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-   -   Babylon 5 Mod (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=4494)

pathfinder April 4th, 2002 05:23 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Hmmm...no weapons on start-up? Not even on a mid-level tech start-up?

and only small fission reactor/engines at mid-level start-up?

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Suicide Junkie April 4th, 2002 06:04 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I went through the component images recently and checked them all.

Which mini is missing?

pathfinder April 4th, 2002 06:30 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
The .bmp associated with the tiny engine pics in the menu used to design the fighters (designs, F3). description or label there but no picture. Tiny fission engine, pic # 697 and tiny fusion engine, pic number 703. they don't show in that menu.

Edit: Don't have time atm to get the #'s of all the pics but all the tiny engine pics for all fighter engines do not show in the design menu.

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Val April 4th, 2002 08:28 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Removed all but the generic AI and testing is going well! Races are colonizing their systems and spreading around the galaxy. Currently working on the research order for the generic races so they get better engines/weapons.

Right now I see Sat ships, Transports (all types)& Cargo Ships. A few bases as well. I am hoping that the research changes will let them start making attack ships http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif .

Also fixed a bunch of tech requirements on weapons that I had somehow set to 2 instead of 3 req techs!

Val April 4th, 2002 10:26 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
More good news (can you stand it?!?)

The AI is now building ships with the Reactors and correct engines (although none have reached a point where they are building the medium sized reactors so I'm not sure if they'll use them - or how they'll use them). Carriers, kamakazi, colony and transports are all over the place and they are now being joined by attack ships (although poorly armed - but hey I've just started). It's looking promising http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif I will post all the new Data files and an AI folder tonight or tomorrow (when I get a chance).


Suicide Junkie April 4th, 2002 11:06 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Any word on using armor?

Do you know what abilities you want added, and on which armors?

Val April 4th, 2002 11:37 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Haven't seen it yet, though Armor is a bit further down the list in what is to be researched. Two of the AI are getting close then I will let you know what happens http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

pathfinder April 5th, 2002 01:31 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Is the B5 mod still hosted at spaceports? I can't access there (need userid/password?)

BTW: Val: no problem, that beta testers are supposed to do http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Val April 5th, 2002 01:34 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
If anyone else is interested in testing along (and of course making suggestions) here are the new data and AI files. Before you install, go into the Pictures Folder and right click on the Races Folder, then choose "Find" and search for *.txt. Move them all to another folder if you want to save them, else delete them. Now do the same for the RacesNeutral folder. Then add the contents of this Zip.


Also, here are some of the newest updates (pics and other stuff):


Tomorrow I will post the mod in its entirety in one zip file on the website.

[ 05 April 2002: Message edited by: Val ]</p>

Fyron April 5th, 2002 02:04 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Is the B5 mod still hosted at spaceports? I can't access there (need userid/password?)<hr></blockquote>
The site may have been temporarily disabled if it exceeded the bandwidth limits. Val, if this is so, I think to get it reactivated, you need to go into the MIRC help chat channel for spaceports and ask them to reactivate it.

Val April 5th, 2002 02:24 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Good news, I spent a bit of time yesterday and got the main AI to build ships for all the races with engines, it was a problem with the Ship Sizes - Pathfinder set me on the right path with his comments on the Colony ship, and low and behold... it now works, even with the original 300 size ship and 150 size colony component. I do believe I will change the size of both the colony ship and module anyway, to give it more of that ponderous feel. Thanks Pathfinder! I'll upload the datafiles later today and then rename your data folder Data2 and replace with the ones I post so we can see how it does http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif .

Also, once I get the basic AI to build ships with reactors and the basic weapons, I will zip the entire thing (it iss pretty big) into one file and post for a single downloadable working mod. Then we can start detailing AIs for each of the races.

There are a few components that I do not yet have pics for, but I pointed the components to the right spot so I could just update the components - the ones I have intentionally done are:

Fighter Engines : 697, 702, 707, 712
Molecular Disruptor & Pulsar : 547, 546
Pulsar Mine: 594
Pulsar Mine : 595
Scanner Jammer : 854
Stealth Cloak : 855
Shading Field : 856

Every other weapon should have a component pic for it.

