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-   -   Mod: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.87 released (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40388)

Endoperez September 15th, 2008 01:39 AM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 638372)
Still working on this Endo? I'd like to test out the revisions.

Waiting for inspiration, i.e. more talk on the mod thread. ;)


Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 638383)
Honestly, when I finally get a computer (and I am getting closer), this will be the first mod, other than my own for balancing reasons, that I'll try. It's also inspired me to actually read the Kalevala-something that never really entered into the crosshairs of my perception, before this came out-so you're doing a fantastic job.

This is quite a compliment. Thanks!

I think I'll update the unit numbers for the next version. I'll increase all of them by 1000, so that there won't be any complications with old mods (there was that one strange report of a hunter-commander having lots of magic). I'll also do an updated version with old unit-nrs, so that you can continue existing games.

I don't have any new content to add, but I'll do some fine-tuning. The cost-changes mentioned before, proper flag, proper descriptions for the nation and heroes, perhaps some new graphics. If my sprite-making skills have mysteriously improved, Väinämöinen will remind you about Gallen-Kallela's painting about the defence of the Sampo.

HoneyBadger September 15th, 2008 01:51 AM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
Good luck on the inspirational talk...comments come kind of slow for most mod nations, and helpful ones even slower :) I'm thinking about offering free beer and a buffet over at my threads.

okiN September 16th, 2008 05:45 PM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
Hmmm... I downloaded the mod, but trying to run a game as Kaleva crashes Dominions 3. What gives? :(

Edi September 16th, 2008 05:52 PM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released

Originally Posted by okiN (Post 638758)
Hmmm... I downloaded the mod, but trying to run a game as Kaleva crashes Dominions 3. What gives? :(

You need to tell us what kind of error it gives you. Can't do anything without knowing that.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
I hear you Honey, luckily I have the great and revered Rdonj supporting my thread with loads of balance feedback (which is what I want most)

all hail Rdonj

HoneyBadger September 16th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
I can't get much feedback on mind-I don't know why? Maybe because they're not quite playable yet. I guess that's reasonable, although I'd rather fix problems and tweak things as much as possible *before* I'm done, than after, because it allows me to shift the whole style of the mod, if necessary, to make things fit more smoothly into the theme, rather than trying to patch and shoehorn after it's done.

Oh well.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 10:15 PM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
Being playable is a definite plus for feedback. It's hard to really get a good feel for a nation without being able to play it, it's much more enjoyable driving your enemies before you than trying to figure out which set of numbers is better than the other. Fixing and tweaking things before they're done is a good approach, but it doesn't leave a lot of room for feedback.

I think the best way to get feedback is to have a good description of the mod, a sprite gallery and detailed updates. And a playable mod, of course. Works for me anyway.

Also, I am not that great :P I am not even entirely sure my feedback is good because I am still a noob. Especially with magic.

HoneyBadger September 17th, 2008 12:34 AM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released
Well, like I said, I do understand it, and I don't honestly expect more feedback than I've gotten-that's hard to get with complete mods-I'm just saying that it's less than I wish it was.

okiN September 17th, 2008 01:57 AM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 638760)
You need to tell us what kind of error it gives you. Can't do anything without knowing that.

I would if I could, but there's no error message. The window just disappears, followed by the standard crash reporting thing.

Endoperez September 17th, 2008 02:59 AM

Re: Kaleva, Songs of Sorcery - 0.85 released

Originally Posted by okiN (Post 638819)
I would if I could, but there's no error message. The window just disappears, followed by the standard crash reporting thing.

That'd be the Windows "this program has crashed, do you want to send Microsoft information that might..." crash report, right?

I can't do anything without more information. Have you tried generating the debug log? Run Dominions from a shortcut, and add -dd after c:\path\dom3.exe. If there are spaces in the path, you should add quotes, like this:

"c:\path\dominions 3\dom3.exe" -dd

IIRC, that's how the quotes should be. I can't check it out right now.
EDIT: Oh, and the debug will generate a log.txt file with lots of information. If you don't find anything relevant there, feel free to attach it here, or perhaps to a bug thread.

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