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Old November 12th, 2002, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

The FBW plan might work, but on the other hand it might backfire if they try to do anything the inspectors consider "unhygenic". We have to do something though, look at some of the stuff on this list:

Item: One half empty bottle of Vaxin absynthe. You do realise that this is the stuff they make kamikaze warheads out of don't you? Minus 22000 points.

Item: A severed arm found in the dishwasher. Minus 12000 points.

Item: An extreme number of customers' battlemoons parked in orbit above the Cantina causing unwanted gravitational effects for the entire system. Minus 200000 points.

Just to remind you of the Galactic Health and safety points scale:

80 to 100 points: Exemplary H&S procedures.
50 to 79 points: Good H&S procedures. Cleanliness and safety not considered an issue. Some room for improvement.
30 to 49 points: Satisfactory H&S. No work needed to comply with legal requirements, although many improvements could be made.
1 to 29 points: Borderline H&S, improvements reccomended. Enforcement at disscretion of visiting H&S official.
-30 to 0 points: Bad H&S. Immediate minor improvements required. Establishment may stay open while improvements are made.
-60 to -31 points: Major, immediate work required. Establishment to be closed while improvements are made.
-100 to -61 points: Grave H&S violations. Closure of premises required while work is carried out, business owner must then re-apply for H&S permits.
-200 to -101 points: Deliberate flouting of H&S procedures. Owner may be liable for criminal prosection.
-400 to -201 points: Establishment poses serious threat to surrounding community. Recommend immediate demolition and purging of entire area.
-800 to -401: This score only awarded to disease ridden, radioactive swamps which are home to maurauding rabid killer mutant sludge beasts.

Notice that the score doesn't go below -1000, because no-one has ever scored that low. Our score is currently at around -400000 and dropping rapidly...

[ November 12, 2002, 17:18: Message edited by: dogscoff ]