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DRG February 8th, 2024 04:12 PM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
I'll take a look at this.

There are issues I can see but when doing things that were more or less "adaptations" sometimes " reality" and "game reality" cannot be equal.

That said, in the game the mounts units are all set up the same for speed , carrycapacity and men but the set up for the riders is all over the place for the dozen nations that use dismounted cav so both have to be looked at and any solution will never make everyone happy

Suhiir February 8th, 2024 06:55 PM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles

Originally Posted by Christocipher (Post 856030)
I forgot to say the other funny thing is that for the German unbritten cavalry with 4 in charge of the transport horses and 8 men dismounted Is that the 4 men must be in charge of 3 horses each. I find that they are really good at fighting even with the 2 extra horses they can still gallop at full speed, lay smoke and stuff just as good as when there is one man per horse. Having a choose of a stationary when dismounted cavalry group is more like they are just standing around holding the horses instead of fighting and if you tied them up to a tree or hobbled them then all 12 men can fight in the one dismounted squad. Hope this makes sense.

That would require multiple new Units (you'd need two units of both dismounts and mounts, one for each type) and Formations (you'd need two formations, one for each type) AND would be a significant "issue" with regard to Unit Classes (currently there is NO WAY to designate one dismount and mount combination to be used in one formation and a totally separate combination to be used in the other).

It CAN be done.
But it's such a niche instance it's not worthwhile to try to implement it game wide.
This sort of thing is EXACTLY why the editors are included with the game. Make these custom units/formations, use to your hearts content!

DRG February 9th, 2024 08:06 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles

Originally Posted by Suhiir (Post 856033)
It CAN be done.
But it's such a niche instance it's not worthwhile to try to implement it game wide.
This sort of thing is EXACTLY why the editors are included with the game. Make these custom units/formations, use to your hearts content!


The game cannot be everything to everybody

Four "crew" was thought to be a reasonable kludge to the problem of what to do with the horses when the troops that rode them are off playing silly bugger. Four men was thought to be able to control 10 horses but we gave the mount units weapons so that mounted the combined unit could fight on horseback and dismounted but when dismounted that leads to the possibility of the four handler "crew" being able to fight mounted even when the dismounts are off doing the same thing someplace else

The game can only simulate reality generally and some situations require " creativity ". In reality if you have 2 units with 10 men per unit and you have 1 truck that can carry 16 total and a jeep like vehicle that can carry 4 you could get everyone on transport but not in the game because you cannot split units ( and never will ) You have to have a vehicle that can carry 20 or two units that can carry 10 ( which presents it's own unique warp of reality as you have 10 horses with 10 riders and 4 "crew".....14 men/ 10 horses)

Every mobile unit needs at least 1 crew so if we give the mounts 1 crew someone will point out that now one man is Roman riding 10 hourses while firing rifles and throwing hand grenades...( a very amusing mental image.......). so all the mounts in all oobs are the same. 4 crew, speed 12 and the capacity to carry UP TO 10 riders

That compromise allowed every nation that used dismounted cav to work even though the number of riders ranged from 6 to 10 and it allowed players to use units that could be ridden into battle then the fighting troops dismounted. We could have just as easily NOT put dismounted cav in the game because of those inconsistancies...... ( they did not exist in the original.....only mounted cav)......but we did anyway

SOMETIMES game reality needs to be bent a bit to accomodate special cases especially cases few players use......... like ONE TIME in 26 years someone has made an issue of this particular inconsistency

Christocipher February 12th, 2024 07:20 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
I found another funnyness about the cavalry and cavalry mounts. Cavalry mounts can go into impassible but cavalry can't I am guessing they should both be the same. I like that they can go in the impassable slope because horses can go nearly anyhere that soldiers can.

DRG February 12th, 2024 05:57 PM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
Can you guess why in the over quarter century we have been doing this that you are the only one to have ever mentioned this ??

Christocipher February 13th, 2024 06:37 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
My guess is that no one else likes to play cavalry

Christocipher February 13th, 2024 06:38 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
But i like to

DRG February 13th, 2024 11:34 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles

Originally Posted by Christocipher (Post 856056)
But i like to

This is what we figured out

There are 7 cav type classes in the game and not all are set up exactly the same. We MIGHT ( maybe) go wading through the code to find all the little differences but I would not hold your breath as it is a niche issue inside a niche issue that very, VERY few players bother with and if they do they accept or simply overlook the slight differences.

Like life, nothing is exactly as it seems or "should" be......so it is with this game

Both Andy and I have been doing this for over a quarter century. Our "enthusiasm" for dealing with niche issues is not what it once was. Do your own tests and you will find what some "cav" Unitclass can and cannot do then use the ones that do what you want them to do

Christocipher February 14th, 2024 06:36 AM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
Oh thats ok im not expecting you to fix that impassable slope thing. I just noticed it and I know it is a very complicated game and I thought that little extra piece of information might make a difference to something else you might be looking at. I realize on its own it is neither here or there.

DRG February 14th, 2024 02:23 PM

Re: Horsies and motorcycles
There are dozens of places in code where 2 or 3 of the cav type units deviate from how the other 3 or 4 other cav type units and to get them all so they work the same way ----where we would want them to work the same way----- will take time when we get it to spare but it's very much a backburner issue and not a priority as it is a niche issue for very few players

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