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Old March 7th, 2013, 01:41 PM

sturmovik sturmovik is offline
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Default Re: US Heavy Tanks of WWII - Kitty Killers

Originally Posted by Taskforce View Post
Can anyone create icons for the M6 and the M6A2E1?

It would be interesting to use the M6 in the game since 40 were built and they were intended to be shipped to Europe.

Cheers, Taskforce
I have added both the M6 and T28 in past versions of my custom SPWW2 OOB mods and will again for v5 which is currently in production. I have been advocating for both the M6 and T28 to join the regular lineup since both vehicles were built and delivered during the SPWW2 period and both Germany and the UK already have their prototype Super Heavies (Tortoise and Maus) included.

On the other hand the T29 and T30 were ultimately delivered in 1947 so those should be included in SP:MBT. Neither was a "one off" vehicle and both saw very small production runs for testing which puts them in the same company as several other vehicles already included in the official game releases.

Re the T30 I have a US Army weapons picture book given to me from my father and dating from the early 1950's and inside it has a page for the T30 making it out to be the next big (
) thing in US Tank design. All the infobox fields were listed as "secret" except the 155mm gun.
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