[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: Val ]</p>

Suicide Junkie April 5th, 2002 04:54 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Haven't seen it yet, though Armor is a bit further down the list in what is to be researched. Two of the AI are getting close then I will let you know what happens <hr></blockquote>I would think that at least some of the very basic armors should be taken right at the start!

Hmm. 120,000 points to get started on armor is a bit much.
I can set the starting level in "armor" to 1.
Then its only 20K points to get structural supports and Class 0 light armor.
60K gets you into the full light armors.

Medium tech start should probably start you out with basic Heavy Inert armor (none of the manufacturing/physics upgrades).
Armor tech areas.txt

PS: The B5 mod is also hosted over at my place, and though it may not always be up, and has a somewhat limited pipe, it will never run into transfer limits http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif .

[ 05 April 2002: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]</p>

pathfinder April 5th, 2002 11:46 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Coupla notes before I dive back into the beta-testing mire http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif : The Narn seem to have a problem with the little check box for AI being turned-on for new ships (block is unchecked in AI/ministers area). This is evwen when I have them start as AI only. Means they sit and research but nothing else until I check that box. Then I have to design ships (they won't). Once designed they build but unless I check that box the ships just sit in orbit.

EA don't seem to have this problem (well except the design one).

Val April 5th, 2002 11:54 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod

Have you tried to download the new AI and Data files and replace the old? All races will design and build ships - though they are not the greatest http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif Also, I kept the AI files that were flavor files (General, speech and the like) for all the races, so they maintain and EA/Narn/Centauri feel. Next step is to add the correct research and ship con files to each race.


I'll give everyone Armor 1 to start and restart a game, see what comes of it.

Suicide Junkie April 6th, 2002 12:27 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
"I'll give everyone Armor 1 to start and restart a game, see what comes of it."

The new armor tech areas file i linked to should do that for you.

Val April 6th, 2002 12:34 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Ah, did not realize you went back and editted that in.

I'll cut and paste it over the old techs.

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 01:07 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
nope I hadn't..or don't think I did. still can't access that web site. guess I'll go to SJ's site and see http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 01:23 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Hmmm, I loaded/reloaded it and now get a message with most of the "normal" weapons missing ie: "Unknown Value phased-energy weapons/energy-stream weapons/projectile weapons/...."

after getting past this and I end turn to go to next I get "Acess violation at address 005A238F in FFFFFFFF"

I'll check the AI's (EA and Narn) to see which one may have the problem (designcreation.txt?)

Update: They both still have references in the research.txt file to the "normal" weapons. I believe this is what is causing the error.

[ 05 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 02:35 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Deleting the lines dealing with all the normal weapons got rid of both error.

Note: IMHO the fighter weapon sizes need to be halved or the power cells/engines need to be smaller http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif . Same size issue as the colony ship engine/hull; so I cut the tiny weapon sizes (the ones that show up for the fighters) in half so that a light fighter can have a bit of an aresenal http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

BTW: Both the EA and Narn are doing their own designs now. Good job!

PPS: I had to load the gold planets pics folder...there was a call for a p0581 and none existing in the folder at the time. I loaded it in and voila...missing warp points appeared http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

also I experimented with setting the tiny weapons to zero so they would be available; they are but to both races (eg Narn tiny is available to EA & vice versa) bleah...how to get race-specific weapons on start without letting other races have them available too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 05:40 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Who the heck are the ShagToth? Are there any pictures of them? I have not been able to find any...

Baron Munchausen April 6th, 2002 06:45 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by pathfinder:
Who the heck are the ShagToth? Are there any pictures of them? I have not been able to find any...<hr></blockquote>

That's another name for the Soul Hunters. I forget now if it's the Minbari name for them or their own name for themselves.

