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Tampa_Gamer October 23rd, 2001 02:01 PM

AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
As we approach the first year anniversary of the release of SE4, an overwhelming number of modded AI races exist. Each author has taken some or all of the twelve basic text files which control each AI race and added tweaks or wholesale changes to correct and strength that particular race. In an effort to compile and start gathering these suggestions, hints, etc. in one place, I would like this thread to be a working discussion about the current "features" and "impediments" the AI races face and suggestions for possible work-arounds and solutions in the text files that you have come up with. Please post any hints or secrets that you have found. I know some may want to avoid devulging their race's secrets, but this can only make all of the AI races that much stronger if we compare notes. Perhaps, if this thread works, we could eventually add this to the modding FAQ, but for now just start posting!

This thread is NOT intended to be a "suggestions" or "wishlist" thread for programming changes, nor is it intended to talk about new components or "how to" generally modify the files.

Tampa_Gamer October 23rd, 2001 02:02 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Here goes - an example of what I am talking about.

ISSUE: The AI does not appear to use Resource Converters or Recyclers.

TIP: Until this is fixed in a patch, ensure the AI does not waste resources building these facilities in the _AI_Construction_Facilities.txt" file and ensure the AI does not waste research points by researching "Resource Manipulation" in the "_AI_Research.txt" file.

Master Belisarius October 23rd, 2001 04:26 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
But Tampa, I think that you should know a few more tips!! Come on old Teacher!

Anyway, here are some of what I can remember now:

- Advanced Storage is a "must have" racial trait.
- If your race have not any special racial trait (like Cristallurgy, Organic, Temporal, etc), the best weapon for the early game is the PPB. The bad thing, is that most of the new races use this weapon... then, the variety is gone!
- Include Ship Construction facilities into all the big planets.
- Include Mineral, Organic and Radioactive Storage facilites. IF not, at some momment the AI will stop to build anything, although could have gigantic resources!!!!
- Try to optimize the AI research in the early game, using cheap tech as filler (smaller weapons for example).
- Research Mines in the early game.
- Don't forget to research Explosive Warheads II before the mines!!! Hey, this is a tip for some humans too!!! (because the scattered armor will be no more a problem with Explosive Warheads II).
- If the AI go for DUC as main weapon in the early game, then, also need to get PDC fast.
- The Sats are not a great defensive weapon... but very useful in the early game.
- If the AI's attack ships have not cloak capabilities, then, include at least one mine-sweeper component.
- Into the attack ship designs, include some way of extra supply (Supply Sotrage or Solar Supply Generation). The comon way to see the AI doing stupid things in the early game,
is when their fleets became out of fuel.
- Design alternate Colony ships for the AI (for example check the Vikings, Orks, Aquilaeian, designs).
- The Ionic Disperser is a great weapon for the AI.
- Include Ionic Disperser and Wormhole Beams into the weak ships like Mine-Layers, Mine-Sweepers, etc. Remember that the Ionic Dispereser should be the Main weapon!
- Try to include more than one type of attack ship.
- Design more than one type of Weapon Platform. Also, the Ionic Disperser and Wormhole Beams is a great defensive combo!!
- The Troop Transports are working, and then, should be used (but not abuse of them, because they only join to fleets NEAR the same sytems where they're placed, and after get some number of troops).
- For the new Versions of the Aquilaeian and Pyrochette, I have used the Boarding Ship type, as resupply/repair ship. But the Boarding Ship type could be used for anything that you want! (Don't abuse of them, because they will joint to a fleet, only if exist a fleet NEAR the system).
- Don't forget to test the AI in games with all the technology available from the turn 0. I saw several AI's with good ships designs in games with low tech, but with pathetic designs for the end-game or hig-tech games.
- TRY TO BE CREATIVE!! An example of a very creative AI, is the AI that Atraikius did for the Orks!!!
- DON'T BE affraid to dig into the scripts of the best AI's: because doesn't exist any document and the only way to learn is doing trial and error, and looking what did the people before you... BUT try to learn and apply it without do a copycat.
- TEST, TEST, TEST, TEST, and TEST the AI. Run some turns and check the ship designs, check the Facility constructions into the planets, check if the AI is selecting the planet's role in the right way, test the number of ships, check the number of mines, check, check, check!

- And the more important: if I helped you to improve your AI, please include me into the credits!!!!!!!!! http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/images/icons/icon7.gif

- If you have used different weapons for different ship sizes, then, you should create 2 DN designs with different weapons. If not, at some moment, the AI will start to use OLD designes instead the DN.

