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-   -   PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2 (Running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=23468)

Alneyan April 10th, 2005 10:51 AM

PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2 (Running)
The address of the site used for this game is: http://yarnspinners.improbable.org/

- Mods: Zen Pretenders, Scales and Spells mods.
- No outside judge giving awards; 5 astral pearls per yarn, more if most players find a particular yarn to be interested.
- Game ending on turn 60, unless most players would like to go on for a longer while (after turn 45).
- Beefed-up capital PD (125).
- Nation picks will be done on the "top three" (or more, though three nations should be enough) basis.

The other settings for the game:
- Map: Inland.
- Strength of independents: 7
- Magic research: Very hard
- Magic sites at 50, Hall of Fame with 15 entries, renaming is on.

People having expressed interest in joining the game:
- Quantum Mechani: Pythium
- PashaDawg: T'ien Ch'i
- Griffin: Ulm
- The Panther: Man
- Sedna: Marignon
- Djo: Vanheim
- Puffyn: C'tis
- Zen: Ermor
- Alneyan: Pangaea

quantum_mechani April 10th, 2005 01:49 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Are you planning use Zen mods? I realize balance is not a big issue, but I would be more tempted to make thematic choices if the choices were more even.

Alneyan April 10th, 2005 01:57 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Mods have not been mentioned in the thread, so I guess the answer for now will be "perhaps". I will add this question to the list.

PashaDawg April 10th, 2005 03:39 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I'd be interested in playing.

GriffinOfBuerrig April 11th, 2005 06:51 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Chopdaie, i am also in. I have been vanished in all other games :*)

So i declare to take Jotonheim(but i am fine with every nation)

@Pasha: ^^

The Panther April 11th, 2005 12:27 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I am interested in playing under these new rules also. I will lay a claim to Man for this purpose.

My comments:
1. Zen balance mods - YES!
2. Saber-Cherry mods - maybe, for I am not sure if that is fully ready yet until the test game goes further.
3. Map suggestion: Orania. I would ask for impossible (or maybe just very difficult) AIs for all nations that are not present. Also, 9-strength indies to slow down the computer players.
4. PBEM with NO quickhost. The hosting schedule should be at a fixed time every 2 days. In fact, I would extend the host time every third turn to three days to allow for the yarns. This would mean a fixed weekly host schedule, always on the same three days of every week.
5. Put 200 PD (or whatever the max is) in every capitol (but not for the AI players) to make sure a nation is not easily eliminated until later in the game when PD no longer matters. The neutral player could send additional pearls and even gold if a player is dying but still writing yarns. People do cheer for the underdogs. But death can obviously still happen even with all this and might make a darn good story for the losing side!
6. I like the idea of an unassailable neutral nation with massive astral income to send rewards for yarns. It could be like a news network, staying neutral and observing the world. Giving it the Eyes of God (with 999 gems so it won't get overwritten) and posting the full map every third turn would be really cool indeed.
7. Very difficult research. This will allow for lengthy story lines as the mages labor away forever and ever, trying to produce something worthwhile which their God has demanded. I really hate those normal research games where the high-research nations can be done before turn 50.
8. Maybe we could require all players to use a strong fort to help with the capitol defense. Perhaps give us a choice of Castle (80 pts) or Fortress (60 pts) only, both of which are quite useful and have the added bonus of making mad-castling a lot harder.

Thats all I can think of right now. This sounds amazingly fun! I can't wait to get started!!!


PashaDawg April 11th, 2005 11:13 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2

@Pasha: ^^

What does ^^ mean? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

PashaDawg April 11th, 2005 11:24 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I choose T'ien Chi (Spring & Autumn). Been grooving on them lately.

I am not particular about rules. Panther's suggestions are fine. A smaller map would be preferred. Wrapping is good.

Sedna April 12th, 2005 12:15 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Count me in. I promise to cultivate a (somewhat) less bloodthirsty/world-dominating persona.

Zen's balance mods and difficult research are fine choices, and I think Panther's proposed hosting schedule (three fixed times a week) is excellent. Put the three day stretch over the work-week for those of us who have to deal with such things. I'm okay with restricting castle choices, but I hope people would choose the thematically appropriate options anyway (I still don't expect to see many mountain forts). Orania is a neat map, but it's so large and I'm not sure how I feel about AIs as they cannot write interesting stories. My gut instinct would be to go with a smaller map and try to have only humans.

