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Old February 14th, 2011, 04:06 AM
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Default Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left

You break my heart poor Pythium. You're such a poor poor victim.

Or wait a sec. Weren't you the one who declared war on me?- Weren't you the one who refused my repeated offers of peace?

So you would sacrifice your self in service of your rabid masters and make a victim of your self at his bidding.

And said provinces I have are all from raids into your lands and the lands of Jotun. raids that are proving ever so costly as your mind hunt squads kill any non astral raider that dares show it's face. So far your military and economic power is nearly intact as I've failed to inflict real damage on you since you're deploying your armies wisely. You have this and you have your globals and despite all that Jotun can't be stopped. His pressure on Caelum is unrelenting (and I'm truly concerned for Caelum survival) and all who attack him suffers heavy losses.

There are plenty of lands to take from you and Jotun. Let all who wish to come and take a piece. Ermor has no desire for more lands, we only wish for peace.
That said, once the war has begun we are committed to our allies so this war will only end when one side is utterly defeated.
Then, if Ermor happens to have lots of provinces I will be happy to give some to my allies, esp. the ones that took the heaviest losses in our just war.
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