[ March 20, 2003, 15:22: Message edited by: Master Belisarius ]

Repo Man October 23rd, 2001 05:27 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
I have been concentrating on the political aspects of the AI; which means I'm focusing on the anger, politics and speech files.

Here is one sample of how I am trying to mod the AI politics to fit.

The race in question has concentrated on trading, it has the trading cullture checked and a bonus to trading.

I've increased the chances of the AI accepting treaties. Under the default AI, there is a penalty for an AI to accept treaties from weaker empires. I made this a bonus. I also lowered the requirements for the AI to send a "make peace with X" type message.

Another one I'm playing with is the barbarian horde. This race does not have a natural decease in anger each turn, instead there is a small increase. Most other natural increases are minimized or eliminated, except for combat.

The main way for this race to decrease in anger is for it to be attacked and lose that battle. Other combat results could have smaller impacts on anger.

My AI experiments are still in the very early stages, so please excuse the lack of specific numbers. More details are in the works.

Alpha Kodiak October 23rd, 2001 06:46 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
The first thing that comes to mind is to make sure that in every AI state the vehicle construction file is calling for plenty of colonizers. If the AI stops expanding, it will die.

The second thing is to make sure that there is a reasonable research plan and construction queue set for the "Not Connected" state. Many of the stock AIs are basically worthless in a game with no warp points because they don't research or build anything useful while waiting to research warp point opening tech.

Tampa_Gamer October 24th, 2001 02:12 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Ok Master B. I am home now and have access to my notes - here you go (there may be some duplication b/c of cut/paste from my notes - I will try and delete most).

(1) Watch for blanks lines and spaces in your text files (if you are using Wordperfect or Word you can display blanks and tabs in the settings menu) - this is the single most cause of errors.
(2) Watch for spelling errors - this is the second most cause of errors.
(3) Do not copy other races out right and just slap a new name on them - it makes it very boring.
(4) Do borrow good ideas to make your race that much stronger and give credit where credit is due.

(1) The restrictions on the # of fleets is not strictly followed, but most of the AI authors try to keep this to
between 2-6.
(2) Consider increasing % to use in fleets to > 90%.
(3) Consider increasing the “Fleets Don’t Use for Num Turns to > 20.

(1) When defining abilities of less than 100 in order to increase another above 100, make sure you list them in that order (similar to how you would do it if you were doing it at the start of the game). Otherwise, it may not choose/allow the ability with greater than 100. Also, actually go in and test the combinations to make sure you do not exceed the points for 2000,3000 & 5000 point start games.
(2) Please take the time to flesh out your race. Some people actually read the descriptions during the game when you right click in the races submenu and it adds a lot more depth to the game.
(3) Make sure the design.txt file is spelled properly and included.
(4) Shy away from abilities that will not benefit the AI races as much (increased strength for ground combat) or increased farming capability if it is not needed.

(1) Most AI authors have increased the %maintenance line to allow for bigger % of fleets (85-95%).
(2) Increase Max. Research/Intel points to at least 200-300k
(3) Consider modifying line “Get Angry over Allied Colonizable Planets” depending on what type of race you have.
(4) Make sure you put your race in the correct “Personality Group.” This will ensure that even if the player does not specifically select your AI for the game that it joins the pool of races that may randomly added. The computer will only take x% from each personality group for a given game.

(1) Very important to experiment. Most AI authors have their "break formation" lines set to TRUE so that individual ship strategies will be used instead of overall fleet strategy.
(2) Use a high number of "Fighter Launch Group Amount" numbers since low amounts of fighters will stack up in a column and can be easily picked off in column formation by PDCs.
(3) Consider using option for “Type Priority” instead of “Targeting Priority” for certain types of ships and fighters.
(4) These can be further modified when you create your .emp files.

(1) Play with your race once from start to finish, recording what your research and how many active projects you had at a time in order not lose any points. Then make sure this file follows that, with modifications based on your experience. With the limitation line now working with the latest patch, this file can really make or break the race that is not properly maximized for efficiency.
(2) Research Mil. Science 1 and then Point Defense Cannons very early.
(3) Try to research armor and then shields as early as possible. Preferably move up to Level 4 shields and at Last level 3 armor to gain maximum efficiency.
(4) Make sure your race researches and builds Stellar Manipulation at an earlier point than the default files. The latest Version of the AI minister for stellar manipulations actually works pretty good.
(5) Consider not researching Large Weapon Platforms since they take up a lot of space and are of limited utility in late game anyway.
(6) Make sure you test your races “Not Connected” research tree - some people actually play this option and they may want your race to do more than sit on its thumbs for 100 turns.

