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Old July 13th, 2010, 03:30 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Reverse Communion Confusion


1. Did you order the slaves to cast the spells?
2. Are you sure they are in range?
3. Are the masters casting? (slaves do nothing if masters do before them.

However, the most likely reason is this:

The AI will not cast spells that result in excess fatigue.
I suspect you are using communion slaves that do not have astral.

So the fatigue that each individual slave would get is doubled, including the armor encumbrance from the master.

If each individual slave has too much fatigue the AI will deprecate fatigue causing spells.

So if casting bladewind etc would put you over 100, the ai is likely to choose a different spell. Giving them earth gems to cut fatigue may help with the scripting.

There is one other reason, but I forgot what it was. Senior moment.

Also, you should try casting those in alternate order. Summon Earthpower, then Pots.
It gives you one more turn of reinvig.

Oh, right, I remember.

The other possibly likely cause is too many friendly casualties. Even one or two squares of placing will cause number of friendlies to go to high.
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