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Old September 18th, 2004, 04:39 AM

Lex Lex is offline
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Default Re: Players

well.. false horror is the best use of a Seraph. but you should know that Caelum's false horrors where pretty useless against Machaka's Black Hunters, and anything with really high moral will have no trouble against a group of FH.

one or two SCs with flying would also put a stop to Caelum's seraphs. so would any decent group of flying units in general. (as long as there's no storm.. and so far Caelum's been raiding nonstop without any Staff of Storms, making them very very vulnerable to flying units. luckily no one has summoned any)

false horror isn't unbalanced, it just requires deliberate effort to counter (which is why its so effective, since its such a pain to commit resources to counter a particular tactic early in the game), but i would have imagined that in a team game, someone would have focused entirely on countering Caelum, just like the others focus on defeating their nearest opponent.

In this case I'm surprised Pangaea hasn't attacked Caelum yet (since he's the closest). Obviously I'm ready and waiting, but still, you can't just ignore me!
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