(1) Always make sure you have colonizers and attack ships in every queue as these are essential for the AIs expansion policy. The AI uses attack ships for scouting, so supplies are very important in the early
(2) DON'T over-allocate for vehicles the AI will not use efficiently (troops, sats in late game, wp's, boarding ships, kamikaze ships, pop. transports, recon sats) - use sparingly. DO allocate a gradual build-up of
essential ships (attack/defense) over time. Try to alternate units and ships so that the AI will not get bogged down in its space yards (don't forget units can be built anywhere).
(3) Make sure you test your races “Not Connected” build queue - some people actually play this option and they may want your race to do more than sit on its thumbs for 100 turns.

(1) Obviously entire threads have been written on this one!! You must experiment and check your race constantly and at all tech levels to make sure a given design makes sense at each level of tech and stage
of the game.
(2) Use of the "Must Have Ability" line will dictate what type of hull is used (None=Normal,Cargo=Transport, Colony=Colony Hull). This can be used to create unique hulls such as transports for Mine/Sat Layers (see the Darlok) or transports for Colonizers - very useful in late game.
(3) If the race has unique components from any of their traits, make sure they use them! (i.e. "Weapons Always Hit").
(4) Do not use cloaking ability in designs containing minesweeping components b/c this ability cannot be used while cloaked.
(5) Do not use space yards components in designs containing cloaking components b/c the AI has difficulty using these ships effectively unless it is not cloaked (which is not very often).
(6) Add self-destruct components so that humans will not board and use them (minimal risk from AI opponent).
(7) Limit Population Transports to 600 tonnage b/c otherwise they will take an entire population away and leave almost nothing.
(8) Create multiple classes of ships and units (long range, short range, recon, etc.). The AI can only have one valid design in a Category each turn, but it will randomly switch between valid designs over a period of several turns. This creates more variety to keep human opponents off-balance as well as avoids putting all of your eggs in one basket so to speak!
(9) Consider arming your minesweepers (which always travel alone and are not cloaked) so that they are not “easy kills.”
(10) Place sensors in carriers, space yard/defense bases and/or space yards ships to give you more coverage when the unit cap has been reached or satellite layers are not available to deliver recon sats.
(11) Make sure to put cargo bays in sat/mine layers and carriers for extra capacity.
(12) Consider cloaked long range colonizers now that the AI will turn off cloaking in order to colonize a planet (heheh! Look for Darlok).
(13) Make sure your designs use unique components that your race may find in ruins (i.e. Neural Net or Massive Shield Depleter).

(1) Most of the AI authors are not sure whether all of the lines work in this file or not simply b/c it is so hard to quantify and no one knows the anger levels of a given race other than general attitudes.
(2) Match up to actual character of race. Should the EA get mad if an ally travels through their system? Should the Klingons?
(3) Watch the “Regular Decrease” line as it drastically effects how easy going and tolerant your race is.

(1) Most of the AI authors are not sure whether all of the lines work in this file too for the same reason as the anger.txt file.
(2) Watch “Highest Treaty Allowed” - Safe bet is to limit this to "Military Alliance" since humans may take advantage of Alliances and other AIs may get stupidly angry if they can suddenly “see” all of your colonizable planets and get angry over them based on their settings.txt file.
(3) Take the time to read and modify these lines - a lot of the default ones seem counter-intuitive and if you are not consistent, can lead to radical behavior in your races.
(4) Modify the "Accept Trade" percentages at the end of file so humans will not screw your AI in trades.
(5) Modify score levels at which your race will accept demands so that it will not give in to weaker players at the drop of hat.

(1) This simple file, while it does not have any substantive value, adds a lot to each race's character and really helps to immerse the player in the game if the AI author takes the time to do it right (i.e. Klingon, Darlok, Sergetti files).
(2) Feel free to deceive your human opponents in your speech file - just b/c the speech line says "they have not agreed to your request to kill your enemy" does not mean the actual text has to reflect that!

(1) I cannot stress how important this file is for the economics of the race. The common approach to this file is to "skim" levels off of each bracket to ensure all of the 125+ planets are used properly, then the 115+ resource planets, etc. (look at TDM-Modpack replacement default AI file by Daynarr or any of the other TDM-Modpack races)
(2) Each race has unique resource needs - but ALL need research planets.
(3) This file is ignored when the AI is low on a particular resource (i.e. minerals). In those situations the AI automatically assigns the planet type based on any existing defiencies - a good thing.
(4) Make sure you test your races “Not Connected” planet selection tree - some people actually play this option and they may want your race to pick planets differently since it is typically limited to only one system for 100+ turns.