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 06:47 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
ahh..thankee suh! now to either re-name the folder or rename the shipset http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

TheGunslinger April 6th, 2002 11:13 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
hey Pathfinder, i have EXACTLY the same problem that you have (many Unknown Values for Weapons at the start up)

can you please explain (exactly) how you solved that ?

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 05:38 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
What weapon series do the ShagToth (soulhunters) use? Psychic abilities yes but what weapons? I didn't find any "psychic" weapons except the shipboard telepaths. Common series maybe?

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 06:38 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod

The blighters now design but design colony ships with 2 colony modules and no reactors, and the escorts/transports with no reactors. So they just sit there.... Edit: I fixed---seems I needed to up colony module back to 200KT with minimum % for the module to 40%...well it werks! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif

On my earlier post about weapons; maybe all races start out with level 1 general tiny and general light then research their prospective race specific (if they have any) weapons. Just a suggestion so that all races start with SOMETHING! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

EDIT/UPDATE: Seems that if you add a statement reactor=true and number reactor=1 in the shipsize file they put a reactor in. Also I seriously recommend the light fission reactor be upgrded to 1500 instead of staying 500 for output (otherwise the ships just sit because they don't have ennough supplies to move).

PPPPSSSS: I guess the two issues that get me are the engine to ship size // light reactor output issue and the no weapons at start (which I fixed in my setup)... when these two issues are "fixed" I think some "serious" tweaking can be done (not that you guys haven't beat this thing into decent shape so far)
[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Tnarg April 6th, 2002 11:13 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Where might I find the sight to download this Mod.

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 11:21 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
tnarg: this mod is being tested, not quite ready for prime time.

now if ya wanna help test http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

this is suicide junkies site: http://imagemodserver.mine.nu/b5mod

no instructions, the one with instructions used up its bandwidth and currently is available.

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

pathfinder April 6th, 2002 11:28 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Weapons: Uhm...what would be a good "general" startup" technology to use? The 'General Light" series have to have physics researched...

Seeems to me there should be something (mass driver, DUC, ???) at the very start available to all...

guess I'll be quiet...starting to repeat myself.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif

Fyron April 6th, 2002 11:29 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Mass drivers are powerful weapons of mass destruction. They wouldn't be very appropriate as a basic weapon.

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: Imperator Fyron ]</p>

pathfinder April 7th, 2002 02:17 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
The AI_research.txt file (found in the picture/race folder) for the two B5 races I am beta testing for the B5 mod had references to the regular weapons for the game. These weapons did not have a corresponding note in the component.txt file in the data folder. I merely deleted the lines in the AI_research.txt file to the weapons that I got errors from.

I would back up my files before doing this!

Hope I am clear enough here.

[ 06 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

pathfinder April 7th, 2002 03:54 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Well I was thinking of mass drivers in Wing Commander style not planet-killer http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

BTW: What are main weapons of each race? So far all I can figger out is the EA Ballistic (missiles); do they have a beam or projectile-type weapon also?

EDIT: Still can't get the buggers to use reactors. They also put huge engines in escorts and then no room for anything else...DOH! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

Guess I'll have to enable tech tree visible in-game, eh?

[ 07 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Suicide Junkie April 7th, 2002 07:39 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Reactors will have to be called for via a useless ability, just like the engines. Don't ask for supply storage, or you'll just get the biggest thing around.

What you might be able to do is time your reactor/engine research to follow your ship construction, so you'll always have room for it when you get the next bigger size of reactor/engine.

pathfinder April 7th, 2002 08:20 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Trying that but the only ship design that the EA & Narn "listen" to are the colony ships and for soem reason they insist on put an external cargo pod on them.

One thing that seems to help the early game is an increase in movement in the light fission & light fusion engines. I upped them to 3 per and that seems to give enough "umph" until the medium fission engine is developed; otherwise they either run out of space or reach max number engines before getting movement 1.

What would kick them into designing attack ships? The seem to forget them for some reason.

[ 07 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

[ 07 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Suicide Junkie April 7th, 2002 08:35 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Why is there a max # of engines?
That defeats the point of QNP!

