.

"Wir Deutschen sollten die Wahrheit auch dann ertragen lernen, wenn sie für uns günstig ist."

Last edited by RecruitMonty; March 13th, 2017 at 09:24 PM..
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