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Old February 8th, 2011, 08:58 PM

ExplorerBob ExplorerBob is offline
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Default Re: Odd Adventures In Infinite Space v.002

'sonly one God, who has all power... nothing I or anyone else can create could ever have the same power He does.

Anyhow, the idea is to make an overpowered item *less* overpowered; I'll give y'all a one-word, coded hint as to which item that is.


Correctly tell me which item it is and there may be something in it for you, like a mention in the credits, or a special ship/planet/etc. name, or something, depending on how I feel. Note that you have to turn in your guess quick; I hope to release 003 very soon, and of course, once it's out, I can't put anything in it.