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DRG November 23rd, 2022 02:29 PM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
I'm sure they have a plan so cunning "you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel"

Suhiir December 8th, 2022 09:16 PM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
I'm in the process of updating the USMC OOB for 2023 and while creating formations I found myself thinking about an order given to the North Koreans/Chinese during the Korean War (1950-1953).

"Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone."

Why yellowlegs?

With weapons disbursed down to the Company level (as was common) a full-strength USMC Rifle Company had the following:

170ish: M1 Garand/M1 Carbine/M1 Thompson SMG
9: BAR
6: 30cal MMG
2: 30cal HMG
2: 50cal HMG
2: Bazooka
1: 75mm Recoilless
3: 60mm Mortar
4: 81mm Mortar (available from Battalion)
2: 4.2in Mortar (available from Battalion)
6: 105mm Howitzer (available from a Battery dedicated to Battalion)

I wouldn't want to attack this either! That's a lot of machineguns and indirect fire support for a "mere" company.

Suhiir February 28th, 2023 08:27 PM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
In the latest fit of lunacy from Washington DC (i.e. HQ USMC) they're talking about replacing 14 of it's 21 the 155mm batteries with HIMARS MRLs (leaving one (1) tube artillery battery per artillery battalion).

In the past 150 or so years there have been numerous incidents of friendly artillery being called in 100m, sometimes 50m, in front of defensive positions. This will be impossible with MRLs.

So they got rid of the tanks, no more armored close support vs fortified opposition. Now very little tube artillery, essentially no Final Protective Fires when on the defense.

To quote one article by a number of full bird colonels:
"To buy into these reforms, one must conclude that: rockets and missiles can replace cannon artillery and that direct support artillery in the close fight is no longer required. This flawed logic draws the inevitable conclusion that Marine infantry no longer serves in its traditional role: to locate, close with and destroy the enemy in combat."

It seems USMC leadership has been replaced by US Air Force leadership.
Push-button warfare not boots on the ground supported by everything else in the inventory.

DRG February 28th, 2023 10:53 PM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
Aren't you glad your retired?

Karagin March 1st, 2023 12:55 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
Speaking of the USMC, I just read that they are getting rid of the Scout Snipers.

FASTBOAT TOUGH March 1st, 2023 03:48 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
For my "MARINE BUDDY" you're NOT going to like some of these fielding dates especially on the AMPHIB side of 2028.

This is the latest and greatest. What we all have to remember is this is the CORPS PLAN 2030 and NOT our Plan 2025/2026 Campaign.

Based on the following, the next update should be around MAY/JUNE timeframe. NOTE this provides for PREVIOUS updates as well.

Covers UNIT formations etc. You get the "full package" in here.

Fear not the "Click"!

Maybe we should leave the FEP's in until DEC 2025 just to piss the CORPS off!?! :p Alright maybe not! :D

I don't want a "BEARCAT" appearing in my driveway. :shock:

Now I'm going to bed for real.


Pursuant to our PM, I forgot about this system MADIS ...
"Full Operational Capability (FOC) is planned for 2025"


zovs66 March 1st, 2023 09:04 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
Hmmm, let’s take one the most elite shock troops the US has, take away their tanks, artillery and snipers so they can be ready to fight ChinA. Sounds like defeat from within…

DRG March 1st, 2023 09:13 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
Some of this sounds as if it is < a word now unfortunately used far too much..... ) "Disinformation"

Let the "other side" think you have got rid of tanks get rid of most of the gun arty now get rid of the snipers.

If you wanted < unamed nation is Asia > to think you had lost your mind and were gutting your only fast reaction force this would be the way to do it but why that would be done makes no sense. BUT-----There is no benefit in looking weak and confused about your function

The only reason I can think of < and I'm not an "expert"> is that the accuracy of the Himars rockets HAS improved to the extent that very close support is possible and these changes are being made in anticipation of systems in the works now that are not common knowledge. Though why USMC would get rid of Scout Snipers makes NO sense at all

And yeah it sounds like the only possible principal opponent is re-organizing their principal opponent

This may all fit a positive master plan but I for one cannot see what it is unless lowering morale is the goal

zovs66 March 1st, 2023 09:32 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
I hope your right DRG, and its "just my imagination running away with me"...


DRG March 1st, 2023 09:38 AM

Re: The USMC will drive you crazy !!!
:D yep

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