The problem is not finding humans (they're everywhere), but finding truly dedicated ones. I hope everyone who is volunteering is prepared to be in this (and write) for the whole game. The original Yarnspinners will have taken about 8 months which is quite a commitment. Speaking of which, we should give this game an end condition also. If we're discouraging slaughter of active writers then we'll need some other way to crown a winner. 60 turns with points awarded for standing in the score charts worked pretty well, but clearly requires a small map so that interesting things will happen before the end.

Alneyan April 12th, 2005 12:52 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
A couple of remarks, additions, suggestions...

- I would rather not have AIs either; however, if a few more nations are needed, I think I could play two or three minor nations, without the mighty PD or free astral pearls. That would also solve the matter of the independent nation.

- I like Panther's suggestion about the *much* improved PDC. This PD would appear after turn 2 I think, as the Gnomes of Zurich will need one turn to do some Mass Wishing (say, two hundred Visa wishes, which would give 175 gems times 200... Ought to be good enough to build up some nice PD in all capitals).

- On the topic of victory conditions, and giving a second chance: with the strengthened PD, I think nations will be safer from the wrath of their neighbours, so a victory by "killing 'em all" should work. If it appears that the game is becoming annoying because of two nations hoarding and playing the Maginot line, I guess the game could be ended then.

- On selecting nations: are you fine with picking nations on a "first come, first serve" basis, or would you rather select your nations in a random order? For example, the Mighty Dice could rule that Sedna will pick his nation first, and then it could be Pasha, and so on.

- On rewarding yarns: I would say some sort of consensus could be considered here. All yarns where some effort has been made may be worth one astral pearl, but if your fellow players enjoyed one of your yarns, it could result in one or two more pearls. Of course, if one of you knows someone willing to act the part of the Judge, please let us know.

quantum_mechani April 12th, 2005 02:18 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I am strongly against a large map, particularly with AIs. I think the yarns would be a lot more interesting if there is a writer from both sides of wars.

djo April 12th, 2005 02:52 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I am interested in playing. I've been reading the original thread since I bought dom2 a couple months ago. Can't wait to hear the end of that one...

My thoughts for YS2:

- turns: I like the 3 turns, one yarn per week fixed schedule idea; I've done some writing, and doing about 500 words/yarn/week is doable (Sedna and puffyn have been writing in that word range, but every turn!)

- mods: small mods (eg, Zen pretender, balance) ok, big mods (eg, Cherry's recruitable unit) can be overwhelming for the inexperienced

- selection: I'm ok with random order, but perhaps give Sedna and puffyn (if interested) first choice due to their performance in YS1?

- victory: I like a fixed turn length, too

Alneyan's other suggestions are all fine by me.

A question: 2.15 or 2.16?

Another question: every good sequel needs a subtitle; YS2: The Long-winded? YS2: Writer's Vengeance? YS2: Mutant Offspring? YS2: Wrath of the Wordy?

PashaDawg April 12th, 2005 11:53 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I am not especially excited about random selection of nations. I find that a polite "first come - first serve" almost always works fine. For example, I selected Tien Chi, but if someone else really, really wanted that nation, I would be happy to play another. And, of course, it would not break my heart if others preferred a more orderly selection process. We are all good sports.

puffyn April 13th, 2005 11:15 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Count me in on Yarnspinners 2: How many would-be wordsmiths does it take to come up with a catchy name? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

It looks like most people are agreed with the 3 turns / 1 yarn / 1 week schedule, which is fine by me. 's lotta work, writing 500 words of deathless prose every turn...

I don't like the idea of random nation selection; you should play a race that you'll be able to get in character for, since that's what'll keep you yarning. I say everyone should name their top choice, and if there's a conflict have a backup in mind. I would like to play C'tis.

Zen's mods are fine with me, but I'm not particularly in favor of other more extensive mods.

