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Old December 18th, 2017, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: Czechoslovak OOB37 and Slovak OOB01

I guess One mans "efforts to improve historical accuracy" is another mans "trolling through the OOB's"

You produce these huge lists and the ONLY way anyone can produce a list like that is to sit down, load a unit with MOBHack then crack open a book or books looking for differences from what we have entered vs whatever your book says ( most of which seem only available to you ) and I have found many cases where your source differs from other sources when I try to double check the change you are saying needs to be done.

Also whatever time you take to investigate it takes me just as long or longer to confirm and make sure it doen't disrupt a formation (or AI picklist !! which NOBODY but us takes into consideration with those "To be removed IMO") unless I feel it's not worth cross checking so much of the time I would like to spend doing things to advance the game is spent re-arranging data that in the vast majoity of cases I KNOW will not make an impact to the game play or to the majority of players so every year I end up investing a significant portion of the time I have available changing ( for example ) aircraft introduction dates by a month or two " helpful" suggestions on what gun Icon would be best when I KNOW the differences are Only apparent in MOBHack NOT the game and endless fussing over which photo you think would be best ( most of which I ignore but it still takes time to consider the change ).

I know for all the hundreds of hours I put in every year wading through all of this the actual impact on gameplay is minimal yet I continue to at least go through every suggestion you or anyone else makes but I toss out more and more every year. Yes, I could just ignore them..... Andy does and he's the original OOB guru..It's safe to say Andy would have been happy still playing with the OOB's we had when we release the first windows version.... I just inherited the job ( that I DO NOT enjoy ) when he moved to programmer

And yes Micheal you are right about one thing YOU made the decision to do this without encouragement from Camo Workshop so don't complain about being under appreciated.

Now.... that all said I DO think the OOBs ARE better than they were from a detailed accuracy POV than they were a decade ago but the overall effect on gameplay is minimal


If you find you are constantly reacting to your enemy's tactics instead forcing the enemy to react to yours, you are losing the battle..