If you want to design a ship that looks like a can of people on top of a great big pile of engines, go ahead! You'll find that it costs a king's ransom in radioactives for all those engines, but if you want or need something like that (for scouting, say), then go ahead.

pathfinder April 7th, 2002 08:47 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Dunno on the max # engines, that is way some of the smaller ships are setup. I'll change that and see what happens.

Edit: doesn't seem to matter, all they do is increase or decrease the number of external cargo pods (for some reason that is the "choice" cargo unit)

[ 07 April 2002: Message edited by: pathfinder ]</p>

Suicide Junkie April 8th, 2002 02:35 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I mean the hull shouldn't be restricted as to the number of engines.
The AIs should only be told to add a reasonable number, but that is a completely different thing.

pathfinder April 8th, 2002 12:46 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Gonna take a break from this, all I do is go in circles..

Val April 8th, 2002 02:50 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Wow, very surprised to see so much activity after missing the weekend. Sorry guys!

PF - Didn't know we could add the Reactor := True bit, that is pretty cool! I had been getting them to add the reactor by requiring the generic AI to put supplies or solar generation on the ships (which only reactors and solar panels have). But, as SJ said this only gets the biggest reactor. The useless abil thing will need to be added as work on the AI progresses.

Some answers:

Web Site - Sent Spaceports an E*Mail about the site, once reactivated I am posting the mod in it's entirety as a single zip file. I will then post updates as the AI is fixed and new races are added.

Max # of Engines - the only places I put a max number of engines are on things like the Colony ship, Transports and Carriers. If you look closely on most of these ships the max number of engines IS the most engines you can put on the ship do to requirements in Colony/Cargo/FighterBay modules and in LifeSupport/Bridge/CrewQuarters. The AI was not building the ships until I changed this. It worked, so I left it as is.

External Cargo Pods v. Internal - In the show most ships seemed to use the external pods, so I stuck with that theame. You can change it around if you like.

Slow Move Early in the Game - The only reason everything is so slow at the beggining of the game is because of the fission engines, they are meant to be slow to make the begining of the game a slow expansion, which will pick up speed as you research better technology. If you want to make the game speed a bit faster, go into the TechArea.txt file and find "Fusion Utilization", change "Start Level :=" from 0 to 1. Then change "Tech Level Req 1 :=" from 3 to 1. This will start all races with Fusion Engines. Now you will need to do a FIND and REPLACE in the "Default_AI_Research.txt" file and replace Fission with Fusion to allow the AI's to research the higher levels as well.

Shag'Toth - They are (as BM said) are the SoulHunters. There should be a pic in their directory. The AI that is currently in the ShagToth folder looks for the Psychic tree, but this is for a game of standard SE IV. Instead of the Physic Racial ability they should be given "ShagToth Race" (Use caps as shown). This will give them access to their special racial techs (those that have been added as of yet.

AI - Weapon not "whatever" not found. This is because you still have AI in whichever race directory. Go into C:\Program Files\Shrapnel Games\Malfador Machinations\Space Empires IV\B5Mod(or whatever folder you put it in)\Pictures\Races\
Then go into each race folder and make sure the only "Race_AI_" files are the Anger, Fleets, General, Settings and Speech files. Then make sure you have the AI files I posted (further down this list) in an AI folder at the root of the B5Mod.

Individual races using their own weapons - Working on this now, I just wanted to focus on the generic AI first so it would be easier to convert at the end. I'll upload some specific racial AIs some time this week. If you want to do it yourselves, there are three main things you have to do:
1) Go to the Race_AI_General.txt file and change the "Race Opt # Num Advanced Traits :=" to one higher for each of the 3 (Race Opt 1, Opt 2, Opt 3). Then add a new Adv Trait line under each with the name of the race and the word race. So for the NarnRegime you would Up "Race Opt 1 Num Advanced Traits :=" from 2 to 3. Then go down 3 lines and add "Race Opt 1 Adv Trait 3 := Narn Race" then go down to "Race Opt 2 Num Advanced Traits :=" and raise it from 3 to 4. Go down 4 lines and add "Race Opt 2 Adv Trait 4 := Narn Race" then go down to "Race Opt 3 Num Advanced Traits :=" and raise it from 5 to 6, then go down 6 lines and add "Race Opt 3 Adv Trait 6 := Narn Race".