As for the map: it looks like about 10 people have expressed definite interest at this point (counting a few from the Yarnspinners Classic thread who haven't migrated here yet), which would be a good number. Not sure if it's enough for a map like Orania, though I agree that it looks nice. Perhaps if there were no water races... plus there will be the Land of the Giver of Pearls in there somewhere also. But early contact is key, I think, to maintaining enough dramatic tension.

And no AI's. They're just too easy to kill, and they wouldn't respect truces made for narrative reasons

djo April 13th, 2005 12:26 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I think the "random" was meant to be "choose nations in random order", not "random assignment of nations".

Glad to see the lizards' literary voice will be heard. With them gone, I'll take Vanheim as my first choice. It's negotiable.


puffyn said:
And no AI's. They're just too easy to kill, and they wouldn't respect truces made for narrative reasons

I intend to explain all manner of stupidity and suboptimal behavior with the phrase "for narrative reasons".

I'm glad to see both puffyn and Sedna in YS2: Attack of Logorrhea.

Alneyan April 13th, 2005 12:38 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Aye, it is definitively not random nations, but a random order for "who goes to pick the nation first". I would cast the dice to determine who can pick a nation first, then who comes second, who is third... and who is last (too bad). Some further "arrangements" could be done afterwards, if, say, the Ulm player would love to get your Marignon, and vice versa. It would work best if there were only twelve players or so though: otherwise, it may be a problem if you end up having to choose between two or three nations you absolutely hate.

The Wealthy Nation will only need one province, so it shouldn't affect much; their province will also be without any neighbour, so the only way to get there will be through teleport... and that would be a very bad idea, seeing how overkill their defences will be.

Welcome aboard Djo, and welcome on the forums! A word of advice though: you appear to have forgotten a few of the remaining players in Yarnspinners, namely Curious Cat and myself (though neither of us is still yarnning, we are alive and kicking in Yarnspinners. Well, not *that* alive mind you, as R'lyeh sure was nasty with me, but still). Of course, being the benevolent host I am, I will not hold a grudge towards you for having overlooked me. Of course not! *Writes down that incident, for future reference* http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

djo April 13th, 2005 02:29 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Alneyan: no offense intended! My apologies. I was referring only to the impressive tales Sedna and puffyn have generated.

Zen April 13th, 2005 06:40 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2

Zen would like to play, but please give him more details as to everything. I would hate to sign up and end up not yarning because of things. That is the real disappointment. Also I think there should be a period of time (maybe 2 weeks) before the game starts to formulate a plot, reasoning and such. The first turns are critical to forming a yarn and the desire to keep up the yarning, I believe.

Also, under the current structure. 3 Turns a week, 1 yarn a week. 60 Turn limit would last 20 Weeks, roughly 5 Months.

I would hope that everyone who signs up can say "For the next 5 months, regardless of 'stuff' I can attempt to write up something once a week"

PashaDawg April 14th, 2005 11:17 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
So when are going to get this one going?

puffyn April 15th, 2005 12:04 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
We're on turn 57 in Yarnspinners 1, and I'd like to be finished with that before starting up a new game. Around May 1st, perhaps? If we could settle on the races and players, this could give everyone a little while to come up with clever back story. We could have a Turn 0 to set the stage, then start up regularly at Turns 3, 6, etc.

Alneyan April 15th, 2005 12:25 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
None taken Djo, I was merely kidding around, as I am wont to. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

About myself and my availability: I believe I will not sign up as a regular player, so I will only be hosting the game. I will be away for two weeks in late June/early July however.

About the game itself:
* What is definitive:
- A fixed schedule, with three turns a week.
- PBEM game.
- One yarn every three turns, and the full map on display every three turns.
- A website to display the yarns.
- An independent nation to get the map and send astral pearls, as a reward for yarnning.