(1) Also an important one from an economic sense. Make sure every planet type has a large "catch-all" type of facility at the end of each queue. Earlier experiments which assumed this list looped like the construction queue failed miserably.
(2) If the race has unique facilities from any of their traits, make sure they build them! (i.e. "Reduced Maintenance Cost - System" for Crystalline races).
(3) Make sure large and huge planets also contain Space Yards in their queue to utilize the population bonuses (and redundancy never hurts for the price of one facility slot).
(4) Only a few races really require extensive organic producing facilities, therefore utilize the facility slots
on farming worlds for research or intel facilities.
(5) For Gas Giant races, losing a planet is a big deal b/c you have so few and far between in the early stages of the game. Try to build some redundancy into each of your planet facility queues so losing a huge
Mining Colony or Research Colony won’t be as bad (see the Darlok).
(6) Make sure the planet value and condition change facilities are added into the queues (typically large construction planets) as well as the system defense facilities (System Gravitational Shield to prevent star
destruction, etc.) on at least one planet in each system (typically a military installation).
(7) Make sure Planetary Shields is added in the event your race finds unique ruins.
(8) Make sure ship/fleet training facilities are added in where necessary.
(9) Test storage levels of all resources to make sure similar to human players - remember the AI races will NOT trade extra resources for those they need like humans will.
(10) Make sure you test your races “Not Connected” facility build tree - some people actually play this option and they may want your race to do more than sit on its thumbs for 100 turns - you need research more than you need massive storage capacity at this point.

(1) Always make one - there are a number of settings/strategies which can be tweaked - starting with setting complete AI on!
(2) Consider setting “Auto claim system when colonize” to off for passive races.
(3) Carefully monitor empire options such as “clear order when encounter enemy or other races.”
(4) Provide 2000,3000 & 5000 point Versions so that each one utilizes the race's full potential points.

(1) Make sure you include one and that it matches your race’s character. Try not to use one of the default b/c having several races with ship names like “Minnesota” are boring.
(2) Make sure the general.txt file contains the correct spelling of this file and the “.txt” at the end.

(1) Use the “Style Tester” created by Malfador to test whether your ship graphics are properly masked.
(2) Double-check all of the file names against one of the default races.

[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 24 October 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 24 October 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 24 October 2001).]

Atraikius October 24th, 2001 04:11 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
In the design creation file:

The Must have at least X, and must have ability fields are placed before any amounts are calculated later in creating the design, and multiple entries for the same ability will result in multiples of that component Ex. two must have lines of Cargo storage, with the must have number set to 2, will result in two cargo bays being placed on the design.

The Majority Comp Ability is used to determine what type of ship to use; Launch recover fighters - carrier, Cargo Storage - transport, Colonize - Colony ship

Mephisto October 26th, 2001 12:28 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Ok, here are my tips and tricks. I will only stress point not already covered by others here (ok, that’s no strict rule http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/ima...ons/icon12.gif).

This is an important file for the AI diplomacy. Don’t give the Ai to much anger points in a single row. There are many ways to anger the Ai but few to make them friendly so beware if you don’t want to create psycho races (and there are already many out there).

A very important file. Make sure you build all your special buildings your advanced trait gave you but watch out for buildings does not use. A good example for this IMHO are the training facilities: The Ai will actually use them (i.e. place a ship/fleet of them) BUT as the AI tends to be busy sending all its ships and fleets from one end of the galaxy to the next the AI will seldom use this facilities. On the other hand they will use up valuable building slots so weight if their use of space is really worth it (IMHO: no). Sorry, Tampa. http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/ima...ons/icon12.gif
Try to only use a small amount of different colony types. The AI is limited in the ways it can choose these colonies. By creating dozens of different colony types you will loose your focus and you can’t make sure the AI actually build the right colony with the right facility at the right place (e.g. a military installation in every system). A good example of a unneeded colony type is the “construction colony”. You need lots of space yards and therefore should integrate them in nearly all colony types with a certain size.
On a side note, make sure the AI researches all important buildings fast at at least level one. This way the Ai will follow your build plan and will upgrade the facilities in time. If you do not research these facilities in time the AI will have used up all the slots with the buildings from the “catch all” line.

There is one confirmed and known bug with recon satellites: These satellites will not be counted toward the production total once they are launched in space. If you call them, the AI will build them until the “units in space limit” is reached AND all the cargo on all planets is used up. Need I say that this will take forever and that no production “below” the recon satellite call will be executed?
You can circumvent the problem somewhat by making “combat” satellites recon satellites. “Combat” satellites are counted correctly. This will prevent your race from using combat satellites, however…
Make sure you build some Space Yard Ships. If the are not constructing something, there are actually used as repair ships and will go after your crippled zero-movement ships. But beware: The AI will only consider a ship a SPS if there is a space yard on board. You can give it some repair bays to, but there must be a space yard to be a SYS.

