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Old May 29th, 2015, 07:55 PM
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shahadi shahadi is offline
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Location: I ain't in Kansas anymore, just north of where Dorothy clicked her heels is where you'll find me.
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shahadi is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Re: 40 years ago today we finally left .

Originally Posted by mkr8683 View Post
My Dad, a three-tour Army infantry veteran of Vietnam and Texas National Guard artillery veteran of Afghanistan, had the exact same reaction when I told him I joined. Except he had that "I'll kick your ***" look when he asked if I had joined the Guard, and I replied no, regular army. His next question was "WHY INFANTRY?!?"

..."On this location, French and Vietnamese soldiers died for their countries." Here's to all Vietnam veterans, on both sides, and all countries.Matt
That was a very tough pill to swallow. I reported as directed by my draft letter. I remember an elderly white-haired man sitting behind the information table. He had a slight tremble with his right hand as he took my letter, read it upon adjusting his glasses, returned it to me and said calmly, almost matter of fact, "Son, this board is not taking any boys until after the lottery. Go home and wait to see what number you get, it'll be by your birth date." I pulled a very high number something like in the 250's.

It was simply a matter of your zip code, your address. I had cats I balled with in HS, but they lived just six blocks or so away, and they got called before the lottery, drafted, inducted, whatever term you want to use, maybe even screwed. Your choice.

All I know for sure, is that guys went when called, and most not to be called cowards. Hell, we could not run to Canada, could not afford college, get married quickly and get a deferment. Truthfully, I only know one one cat whom I met decades later, with the guts to say, "hell no" and stand by his principles and that was Cassius Clay, or Muhammad Ali, call him what you want, your choice.

There was no sign-up bonuses, it was conscription, pure and simple. But, I must say this, we saw the War on CBS: A young Latino Marine, not more than 19 years, fell on a grenade tossed in his foxhole, we saw that captured on TV. So, there was a lot of brave dudes, a lot of stand up cats over there fighting because they were called, pure and simple.

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