* What is not so definitive (suggestions not having received much reaction):
- A much stronger PD for capitals, curtesy of the independent nation.
- Mods: Zen Pretenders is likely definitive, but what about the others? (Spells and Scales)
- Picking nations: should the order be "first come, first serve", or should the order of picks be random? Note that it does not mean random nations; it merely means a random order to pick nations.
- Ending the game: should it be a fixed turn, or when all players agree the game should be ended?
- Pearl awards: should the awards be agreed on by the players themselves, by a Judge (if one can be found), or be fixed? (One pearl per yarn say)

A start in two weeks seem to be fine, maybe a bit later if deciding on the settings take some time; Yarnspinners should be over by then.

puffyn April 15th, 2005 12:57 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My votes on the non-definitives:

- Yes on Zen's pretenders, indifferent on others, no on non-Zen mods
- Stronger capital PD
- On race choice, perhaps we should all rank our top 3 preferences, and if there's a conflict we could try random orders. I think we should settle the races soon-ish so there's time to plot backstory.
- 60-turn ending, subject to player's reappraisal around say turn 45. I think knowing Yarnspinners was ending at turn 60 has helped motivate me to write a few turns (knowing I was almost done), but it may have led to a bit more casual violence genocide than otherwise. And it would be a pity to cut it off right in the middle of an interesting narrative bit.
- 1 pearl per yarn (where yarn is generously interpreted) plus an extra pearl if the majority of the players thinks it's a good yarn. A judge like magnate could award the extras too, if there were such a person.

Sorry to hear you won't be joining us Alneyan... perhaps you can chime in occasionally as the sarcastic know-it-all in the tower, doling out pearls to our pathetic little kingdoms. Just so long as you don't favor whoever's playing Man... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

puffyn April 15th, 2005 12:58 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
For the record, my top three (in order) are: C'tis, Jotunheim, Marignon.

Alneyan April 15th, 2005 01:18 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
What was I thinking when I said I wouldn't join? I will likely join, though there would be a problem: the independent nation would have to be open for all in this case, as otherwise I would have an exclusive access to the Eyes of God enchantment . It would also help to check the use of those astral pearls, though it is less likely to be a problem: there are other ways to check for "astral pearls appearing mysteriously in my coffers by the hundred".

I like the idea of picking three nations: it is much faster than a random pick order, while being fairer than the first come first serve way. I think I can state my own preferred nations right now, as there doesn't seem to be any advantage in going first.

So, my top three are: Ulm - Iron Faith, Pangaea - Standard, and Caelum (I am not too sure of the theme here); no Man or Arcoscephale this time around.

djo April 15th, 2005 02:47 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My votes:

- Zen mods: pretender-ok; balance-ok/don't care; spells-no; as far as I see, there's not a complete list of changes in the newest version of spells mod
- PD: no strong preference
- nation choices in order: Vanheim, C'tis, Machaka, Ermor (BE), Marignon
- end at 60; there's a pre-apocalyptic tension growing in YS1 that I like
- yarn judging, how to run the Overseer nation: whatever people like
- starting time: whenever comfortable for YS1 folks; May 1ish is fine

Sedna April 16th, 2005 09:36 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My nation choice: Marignon (base, or possibly Fires of Faith), Ulm (base), Atlantis

I'd vote for all of Zen's mods, including spells. I would hope to use a version with an updated readme, but...
Don't care on PD much
Yarn judging: An outside judge is a bit of work and rather random. I think yarns which merit extra awards will be fairly rare, and can just be setteld by popular (majority) acclaim.

PashaDawg April 17th, 2005 12:22 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My nation preferences: Tien Chi, Arco, C'tis.

Zen mods are fine.

No need for outside judge of yarns.

May 1 good starting date.

It is fine to have a definite ending date at turn 60.

Don't care about the PD, but I would certainly take a big one if given.

Alneyan April 17th, 2005 09:40 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Well, let's count the ballots:

- Mods: Zen Pretenders definitively, Scales mod is in too, Spell mod will likely be in.
- No outside judge giving awards; 1 astral pearl per yarn, two if most players find the yarn to be interesting.
- The game shall start on May 1.
- Game ending on turn 60, unless most players would like to go on for a longer while (after turn 45).
- Beefed-up capital PD, along the lines of 100 PD.
- Nation picks will be done on the "top three" (or more, though three nations should be enough) basis.

