Thread: priests spells?
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 09:02 PM

johan osterman johan osterman is offline
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Default Re: priests spells?

Originally posted by Daynarr:
Hold on, you could summon elementals WITHOUT gems in Dominions I??!!

No wonder I saw tips on some sites telling how fight air elementals.

Now all those Posts I was reading make more sense.
Yeah, the lesser elementals didnt cost anything and the greater just 1 gem. It used to be popular strategy for caelum to field multiple mages that would cast summon air elemental under the cover of storm, grounding most other fliers and rendering almost all misiile fires ineffective. If you had a dozen or so High seraphs you could churn out massive amounts of air elementals in battles, combined with the storm spell to protect the mages you had a very mobile and very effective strike force that was very hard to counter. Played well you could handle most battles without suffering any losses. Of course there were some counters and enemies that would require a greater concentration of forces or a modification of the tactics, but the basic strategy was both very powerful and cost effective.

Another previously popular tactic whose power is somewhat reduced is the so called supercombatants, powerfull commanders equipped with shields or spells that would cause an attack on anybody that struck them, such as the charcoal shield or the spells astral shield or fireshield. A powerful commander equipped with the right items could reap hundreds of kills in a single battle, they still can but due to changes in the strikeback spells it should be a bit riskier to the supercombatant to just wade into hordes of enemies.
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