Make sure you call each item as specifically as possible. For example:
To add organic armor to a design you could use the “Armor Spaces Per One” line or you could use the“Misc Ability 1 Name:= Armor”. Both ways will result in organic armor being added IF
a) you have organic armor at all
b) there is no “better” armor.
Unfortunately, the AI considers any armor of level 4 or higher (e.g. emissive, stealth and scatter armor) to be “better” armor.
Therefore, the best method to call an item is by a unique ability of this item. For organic armor, this is regeneration. So, the best line would be “Misc Ability 1 Name:= Armor Regeneration”. Now the AI will always use organic armor.

Like Tampa said, this may be the single most important file for your race. If this is not done properly your whole race will fall apart as they have no economy to sustain their fleet.

The “Military Alliance” should be the highest treaty your race should make. Not only will your race get angry over allied colonized planets (you can turn this one off) but much worse: The AI will gain star maps and then sent colonizers to colonize these nice huge correct atmosphere planets 500 LIGHTYEARS AWAY WITH A TRAVEL TIME OF ROUND-ABOUT 50 TURNS!
Puh, enough screaming. But this had to be said.

Listen to Tampa, he knows what he is doing. http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/images/icons/icon7.gif

Make sure the line “Ships should not move through minefields” is OFF. If not, all your ships will not move through mines INCLUDING your minesweepers. It is a known bug and MM is working on this one.

Two Last things that are bugs and will effect how you design your race:
1.) Boarding ships will not actively engage an enemy ship even when armed with a "real" weapon like a depleted uranium cannon. The boarding ship (BS) will run for the battle field corner until any of the enemy ships lose all of its shields. If enemy shields are down, the BS will board the enemy.
2.) The Ai is not always creating a new ship design if certain techs become available in simultaneous games. If sensors, combat sensors or shields are researched, the AI should initiate a new design but it does not. It will only add these components if the next bigger ship class is available (the AI then starts a new design process and adds every called for available tech). It has no problems to upgrade the ship designs if only a newer component is researched (i.e. shields I are in the design and shields II become available).

Sinapus October 26th, 2001 02:10 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tampa_Gamer:

(1) Obviously entire threads have been written on this one!! You must experiment and check your race constantly and at all tech levels to make sure a given design makes sense at each level of tech and stage
of the game.
(2) Use of the "Must Have Ability" line will dictate what type of hull is used (None=Normal,Cargo=Transport, Colony=Colony Hull). This can be used to create unique hulls such as transports for Mine/Sat Layers (see the Darlok) or transports for Colonizers - very useful in late game.

If you modded Space Yards to have the cargo storage ability (0kt) and made space yard designs have cargo storage as a 'must' have and then didn't designate any cargo storage in the main, secondary or misc components, would the AI use a transport hull to design an SYS w/o cargo bays?

(As in, if you had space yards as the main component, would the AI put an SY in a medium transport hull, then consider the must have requirement satisfied since the design now has a 400kt component w/cargo storage ability.)

Alpha Kodiak October 27th, 2001 04:39 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
One thing that I am noticing is that, now that 1.49 uses the value Tech Area Min Percent in the research file, it is generally a bad idea to ever set that value to 100 because when the project completes, there is no other project to absorb the left over research points. It appears to me that it is better to use 50 and accept the fact that you will get one project in between when you are trying to set up a project that is dependent on another.

Also, normally, it would be best to use all 25's early in the research queue, unless one of the projects is really big, just in case you are dealing with a large number of starting planets or a large amount of starting resources, just to not waste too much research. (In a multiplanet game with high starting resources, I usually see all four starting projects completed and some points lost anyway, so I would hate to limit the startup research to less than four projects.)

God Emperor October 28th, 2001 07:08 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
I've set most %'s to 50 for my races with the occaisional 33's for inexpensive projects where a longer queue minimises wastage of research points.
I am quite happy for my races to have a really tight research sequence and to only have two projects in their queues at any one time.

As you said, the 100 setting is likely to lead to wastage of research points.

Sinapus October 28th, 2001 10:00 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Yes, I noticed that as well. Had to go reread the history file before I started a topic on it. I ended up going into each research file and ran a find/replace on those entries so they were back to 25 percent.

I also tried setting "cargo storage" for must have on space yard ships and found that no, it won't make the AI use transport hulls. Oh well. (Considering I've also modded transport hulls so they are easier targets and poor shots that might help the AI.)

