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Old March 22nd, 2012, 07:58 PM

TigerBlood TigerBlood is offline
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Default Re: Best 0-4 level combat itens?

Originally Posted by Makinus View Post
Shamble Armour - how do you use it? i could not find a good use for it..
Grants Water Breathing. Also 0 encumberance armour.

Raw Hide Shield - seriously? you find it is worth the gems?
0 level. 0 encumberance. Use it on a battle caster if you can't make anything better and need the protection.
Flambeau - Agreed that it is a good item, but i think the gem price is too high.
Fire gems...I usually don't have much use for them outside of battle magic. But it is expensive.
Wall Shaker - i find it too niche...
Item spam Panic. I like that spell. The seige bonus is just a bonus.

Winged Shoes - strategically useful, but is flight really useful enough to justify it in combat?
Depends. Sending a thug to block cavalry or attack archers is always fun. Allows a regular commander to lead flying units. edit: On a flying raid or to reinforce a regular army, I mean.

Birch Boots - I find Boots of the Messenger a much better alternative.
Resistances may be important depending who you fight. In a strong cold province, for a commander without cold resistance, the net encumberance reduction is better than boots of the messenger.

Other people have noted the benefits of other items.
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