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Old September 19th, 2004, 10:31 AM

Foom Foom is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

Looks great, thanks for all the work. I'll venture some suggestions, at the risk of being argued into a pulp.

The main problem I had with human pretenders so far was that their only advantage (lots of cheap magic paths) was at such high risk because they're so vulnerable. The higher hit points help that a lot, since now they're more likely to survive seeking arrows and stray shots on the battlefield.

I like the idea of giving the humans small unique bonuses so they don't all look the same, so here are some ideas:
  • Forge bonus. I thought the Cyclops was pretty good without it, being the only chassis with good earth magic.
  • Blood hunting bonus. The only one so far is the Fountain o' Blood, could be very nice on a mobile pretender. Perhaps this would be something for the Skratti? Give me your offspring, midgets!
  • Starting equipment. Unlikely to make much of a difference though.
  • The much-maligned autosummon imps would actually be useful on human pretenders since they offer some protection from assassinations. Perhaps a master of the dark arts who sold his soul for Lifelong Protection and now needs to achieve godhood before Sheogorath comes to take him away. Or a mad scientist type who gets corpse men (not moddable, I know).
  • The Frost Father is a lot less sexy than, say, the Abysian Great Warlock or the Great Sage. He gets cold resist and the chill aura, but I don't think those are much good on a pretender who will hopefully never be in close combat. How about turning him into a "Great Conquistador" with the "can sail over oceans" ability? And maybe a pillage bonus for flavor.
  • I don't know if this is a valid comparison, but Pythium's Divine Emperor is a lot less interesting than e.g. the Serpent King of C'tis or the Arch Seraph of Caelum. Perhaps give him awe? Or even higher starting dominion?
It's kind of hard to come up with suitable ideas since pretender modding is still somewhat limited..
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