2)Now copy the "Default_AI_Research" file from the AI folder to the specific race folder and then do a find and replace for "General". So, far the NarnRegime, we would copy "Default_AI_Research" into the NarnRegime Race folder and rename it "Narn_AI_Research" then we would open it and do a FIND for General. Then replace the word general with the word "Narn", repeat this throughout the file. Now the AI will reserach Narn weapons. I would actually recommend copying the lines where they reserach the general weapons and pasting them right underneath and just change that to the "Narn" weapons, this way the race researches both types of weapons.

3) Now the hard part: Copy "Default_AI_DesignCreation" to the individual racial AI folder and edit the weapon types. Narn again - Copy file to the Narn folder and rename to "Narn_AI_DesignCreation". Go down to the various ships to the lines that say "Majority Weapon family Pick # :=" and change the numbers to Narn weapon numbers - this will require you to check the Components file and find out what Weapon Family each weapon belongs to. This can take a LOT of time.

No Weapons at start - This should not be the case if you are using the new Data and AI files. You should start with a few basic weapons.

Reactor Output - yeah, have to raise that!

Colony Mod issue - haven't seen the AI drop in 2 colony modueles, the colony ships were my first priority when I started to redo the AI, and if you are using the AI I posted (not the AI designs that came

Mass Drivers - These are pretty easy weapons to make and are pretty simply technology (occording to B5 tech material). The down side is they are Banned in most major treaties, so in a game between humans on a PBW it would be an atrocity, would love to have some major ANGER reaction in the game to when this weapon is used.

(Edit - Spelling)

[ 08 April 2002: Message edited by: Val ]</p>

pathfinder April 9th, 2002 12:11 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
" Didn't know we could add the Reactor := True bit, that is pretty cool! ... "

Not sure it is working But I did add a requirement of reactor=true and requirement reactor minimum=1 ...transports, sat layers (escorts) still did't equip the reactors though.

"Web Site - Sent Spaceports an E*Mail about the site, once reactivated I am posting the mod in it's entirety as a single zip file. I will then post updates as the AI is fixed and new races are added." Kewl, looking forward to some good stuff, not my "hacking" with a dull axe http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

"Max # of Engines - the only places I put a max number of engines are on things like the Colony ship, Transports and Carriers. If you look closely on most of these ships the max number of engines IS the most engines you can put on the ship do to requirements in Colony / Cargo / ighterBay modules and in LifeSupport/ Bridge/ CrewQuarters. The AI was not building the ships until I changed this. It worked, so I left it as is."

Did not matter in my setup (wonder if I botched something?!)

"External Cargo Pods v. Internal - In the show most ships seemed to use the external pods, so I stuck with that theame. You can change it around if you like."

Naw, s'ok. I haven't watched much B5, so it ok. Big problem I have is how much cargo they hold. This ends up with a single pod on a colony ship allowing the colony ship to something like 200+ million. Ya know fast a homeworld depletes with the AI colonizing like mad? hehe....too darn fast IMHO anyways http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

Slow Move Early in the Game - The only reason everything is so slow at the beggining of the game is because of the fission engines, they are meant to be slow to make the begining of the game a slow expansion, which will pick up speed as you research better technology. If you want to make the game speed a bit faster, go into the TechArea.txt file and find "Fusion Utilization", change "Start Level :=" from 0 to 1. Then change "Tech Level Req 1 :=" from 3 to 1. This will start all races with Fusion Engines. Now you will need to do a FIND and REPLACE in the "Default_AI_Research.txt" file and replace Fission with Fusion to allow the AI's to research the higher levels as well.

