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RightDeve November 4th, 2011 11:03 AM

Suggestion 2: Ammo trucks should be less easier to spot & target.

Well, I always think that ammo trucks aren't normally deployed on the front line (which is the scope of SP). They're logistical (rear lines) support units. SP's deliberate use of ammo trucks are limited to special cases e.g convoy or encirclement, or, in case of PBEM is when you've agreed to use ammo trucks at all in the game. If you want to deploy ammo units on the battlefield, use canisters, or small, tracked, armored ammo carriers instead of the obviously bulging ammo trucks.

Suggestion 3: Trucks should have 1 driver.

There is no real restriction to this number. Actually why there are two seats on the front cabin? Trucks (or any other vehicles) would be put to its maximum use if it's manned by enough crews, 1 is better than 2 right? Especially when it is going for a battle instead of just lorrying goods across a highway.
In game terms, the extra person means that the vehicle can take extra damage to the "brain", thus extending the survivability of that truck.

Cheers, RightDeve!

-Luc- November 4th, 2011 12:31 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports

I'm not talking about front line; I know they dont have to be there :)

But, usually, they are part of artillery formations alongside canons and other trucks.

On large maps, during large scale battles, it make sense to have them. The problem is that is so distinctive, they can influence the choice of opponents when they are discovered. They should be more ''anonymous''. These trucks are strategic elements...

About trucks, yes, the cabin is for more than 1 person, but usually, the commander and another member of the section take place there. The problem is that most of the time, full or empty, trucks explode killing all the crew. That's another things, trucks are rarely dammaged...

Thank you,


RightDeve November 4th, 2011 01:09 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
The whole of the map in SP is the front line. Rear line is where the logistical things are done by the logistic officers, where the ammo is distributed before the battle started. It is here that those ammo trucks unload themselves, where they reach the end of the supply line before going back to refill in the supply depot.
So, that is not the normal thing to have in SP, because the scope just doesn't allow that.
Even in large maps where you have artys parked with their ammo, it is still considered a special case, where the front line is near enough to the batteries.
That's why ammo trucks are treated the way they are in real life; they're not meant to be participating in an active battle. That's why they don't have complete camouflage or armor etc for a battle. If you want an ammo unit for an active battle, use ammo canisters or armored ammo carrier instead of trucks.
Anyway, ammo trucks are just trucks filled with ammunition.


or maybe what you meant was that the ammo truck should not be listed as such in the Unit Info Screen lest the enemy opens it up? That way, the enemy will just see them as normal trucks and won't be as hungry for them than if they're ammo trucks?
If that's the case, well, it's a matter of changing the game code. I believe that'll be a nice change, but somehow difficult to implement for the developers, maybe...

Mobhack November 4th, 2011 01:53 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
It is totally impossible given the SP system.

SP tells you what something is as soon as it is in LOS and visible. Even a hidden unit is reported as "tiger" and type of gun etc. when it fires. If a unit is hit and KO you know it is dead - no need to keep shooting till it explodes or changes shape just "to be sure".

Apart from hidden/not hidden - target info is 100% and correct. Like in chess.


RightDeve November 4th, 2011 02:36 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports

Originally Posted by Mobhack (Post 787813)
It is totally impossible given the SP system.

SP tells you what something is as soon as it is in LOS and visible. Even a hidden unit is reported as "tiger" and type of gun etc. when it fires. If a unit is hit and KO you know it is dead - no need to keep shooting till it explodes or changes shape just "to be sure".

Apart from hidden/not hidden - target info is 100% and correct. Like in chess.


Well, at least we know now that we just need to live with it, hahaha! :happy:
But it's not that wholly unrealistic anyway, we can cope with it with our mind set up... (or, to agree not to peek at other's Unit Info Screen in PBeM) :)

gila November 4th, 2011 06:08 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
Why use those ammo units anyway?

The AI can't so unless you are planning wasting rounds on a huge constant bombardment on blank areas, against the AI it makes little sense,as ammo units can be more determental than beneficial, as the AI will CB fire.

I rarely see a ammo truck in PBEM ,until it explodes usually when they are in the reloading process,:D

With good effective Atry management,there is no need for ammo units imo.

RightDeve November 4th, 2011 06:36 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
Good points gila, that's why ammo units aren't NORMALLY front line units; only used in special cases.

Cheers, RightDeve :)

Skirmisher November 4th, 2011 07:33 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
It totally depends on what arty units you are using,and how long the game is.

If I'm using something with some small token ammo amount,I always use ammo providers,though not usually the standard ammo truck.

Suhiir November 4th, 2011 08:35 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports
I find ammo vehicles near essential as the sheer number of units (when playing vs the AI) makes ammo resupply vital.

But then I generally play "low intensity" conflicts where the AI tends to have hordes of infantry the Chinese would be proud of.

-Luc- November 5th, 2011 12:46 PM

Re: Comments, suggestions and problem reports


Originally Posted by Suhiir (Post 787840)
I find ammo vehicles near essential as the sheer number of units (when playing vs the AI) makes ammo resupply vital.

But then I generally play "low intensity" conflicts where the AI tends to have hordes of infantry the Chinese would be proud of.

I agree with you...

My point of view is different maybe because I play long battle (90 turns) with my friends.

I use often MLRS too, thats another reason why I think ammo trucks are so important.

Thank you,


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