The other settings for the game:
- Map: Orania has been suggested (275 provinces or so, wrap-around). Inland could be another possibility, but may be a bit too small (150 provinces, wrap-around).
- Independents: 6 should be the minimum; Panther suggested level-9 independents.
- Magic research: Panther suggested Very Hard research; in YS1, standard research seems to have resulted in a very speedy pace of research (Caelum must be very near the end of the research on turn 57, and Man had done most of it by turn 50, despite being a poor nation for research, and without any research boosting item).
- Magic sites at 50, Hall of Fame with 15 entries, renaming is on.

People having expressed interest in joining the game:
- Quantum Mechani:
- PashaDawg: T'ien Ch'i, Arcoscephale, C'tis
- Griffin: Ulm, Marignon, Jotunheim
- The Panther: Man, R'lyeh, Pangaea
- Sedna: Marignon, Ulm, Atlantis
- Djo: Vanheim, C'tis, Machaka, Ermor, Marignon
- Puffyn: C'tis, Jotunheim, Marignon
- Zen:
- Alneyan: Ulm, Pangaea, Caelum

GriffinOfBuerrig April 17th, 2005 09:48 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Sounds fine: My Nation preferences: Ulm, Marigion, Jotunheim

The Panther April 17th, 2005 03:01 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My nation choices : 1. Man, 2. R'lyeh, 3. Pangaea

My comments:

1. I think 1 pearl per yarn does not seem enough of a reward for putting forth that much effort. Maybe something like 5-10 pearls per yarn might keep people really wanting to keep up with those yarns throughout the whole game. And the extra income from writing would be noticeable over those who are not writing. A just reward, in other words.

2. I would vote for graphs on, as this will help with the story lines and we will be seeing the whole map every third turn anyway.

3. Map - Inland might be an excellent choice with only 8 players (9 counting the neutral). But with 10 or 11, it will be too crowded for the game purpose and the bigger map would be much better. Orania plays quite a bit smaller than 275 because it is wrap-around. Also, with a 60 turn limit, we will not be reaching the late game tedium that always happen to the surviving players on large maps. Obviously, I cannot take R'lyeh on Inland but can with Orania. Same applies to Atlantis for those that choose that race.

4. Research - Normal research is just plain TOO EASY! The players ought to have to make tough research choices instead of just willy-nilly researching everything under the sun with no worries.

5. I will be out of the country June 17-June 28 and will have absolutely no access to the internet while gone. I could probably find a sub to play but not to write. I know Alneyan will also be on vacation around the same time.

6. Host and owner of neutral nation???????


Alneyan April 17th, 2005 03:19 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Regarding the independent nation: if I play them along with another nation, the independents will be open to anyone, so it will be possible to check what happens with their hoard. It also means everybody will have access to the Eyes of God enchantment, which could be annoying depending on how much information the spell gives.

Even if the host wasn't playing in the game, I think I would still rather have the independent nation open to everyone, if I were simply a player. There can always be suspicions about how all those pearls are used, or simply mistakes.

And something I forgot: my turns will be kept on Gandalf's server (along with all the other turns), in case a thorough check is needed. Having the files on his server should ensure they haven't been altered, one way or another.

Alneyan April 18th, 2005 07:59 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Who will play what nation:
- PashaDawg: T'ien Ch'i
- Griffin: Ulm
- The Panther: Man
- Sedna: Marignon
- Djo: Vanheim
- Puffyn: C'tis
- Alneyan: Pangaea
- Quantum Mechani: Pythium
- Zen (Sorry, I forgot to add you in my previous roster): ?

Alneyan April 20th, 2005 09:17 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Does anyone have an opinion about the reward per yarn? I would say that five pearls per yarn is fairer than a single one; if most players find the yarn enjoyable, it could become ten pearls instead (five pearls every three turns isn't that high after all).

An alternative solution for the independent nation: they could be "closed" (only the host would see them), but the host wouldn't be elligible for pearl awards. I would say it is fair, and easier to manage than the other solution. There remains the risk of the host cheating ("one thousand shiny, lovely astral pearls for my own treasury... My precious..."), but that wouldn't be a very "efficient" way of cheating (meaning there are others ways to cheat, which would yield much better results).

djo April 20th, 2005 09:50 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Regarding map size: YS1 also had ~9 players and used Cradle (220). It was suggested (by puffyn?) that a smaller map would help build dramatic tension via earlier player-player contacts. Orania is much bigger (280), and Inland is much smaller (150?). Are there any wrapping maps only a *bit* smaller than Cradle (I didn't see any)?