Naw, fission at start is fine, what I was concerned about was AI filling up with engines and no reactors, just get to 1 space/sector movement per turn. I upped the movement for each small fission and small fusion to 3...which maybe too much. I agree slow in beginnning is more "realistic". This is sorta similar to the colony ship/engine size thingy I pointed out earlier.

"Shag'Toth - They are (as BM said) are the SoulHunters. There should be a pic in their directory. The AI that is currently in the ShagToth folder looks for the Psychic tree, but this is for a game of standard SE IV. Instead of the Physic Racial ability they should be given "ShagToth Race" (Use caps as shown). This will give them access to their special racial techs (those that have been added as of yet."

Yeah....mehtinks I'll work on this one. Nice challenge http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

"AI - Weapon not "whatever" not found. This is because you still have AI in whichever race directory. Go into C:\Program Files\Shrapnel Games\Malfador Machinations\Space Empires IV\B5Mod(or whatever folder you put it in)\Pictures\Races\
Then go into each race folder and make sure the only "Race_AI_" files are the Anger, Fleets, General, Settings and Speech files. Then make sure you have the AI files I posted (further down this list) in an AI folder at the root of the B5Mod."


"Individual races using their own weapons - Working on this now, I just wanted to focus on the generic AI first so it would be easier to convert at the end. I'll upload some specific racial AIs some time this week. If you want to do it yourselves, there are three main things you have to do:
1) Go to the Race_AI_General.txt file and change the "Race Opt # Num Advanced Traits :=" to one higher for each of the 3 (Race Opt 1, Opt 2, Opt 3). Then add a new Adv Trait line under each with the name of the race and the word race. So for the NarnRegime you would Up "Race Opt 1 Num Advanced Traits :=" from 2 to 3. Then go down 3 lines and add "Race Opt 1 Adv Trait 3 := Narn Race" then go down to "Race Opt 2 Num Advanced Traits :=" and raise it from 3 to 4. Go down 4 lines and add "Race Opt 2 Adv Trait 4 := Narn Race" then go down to "Race Opt 3 Num Advanced Traits :=" and raise it from 5 to 6, then go down 6 lines and add "Race Opt 3 Adv Trait 6 := Narn Race"."


2)Now copy the "Default_AI_Research" file from the AI folder to the specific race folder and then do a find and replace for "General". So, far the NarnRegime, we would copy "Default_AI_Research" into the NarnRegime Race folder and rename it "Narn_AI_Research" then we would open it and do a FIND for General. Then replace the word general with the word "Narn", repeat this throughout the file. Now the AI will reserach Narn weapons. I would actually recommend copying the lines where they reserach the general weapons and pasting them right underneath and just change that to the "Narn" weapons, this way the race researches both types of weapons."


"3) Now the hard part: Copy "Default_AI_DesignCreation" to the individual racial AI folder and edit the weapon types. Narn again - Copy file to the Narn folder and rename to "Narn_AI_DesignCreation". Go down to the various ships to the lines that say "Majority Weapon family Pick # :=" and change the numbers to Narn weapon numbers - this will require you to check the Components file and find out what Weapon Family each weapon belongs to. This can take a LOT of time."

*Eyes glaze over, mumble to self* I see.....oh, mah achin' haid!

"No Weapons at start - This should not be the case if you are using the new Data and AI files. You should start with a few basic weapons."

Yeah,, methinks I may be using some older Version....DOH!

Val April 9th, 2002 02:17 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Reactors := True
Haven't had time to test either, but would be nice if it does work. Opens possibilities to title the engines as "Light Engine", "Medium Engine", etc.

Web Site :
Hoping to get this done by tomorrow.

Max # Engines:
If you botched something and it works, all the better! Make sure to save those Data & Vehicle files to compare.

External Cargo Pod Space:
Population is meant to take up more cargo space and was changed early on. Apparently we lost that at some point when making a revision. Will add it back in.

Slow Ships:
In most of the test games I have played, the AI is making progress - though at a slower pace than a human. Reactors have been appearing on ships, but not quite as many as I would like. Maybe I will give all Engines some extra storage space to help balance that out. Though only the reactors can 'regenerate' the supplies (or a layover at a supply base).