Atraikius October 29th, 2001 01:49 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Sinapus - try setting the ship yard component as a must have, and cargo storage as the primary ability - the AI will place the required number of cargo components on, and if enough space is left over, it will pace the shipyard on.

Rollo October 30th, 2001 01:04 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Great Posts everyone,
too bad this was not posted three months ago, so I had to learn most of this the hard way http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/ima...ons/icon12.gif. The tip to turn “Ships should not move through minefields” OFF was very important, thanks.

Let me add a couple of things in addition to what the others have already said:<UL TYPE=SQUARE>
<LI> Extra supplies are also good on defense ships. They will leave systems under your control and also attack enemy planets in neighboring systems.
<LI> Check your designs when a new weapon becomes available that has a greater tonnage than the previous one and (even more important) check when a new mount is available. If you put too many weapons in the design, there will be no room for the other components (e.g. sensors. If your sensors are missing, your weapons are worthless). When the order of weapons is not so important, put only one primary weapon in. After all other components are added the design will be filled with the primary weapon (or any other primary component for that matter).
<LI> Do not use atmospheric converters as the first facility to build. This can cause the AI to go broke very quickly, if every little dustball is converted.
<LI> First thing in the facility queue should be the resupply depot, IMHO. This will not only help the AI to expand, but will also prevent a waste of resources of building a spaceport, if the only planet in the system is a tiny one (Hey, that happens).
<LI> Read the Posts by Master Belisarius, Tampa Gamer, and [K126]Mephisto again. There is a lot of wisdom in their words http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/ima...ons/icon12.gif.[/list]
Hope I could be of some help,

Rollo November 4th, 2001 02:47 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)

Some more hints from me.

I think I have figured out how the research percentages work: Click here.

The most important things are that the 33s are not working, use 34 instead, if you want only 3 projects. If you want to make really sure that only one project will be added use a 99 instead of 50 (or make sure the 50 is followed by another 50 or greater). Also smaller numbers than 25 can help to add really cheap projects in the mid-game and late-game (adv mil sci and Null-Space come to mind), so these projects are researched "along the way". They won't be in the queue for long, but will prevent loss of research points.

Also I have some hints for "exotic" game situations:
1) Consider building not only a warp point opener in the "not connected" state, but also a "create planet" ship. The minister handles that ship well and a few extra planets can help your race. If there is an asteroid belt it will be more than just a few planets. Since you are researching stellar manipulation anyway (I hope), it is not much of a problem.

2) The AI will build monoliths, if the level of stellar manipulation is higher than the resource tech. If you stop researching organics extraction at level 2, the AI will build monoliths at the farming colonies in the late game (whether that is desirable or not is another issue). Anyway, if you don't want monoliths to be build on your mineral colonies, research mineral extraction3 as well in the "not connected" state.

Again, these are rather special cases, but as Tampa said, some people DO play with a not connected map. And also the monolith building can be used for normal games, if you want.
Take or leave this advice, it's for free http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/images/icons/icon7.gif. Also, if you have a different opinion, I would love to hear it.


Tampa_Gamer November 6th, 2001 04:27 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollo:

1) Consider building not only a warp point opener in the "not connected" state, but also a "create planet" ship. The minister handles that ship well and a few extra planets can help your race. If there is an asteroid belt it will be more than just a few planets. Since you are researching stellar manipulation anyway (I hope), it is not much of a problem.

Ahh.. great minds think alike Rollo http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/images/icons/icon7.gif as part of the rework on my races for the upcoming Version of the ModPack, I had added these to the "Not Connected" construction queue. I also added "Open Warp Point" and "Create Planet" to the "Exploration" queue for those huge galaxies that some people like to play with.


[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 06 November 2001).]

Tampa_Gamer December 6th, 2001 02:34 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Awhile back, a lot of the modders starting using "Defense Ships" in their build queues and creating a unique Defense Ship design. We did this despite the fact that MM did not include the design type nor put any defense ships in the default AI queues. I have always wondered why and got a reply back from MM on this issue. I figured I would post it for everyone:

"Sorry it took so long to get back to you. As to your question, the answer is that they're not really used anymore. We had the concept in SE3 of defense ships, but in SE4, attack ships fill the same role. A fleet can be used for offense of defense, it just depends on the situation."

I would like to ask the AI modders out there to once again look at this and give the community any feedback you have. Personally, when using attack ships only, I have noticed two things (1) slightly bigger fleets, and (2) ships join fleets faster (probably because every fleet is a valid one to join). I still have one of my races using the old split attack/defense ship style and the other two using the attack ship only style, so I will continue to monitor this and give feedback.


