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Old July 19th, 2007, 09:21 PM

Shovah32 Shovah32 is offline
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Default Re: Midgard Play Tips

Firstly: Vans are great. They are expensive and capitol only(for LA) but are considered one of the most powerful and cost effective sacred units in the game. Generally used with W9, often with F9 added and occasionally with E9 or N4-9.

I often play midgard without a bless and it works very well. Your general plan should be having high gold scales(order firstly. Then growth and production) and mass producing skinshifters at every fort you build. Your research would be quite fruitful if you focused on getting battlefield enchantments like storm, fog warriors and will of the fates(aswell as protection boosting spells such as army of lead/gold and marble warriors) to boost your very powerful troops - first skinshifter form tears through most units with its greatsword, particularly expensive high protection units due to its single powerful attack. The second form can kill most things: Its multiple attacks handle chaff, its high strength lets it go against high protection troops and the multiple attacks and high strength mean elite units such as cavalry cant hide behind their high defence.
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