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Hadin August 23rd, 2005 09:44 AM

Can\'t Start
Hello, I played the demo a while ago, worked perfectly but when my friend brought his game over to play a "quick" game (i didn't buy it yet, was planning to though) I can create my god fine, as well as the game, however when i click to play my first turn, the game just boots me back to mac os without any error messages, no matter what I try, it just does that... I tried this with version 2.02, then 2.13, then latest, still the same... It's weird because the demo worked great...

Johan K August 23rd, 2005 01:43 PM

Re: Can\'t Start
If you use Mac or Linux you have to start the game from a terminal in order to see the error message.

Hadin August 23rd, 2005 02:18 PM

Re: Can\'t Start
Hmmm, I tried opening it through the terminal by doing open (pathname to dominions) it opened and quit at same time as usual but no error messages that i could see, only another command line showed up waiting for next command... so i tried opening the program that is inside the package and it quit right away with

Games/dominions2.app/Contents/MacOS/dominions2; exit
Något gick fel!
myloadmalloc: can't open ./guiborder2.tga
Något gick fel!
myloadmalloc: can't open ./guiborder2.tga
[Process completed]

Johan K August 26th, 2005 12:21 PM

Re: Can\'t Start
You have to be in the proper directory before you start dominions.

$ cd Games
$ dominions2.app/Contents/MacOS/dominions2

should do the trick.

High_Priest_Naresh August 26th, 2005 01:32 PM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues
the game works pefect for me! I got lucky

NTJedi September 10th, 2005 01:43 PM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues
Saved game file not working... game crashes after clicking host:
ERROR: Nagot gick fel
unit -1
getmaxhp: bad unr

[b]UPDATE: Apparently the game has a 32,000 unit limit which causes this crash... Hopefully the unit limit will be increased for DOM_3 so very large maps can be played without worry.

B0rsuk October 12th, 2005 07:56 PM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues

I have two 3.5 questions. I didn't find answers in stickies/FAQ's (or perhaps I didn't search too well ?)
1. Is there any way I can run Dominions2 on machine without hardware acceleration ? I can run (demo) on my home machine, but I have reasonably good, if somewhat old, video card.
The situation has changed and I no longer have internet access on my own machine. Here, there's no opengl, and I don't have root password.
Is there any hope for me ?

It would make sense for Dominions2 to run without hardware acceleration. After all, it is used in 3 cases, If i remember correctly.... Title screen, laboratory (pretty!), and battles.But I tried to run Dom2 with opengl disabled and it spat out some kind of error message.
How about Dominions3 ? I didn't buy Dom2 mostly because of annoyances associated with purchasing online (Poland). And once I decided the games IS worth buying, Dom3 was already on the horizon.
So I'm going to buy Dominions3, but will it work on machine without hardware acceleration ?
I could play it on my own machine, which is not connected to internet, but that would basically mean no multiplayer, or terribly slugish game pace.
3. Me and my friend are interested in Dominions3. But he's not so excited about it, so we'll probably buy one copy first.
What is Dominions2's threshold when it comes to IP's/cdkey ? How many IP's can be used before copy protection kicks in ? (I presume Dom3 will use similar mechanic)

magnate October 13th, 2005 03:55 AM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues

B0rsuk said:
1. Is there any way I can run Dominions2 on machine without hardware acceleration ? I can run (demo) on my home machine, but I have reasonably good, if somewhat old, video card.
The situation has changed and I no longer have internet access on my own machine. Here, there's no opengl, and I don't have root password.
Is there any hope for me ?

Not sure - if you set all the graphics settings to lowest, I don't think it needs hardware accel, but if you're in Linux you do still need the opengl libraries (libmesa). You need them even if you run a graphicless server.

I can run Dom2 on an old 500MHz Celeron with an old 4Mb RageII video card, at the lowest detail settings.


What is Dominions2's threshold when it comes to IP's/cdkey ? How many IP's can be used before copy protection kicks in ? (I presume Dom3 will use similar mechanic)

Now this I do know. Every player has to have a unique CD key - but if you run a separate server, it can have the same key as one of the players.


Endoperez October 13th, 2005 11:52 AM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues
Try running Dominions with a command line parameter -a. This should set all animated background off. In Windows, make a shortcut and chance the 'Target' line like this: C:\YourDominionsFolder\Dominions II\Dom2.exe" -u This will remove the animation from the main screen and laboratory. In battles, you can press 'w' to chance the background into black void. If the grid isn't visible, press 'g' to have some impression of the battleground.

Dominions III will most probably just add things but use (mostly?) the same engine, so you can assume that anything that Dominions II works with, also works with the sequel.

Regarding multiplay with only one copy of the game:
When playing on the same computer, any number of human players can be present. Also, if you open the turn sent by your friend on your computer, and then finish without editing anything, those unchanged orders will be counted as if they were done on your computer. It works that way, but doesn't work that well when playing *against* your friend... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I would recommend having one of you play with the demo against other's full version, but the demo is of an old version with a nasty bug on one of the Jotunheim themes.

Zen November 21st, 2005 12:57 AM

Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues

Ydirbut wrote in another thread:
When I right click on a unit or enter a battle, Dominions 2 sometimes, but not all the time, just closes and I have to go back and do that turn over again. Has anyone else had this problem

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