[ 06 December 2001: Message edited by: Tampa_Gamer ]</p>

Alpha Kodiak December 6th, 2001 08:04 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tampa_Gamer:
Awhile back, a lot of the modders starting using "Defense Ships" in their build queues and creating a unique Defense Ship design. We did this despite the fact that MM did not include the design type nor put any defense ships in the default AI queues. I have always wondered why and got a reply back from MM on this issue. I figured I would post it for everyone:

"Sorry it took so long to get back to you. As to your question, the answer is that they're not really used anymore. We had the concept in SE3 of defense ships, but in SE4, attack ships fill the same role. A fleet can be used for offense of defense, it just depends on the situation."

I would like to ask the AI modders out there to once again look at this and give the community any feedback you have. Personally, when using attack ships only, I have noticed two things (1) slightly bigger fleets, and (2) ships join fleets faster (probably because every fleet is a valid one to join). I still have one of my races using the old split attack/defense ship style and the other two using the attack ship only style, so I will continue to monitor this and give feedback.


[ 06 December 2001: Message edited by: Tampa_Gamer ]

I think I'm leaning toward it being better to just use the attack ships (though some of my races currently use defense ships). The AI doesn't seem to do a very good job of using defense ships most of the time. A few times I have seen a large fleet of defense ships just anchor itself on some out of the way resupply base and never move again. It just seems that if you build all attack ships, the AI can figure out when to use them for attack and when to use them for defense.

Atraikius December 6th, 2001 01:36 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
I've been seeing some benifits of defense ships, but that is only becsause I have been trying to figure out how to make the AI use kamikaze ships effectively and consistantly.

Master Belisarius December 6th, 2001 04:15 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Hey Tampa, thanks for the tip!
I never used many Defense ships in my races... but now, now will remove all of them.

Rollo December 7th, 2001 05:33 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Thanks for the info and for the good news about the boarding, kamikaze and troop ships.

What I do like about defense ships is that you can have a totally different ship-of-the-line in fleets and use different weapons/tactics with that. So while all attack ships/fleets will have direct-fire, your defense ships could be all seekers. This way the player never really knowns what he'll be facing and could be in for a surprise.
Not sure yet, what I'll do. I'll probably delete defense ships in some AIs, leave them in others, and see how it goes.


Mephisto December 8th, 2001 02:53 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Fear no more, the AI will now integrate kamikaze and boarding ships into attack fleets with like any attack ship and the boarding ships will even work now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Atraikius:
I've been seeing some benifits of defense ships, but that is only becsause I have been trying to figure out how to make the AI use kamikaze ships effectively and consistantly.<hr></blockquote>

God Emperor December 8th, 2001 03:20 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Atraikius and others,
Thanks for the info on Defense ships. I too had noticed some odd things with them (and fleets) but didnt realise that they were the source of the problem.

Tampa_Gamer March 18th, 2006 01:52 AM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Read!)
Bumped thread - for the sake of the recent AI discussions. I would also recommend a read into the individual readme.txt files for the races in the TDM-ModPack. Although the main readme.txt just indicates that they the AI is tweaked, many authors use the race's individual readme.txt to keep a "diary" of what worked and what did not on each version as they "learned" the AI files.

Example from my Dra'kol readme:

Ver 2.10 - RELEASE #13
- Modified designs (once again) based on AI inspection reports 2-1-03 through 2-1-04
- Removed all calls to build Drones and Drone Carriers (just not worth the resources)
- Removed all Drone research (why research if not going to build)
- Reduced ratio of LR attack ships to SR attack ships from 2:1 to 3:1
- Added all 3 types of colony ships specifically to Explore &amp; Infrastructure state due to bug in AI end-game call systems (thanks Mephisto)
- Reduced ftr groups from 15 to 8 and eliminated type priority firing in strategy file
- Created new .emp files to match changes in strategy file and eliminate special ships
- Corrected typo in fleets.txt file; lowered % ships to use in defense
- Reduced max. maintenance threshold in Settings.txt file
- Added a queue for colony type "Resupply Base" in case they capture one (thanks Mephisto!)
- Eliminated Ship Capture, Mil Sci 2 &amp; Shield damage weapons research (no longer using boarding ships since not worth the resources spent)
- Added Computer Combat 1-3 in research file to utilize virus weapon on Kamikaze Ships
- Increased % of revenue to use for units production from 20% to 30% (need more troops)

