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Old April 7th, 2009, 03:12 PM

Lt. Ketch Lt. Ketch is offline
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Default Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI

Originally Posted by Charles22 View Post
...the size of the force doesn't really matter, as the size of your force will always limit the size of the enemy...
Hadn't thought of this. Very valid point.

...I had never thought a unit moving would make any difference, but you may be right.
I just tried searching for the thread that I read about moving units and experiences, but couldn't find it. Could be wrong, could be bad search.


Originally Posted by Ramm
This game lacks even the most basic representation of meteorology and the day/night cycle which is a travesty. It is a travesty because this is a war strategy game. Since the time before Christ and even to this day nocturnal/diurnal values and meteorological conditions have played decisive roles in the outcome of a battle, nay even a war. WWII comes to mind.

All the end user sees is a cryptic number value (visibility) which doesn't even differentiate between meteorological conditions and simple nocturnal/diurnal values.

Bottom line weather and day/night is so importent it must be added to the game. By a picture on the tool bar or accessed by a button so as to not take up space or just a hotkey.

Even a simple text description would be sufficient, such as a brief weather report (a sentence or two) and time of day. I think a text description is not too much to ask.

The argument that this change would not actually effect gameplay and is therefore unnecessary is specious.

Game icons do not actually effect gameplay (symbols could be used instead) and yet they are a necessary component of SP.

This is not meant as a rebuke, but an observation. (Curse the lack of non-verbal communication!) While your arguments are valid in that weather and night/day were and are important in combat, I don't know what you're looking to accomplish with this post. For one, Don and Andy have expressed many times the game is not a simulation, i.e. that it does not take everything into consideration. The coding for weather conditions alone would take more hours than any non-programer (myself included) would ever care to imagine. Then, coding for what kind of weather takes place when, where and how often would be another nightmare. For all intents and purposes, limiting visability and making the ground muddy or swampy, or snowy is perfectly adiquate for imagining poor weather conditions in this game. Don and Andy do not need the headache of coding spontanious random heavy artillary bombardment to simulate lightning, or a condition when all of a troops moral suddenly dropping 20 points to show that they are sick and tired of fighting in the rain. Please remember that any changes to the game require time on their part and just because we want it, doesn't mean it's easy for them, or even good for us. I would get really discouraged if the Russian Winter had the EXACT same effect on my troops as it did on the Germans. Yes, it would make the game realistic, but there is a reason that nobody likes to fight a real war.

Second, while I can see your desire to have some kind of indication as to what the weather is, I personally can live with making up my own explianation for why visability is 12. I sometimes change the visability to a low number saying to myself that I want to assault the enemy's position at twilight as apposed to noon. Again, every change takes Don and Andy's vaulable time.

My recommendation to getting over this unfortunate lack of weather and night and day? Use your imagination. Also, Double_Deuce has done some great work.
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