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Old August 1st, 2007, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: Noob question about AI and diplomacy

Zylithan said:
In a game with multiple AI opponents, or with some players and some AIs...

1. Does the AI atack me more if I attack it first?

There's no official peace or truce agreements, right, but I feel like understood truces could exist. So, if I'm playing vs 2 AIs, should I get cheap victories from both, or just one, because taking an easy province from the second would launch me into a bigger war.

I've played lots of games consisting of AI and human opponents. The AI will rarely attack more than one human player, it's fixed personality seems to focus on finishing it's main target and then move to a new target. This might be different when setting the AI personality to aggressive.

Zylithan said:

2. Does the AI target players based on score? In MP I imagine people team up on the "winner".. does the AI do this? If so, what scales are most important? Does it know who is winning even if I turn scores off (players wouldn't, but sometimes AIs have special knowledge).

Thanks in advance!
From my experience the AI usually attacks the weakest province with the juicest magic sites. If at war with one human opponent the AI will not start wars with another human player unless it's been attacked. If it catches a human scout sneaking in it's territory this will be considered an attack.
Unfortunately the AI does not team up against the strongest player in the game... which results in watching the dying AI opponents throw daggers and kick each other as the strongest player swallows them. This is why I setup AI's on teams OR will have all AIs on the same team. The AI never knows who is winning.
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