One minor issue you'll have with the Shag'Toth is that all their special EM weapons haven't been added yet (same with the Vorlons). I had stopped short of finishing all the weapons when reports of the AI not working surfaced, now that the AI is on track I will get the Last two weapon areas completed (ElectroMagnetic and Gravitic).

Individual Racial AIs:
If y'all can wait till the weekend, I'll put together some basic racial AIs. They will change as I improve the base AI, but they will at least use their individual racial techs.

Data/AI Files:
Go to your B5Mod directory and rename the Data folder to DataOld, do the same with the AI directory. Then go back a few pages in this thread and download the most recent Data/AI zip and install in your directory. You should notice a few differences. Also, you need to make sure that the AI in the Pictures/Races/"whatever Race" and the Pictures/RaceNeutral/"whatever Race" folders only include the following 5 AI files, otherwise it will not work: "Race_AI_Anger, Race_AI_Fleets, Race_AI_General, Race_AI_Settings, Race_AI_Speech" (though it is ok if they do NOT have all these files - they will then use the defaults).

Rambie April 9th, 2002 09:15 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I know I haven't been as active in this MOD as others, but if you'd my site can be a mirror for the MOD.



Rambie April 9th, 2002 09:15 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I know I haven't been as active in this MOD as others, but if you'd my site can be a mirror for the MOD.


[ 09 April 2002: Message edited by: Rambie ]</p>

Val April 10th, 2002 06:32 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Another mirror certainly could not hurt http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

Also, though I have had success with the AI in the past week, I am still having issues with the different sized engines, though I can force the AI to choose engines of my liking, it is a HUGE pain in the butt and would require me to make vehicle designs for each size group. Instead I am reworking the engines al together. Sizes will remain in a range of 5-10 kt, but the amount of output will differ (as will supply drain). Trying to figure this out and will then post the results.

Suicide Junkie April 10th, 2002 07:12 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Are you making the AIs use a fixed number of engines?
If so, why is the "x engines per KT size of the ship" not working for you?

Val April 10th, 2002 07:44 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I was trying to make the AI use a fixed number of engines, but what would always happen is they would reach the next 'plataeu' of engine (eg: from light to medium) it would put too many of the large engines on the ship, making it unviable in combat. If I lower the # of engines then the ships are too slow until the larger engines appear. Unless I am doing something wrong... I can post the AI later if you would like a peek at it.

Suicide Junkie April 10th, 2002 09:01 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
If there isn't a huge efficiency difference between the engines, why not just stick with light drives?
The AI could then concentrate on other research areas.

Later on, when you get large ships and large drives, you can design the ships with X heavy and Y light engines per KT.

pathfinder April 11th, 2002 01:41 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
*groan* I knew that the B5 component.txt file was big but jeezzzzzzz.......

My eyes have been a problem when looking at how this thing is setup so I thought I would print a copy so I could look at the designcreation.txt and research.txt for each B5 race....

almost 1700 pages later.....

almost got a hernia carrying the box to the car too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the tool box! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif

Andy Watkins April 11th, 2002 03:07 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Hi all,

I'm a big B5 fan, been playing SEIV a couple of weeks now and getting the hang of it.

2 questions.

Is there anywhere I can just download a set of graphics from B5 for SEIV. Say Narn or Shadows etc.

2ndly is there an actual B5 mod that goes further than this? I presume so hence this thread.

Unless it's really easy I would be happy with just the pictures!



Suicide Junkie April 11th, 2002 03:12 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
B5 Mod Homepage

Val: Your homepage link goes to a 404 on spaceports. You might want to update it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

pathfinder April 12th, 2002 05:01 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Andy: Some of the B5 races are available in the racestyles area, some are available at the site SJ gave (careful..if ya D/L the mod stuff it is incompatible with Gold atm).

Question #2: The B5 MOD is being developed and tested, not ready for prime time yet..

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