Rewards: 5 astral/yarn/3 turns is reasonable; it's like having another magic site ("Yarnspinner's Publick House").

Overseer nation: I vote for whatever's easiest. Lazy and trusting, I am.

Regarding website: this really cries out for a wiki. Does anyone have the ability to host one (I don't)?

Other website option: many people (me included) have web space through their ISPs. Players could host their own pages, and one player could host a central index of links (which is easy to maintain). I'm trying to think of ways to avoid dumping any onerous hosting/webmastering duties on anyone.

Alneyan April 20th, 2005 10:10 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I don't think there is any wrap-around map bigger than Inland and smaller than Orania; with the current players, I believe Inland will be fine. If more players join in, Orania will likely be used. There is also the problem of water nations, which would be in dire straits on Inland: the biggest "sea" only includes four provinces. It may be interesting to play a water nation put in this situation though.

I don't know how Wiki are set up: what is needed for them to work? I believe my own web space should be able to handle it, but I am not too sure. The problem with all of us having our own webpages is organising all the yarns. It was planned to have two ways of sorting the yarns: depending on the nation and on the turn number. So, R'lyeh yarn for turn 36 would be both on "yarns for turn 36" and on "yarns for R'lyeh".

djo April 20th, 2005 10:44 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
For those who don't know: a wiki is a web app for collaboration; all users can edit the web pages, add links/images/etc. It uses a simple markup language similar to html or UBB codes.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki

There are a zillion varieties of wiki, but in general you need to be able to install and run CGI scripts on a webserver. After that, you configure, generate a few starter pages, and (in theory) the users do the rest (adding pages and links). Disclaimer: I've read a lot about wikis and plan to use one at work in the future, but I've never set one up.

Advantages: once set up, everybody can pitch in on generating and organizing content; all content in one place

Disadvantages: someone needs to set it up & host it; users need to learn to use it (far easier than learning to play dom2...)

puffyn April 20th, 2005 12:02 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I like the wiki idea, though I too have no practical experience running one. It would be especially useful for linking between the dramatis personae and the narrative ("Who the heck is this Pandokos character again?") It would probably be best if we semi-restricted editing capabilities, ie, only give out the password to people in the game?

I'll look into whether it would be feasible for me to host it and get back to you.

djo April 20th, 2005 12:45 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I would be willing to help make a wiki work, although I can't host it myself.

If it's easy to do, we could restrict editing for most pages, but allow a page for spectators' comments. That could be amusing (if the comments are amusing) or disheartening (if there are no spectators!).

The Panther April 20th, 2005 03:05 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
My son has offered to host this game (PBEM, of course) without playing and play the observer role. In case you are worried about favoritism - don't! He will certainly not give me any special advantages over anyone else. He is also very trustworthy and would never even remotely think of allowing cheating of any kind.

I like the idea of a closed overseer myself, posting only the eyes of god every third turn. But I am a trusting sort...

Alneyan April 20th, 2005 03:17 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Very well Panther; it is certainly fine with me - less work for me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

The Panther April 20th, 2005 09:55 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Map sizes:
Inland - 154
Cradle - 221
Orania - 279

Actually, Cradle could work because of all the choke points, for the starting spots in the middle are not as bad as they may appear at first. Still, corners are far superior, of course. Also, the 60 turn limit means the game won't drag out into the tedious phase typical of the larger maps like Cradle and Orania.

Wraparound is far superior for balance issues. Overall, Inland is perhaps the single bast Dominions map there is.

quantum_mechani April 21st, 2005 01:25 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
I would prefer inland, the other maps are to big.

My nation choices: Pythium, Atlantis, Ermor.

