Thread: OT - Sentience
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Old April 15th, 2008, 02:50 AM
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Default Re: OT - Sentience

Ed Kolis said:
So the only reason you consider robots to not be worthy of moral consideration is that they have only "artificial" experience? What makes you think that that experience is not as real as that which comes from naturally occurring entities? And could it not be argued that humans also have artificial experience as well? Babies don't just drop from the sky - they require other humans to create them!

I guess I just don't buy into the whole "nature is good, humans are bad" thing quite completely enough to go for that argument
Artificial intelligence is one thing. We have plenty of computers and machines out there that could be considered intelligent, which is to say, capable of deriving their own output from a given set of inputs. But do any of them really know what they are doing, or is it simply a matter of action/reaction?

You give a computer a complex set of equations, it returns you an answer. You put a flame near an ant, it runs away. Is one really more intelligent than the other? The real question is whether the machine is self-aware, conscious. But we're not there yet. Our current computers are no more conscious or intelligent than an intricate set of pulleys or some other such mechanical construct. The fact that our modern machines use invisible electrical signals bouncing around tiny strands of wire instead of gears & levers does not make them any more "alive".

After all, I for one would not be happy to find out that Call of Duty was suing me for damages from the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I inflicted upon it's AI by forcing it to die a thousand deaths.
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