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Old June 1st, 2008, 06:35 AM
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Saulot Saulot is offline
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Default Re: Hello everyone, and I could use some advice.

Welcome. It's nice to see a new modder.

(This will likely cover things you know, but better to lean on the side of caution and explain more thoroughly than not, for the benefit of all.)

By default, pretenders aren't sacred... or priests.

There are reasons for that, and balance isn't even chief amongst them. Dominions consists of two major groups of units. The first being a pretender (a god by definition), and the latter being everyone else, who worships the god.

As you can see, one couldn't really pray to oneself.

The world of dominions is one where the focus is belief. Belief is a powerful, almost tangible thing. Belief is what makes the pretender god powerful. Absolute belief grants absolute power, and no belief means your pretender god goes poof (the tinkerbell effect). That is the reason your pretender god is fighting the other pretenders, to attain the belief of everyone.

In exchange for believing in your pretender, your pretender grants his/her followers powers. The very faithful who completely believe in your pretender are sacred, and there are some (priests) who spread the pretenders message and thus spread belief in the pretender.

Your pretender spreads belief (represented by your dominion) simply because well, if I saw Zeus riding his horse through my neighborhood, or Thor throwing a lightning bolt, I couldn't help but believe.

Anyway, I understand that the concept behind your unit is that it isn't actually the pretender, just an important prophet, (and this out of the box thinking is good), it is for intents and purposes a pretender (especially if one wants to think about balance).

So, after the sacred and the priest thing (and the inquisitor ability with it), there are a couple other things which stand out about your unit. First it has Magic Res. 12. Which is real low. It has protection 12, which seems to be unexplained. It has 18 hitpoints, despite being a human (humans tend to have 10, but I could see an older mage/priest-type as having 8). It also has 0 encumbrance, which is mostly reserved for undead and very powerful magical beings. Fear stands out very much on a human, as strange. Pillage and Patrol is something unlikely to come up, as those aren't really tasks for a pretender.

I recommend you look at the Dom 3 database, to see the stats of various units, to give you a better idea of how most units and pretenders are set up. Balance is a difficult thing, so don't give up.
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