Alneyan April 21st, 2005 01:29 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
The updated roster:
- PashaDawg: T'ien Ch'i
- Griffin: Ulm
- The Panther: Man
- Sedna: Marignon
- Djo: Vanheim
- Puffyn: C'tis
- Alneyan: Pangaea
- Quantum Mechani: Pythium

The Panther April 21st, 2005 02:17 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
With 8 players (did Zen drop out?), Inland is perhaps the perfect size for this game with almost 19 land provs average per player. Also, I think we have a dedicated group of gamers here (admittedly, I do not know Djo, though) and we should not have the problem of people quitting like in the first Yarnspinners attempt. Though I will ask right now for a pause in late June, as I will be out of the country for 12 days. Even God himself had to rest on the seventh day!

As for the observer, Tauren can take R'lyeh or Atlantis with a fixed start in that single water province. I think he may need some help with creating his observer race to get the necessary astral income plus the Eyes of God as a national spell (and the pile of gems to cast it). I would not really know how to do all of that. Or even how to put the 140 province defence in every capitol. Or even how to do the simplest mod.......

By the way, how do you keep the observer race from dying to dominion later in the game?

The (ignorant) Panther

Alneyan April 21st, 2005 02:47 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
About Zen: he has expressed interest in joining the game, but didn't give any nation preference. So, he is still in the "top three nations" list (at the beginning of the thread), but not in the "who plays what nation" list (for the time being at least).

I will likely set up the independent nation, or give a full explanation on how to do it. Basically, they will have an unconnected province, so their Dominion won't spread (and vice versa). Even if the province was connected, Dominion kill would require active work from the players, and the independents would probably retaliate then.

Getting the gems will imply heavy use of the Wish spell, which will become a nation-only spell for part of the game (the first ten turns or so). Wish will then cost *no* gem and will only require Astral 1. If possible, the independent nation will start with thirty or so Astral mages, allowing them to cast no fewer than 30 visa wishes on turn 1, so they will have a lot of virtual astral gems.

Building up the PD will either be part of a mod (highly unlikely if memory serves), or will be done the hard way, with the independent nation giving gold for that purpose (and increasing PD themselves). PD 100 would cost 5000 gold, so that would be a nice number, avoiding any mistake like "how much gold can I actually use?". Again, the money will be gained via alchemy, probably by picking an Alchemist Pretender (with an increased alchemy value, if possible) and wishing for the Alchemist's Stone. That should give 50 gold per fire gem or so => 1250 gold per visa wish, and some more alchemy will be possible.

Unfortunately, I do not believe there is any actual modding command allowing to do the above, so workarounds seem to be necessary. That will mean some setup work for the independent nation in the first few turns, but it will no longer be necessary afterwards.

Alneyan April 22nd, 2005 07:57 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Well, the settings should be more or less final now:

- The game will start on May 1 or so.
- Map: Inland if 8 players are involved, perhaps Cradle or Orania if other players join in.
- Independents: 6 strength
- Magic research: Very hard research
- Magic sites at 50, Hall of Fame with 15 entries, renaming is on.
- Mods: Zen Pretenders and Scales, unless someone objects to that other one. The Spell Mod is out, as there is no documentation for the time being.

- No outside judge giving awards; 5 astral pearl per yarn, 10 if most players find the yarn to be interesting.
- Game ending on turn 60, unless most players would like to go on for a longer while (after turn 45).
- Beefed-up PD for all players, along the lines of 100 PD.
- Nation picking will be done on a "top three" basis.

PashaDawg April 22nd, 2005 09:10 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Hmmm. Orania would be interesting. Shall we check in with Zen to see if he still wants to play?

The Panther April 22nd, 2005 10:28 AM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Graphs on or off? I would vote for on, as it may help with the yarns.

And I was hoping to try out the spell mod sometime soon. Zen needs to get cracking on that one!!!

quantum_mechani April 22nd, 2005 01:09 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2

The Panther said:
And I was hoping to try out the spell mod sometime soon. Zen needs to get cracking on that one!!!

Hmm? Do you mean the item mod? The spell mod has been out for some time.

The Panther April 22nd, 2005 02:13 PM

Re: PBEM Game: Yarnspinners 2
Yeah, I did mean the item mod, in which I hope he nerfs clams and life drain.

I did play the spell mod a few times, and that one is very good. It really balances some of the worst excesses (like Flames from the Sky and Wrathful Skies) and makes many of the lower level summons (Cave & Ice Drakes, for example) actually worthwhile!


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