Ver 2.00 - RELEASE #12
- Created "Drakol_Construction_Units.txt" to take advantage of new unit control
- Stripped most unit purchases from "Drakol_Construction_Vehicles.txt" now that we have the _Units.txt file (left in WPs in explore mod and "capper" at end of each queue
- Added "Attack Sweeper" and "Scout Ships" designs and to build queue (left in even though purchases based on unique names (as opposed to types) is not working yet
- Added Troop Transport design and applicable research now that we can control the AI production of troops
- Increased variety of vehicle purchases in "Defend (Short Term)" state since AI is in this state most of the time
- Separated queues for each AI state in both Construction files
- Modified designs based on AI inspection reports 4-5-02 through 4-7-02
- Increased max. turns before next attack, # systems to defend &amp; fleet % based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation
- Streamlined design file for single ship call approaches
- Increased recon sat production based on AI inspection reports
- Put mid-way points into attack ship vehicle purchases due to choke symptoms
- Adjusted research file to "33" to avoid unused points after certain projects
- Modified Drone attack strategy and design based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation

Ver 1.90 - RELEASE #11
- Reset/verified certain Empire options (moving through minefields, etc.) now that they are working
- Increased # recon sats in different queues
- Removed rad/org extract tech level 2-3 due to monolith strategy
- Revised strategies based on testing, including overall fleet
- Added Kamikaze ship design (fleet support) and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Boarding ship design and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Ship Capture, Drone and Shield Damaging Weapons to research queue
- Added Drone designs and construction queues (still testing)
- Removed Cargo Transport and design since could not detect use by AI
- Changed fleet strategy back to optimal firing range b/c not hitting anything
- Added Drone Carrier to design file and construction queue
- Added new settings for fleet and overall AI, tweaked Drone cargo settings

Ver 1.85 - RELEASE #10
- Additional boost to # research facilities located on rad/organic colonies
- Moved up CA, BB, DN in tech tree, moved down Stellar Harness
- Increased # colonizers in all states to min. of 3
- Adjusted Stellar Manipulation designs to take into consideration 250/400k component sizes
- Changed SRLT/HV designs back to Optimal Firing Range b/c not hitting a damn thing
- Moved up "Create Planet" ship in construction queue
- Added new lines to Settings.txt
- Added Drone designs and strategies based on default AI files (tweak pending usefulness)
- Eliminated Shield Regeneration components in all but attack/defense base designs
- Reversed treaty levels back to default based on testing
- Overflow queue for farming colonies converted to intel facilities
- Increased # attack ships in attack/defense modes
- More tweaks to all designs based on testing
- Added Cargo Transport back in based on Population Transport Design
- Added recon sats back in now that the construction bug is fixed
- Fixed grammatical problems in speech file
- Converted both "Fighter Attack" movement strategies to "Point Blank"
- Fixed .emp files that had emperor name/title reversed
- Changed strategies fire to reflect revised firing priorities

Ver 1.80 - RELEASE #09
- Removed recon sats from build queue pending bug removal (placed sensors on other platforms)
- Totally reworked research tree based on tech min lines working now
- Totally reworked designs all the way through late game attack bases
- Limited pop. transports to 600kt b/c taking away whole planets of population
- Removed defense ships from design and build queues
- Tweaked strategies file for larger units launched and to use "Type Priority" first
- Confirmed cloaked colonizers used properly by AI, new dual-class colonizers added
- Tweaked build queues for late games where player has 100+ planets
- Reduced # of auxiliary ships AI not using fairly well (Sat Layer, Pop Cargo, etc.)
- Changed carrier strategies and load-out
- Limited size of mines to 10k to avoid wasted efficiency
- Converted most auxillary ships to max. range with engine overloading weaponry
- Turned off certain boxes in empire options when creating .emp file (no move through minefield, autoclaim)
- Turned on "damage until weapons gone" in .emp file strategy settings
- Removed cloaking from spaceyard ships b/c ministers having trouble using while cloaked
- Converted latter part of farm planets to research havens
- Re-tooled planet selection to boost research planets
- Eliminated "Ancient Race" as selection since this was causing havoc for the colonization minister
- Changed strategies for weapon platforms and sats based on changes MM made in recent patch
- Eliminated emissive armor (again) from designs since reports show that it is still not working
- Boosted desire of race to accept treaties early on when struggling
- Eliminated certain techs from research queue that were not efficient for AI (extraction 4-9)
- Forced AI to have a recon ship in the first turn with all supplies via the .emp file

Ver 1.70 - RELEASE #08
- Moved stellar manipulation up the research tree
- Tweaked fleets file to attempt to get higher % of ships in fleets
- Created a mandatory research planet in every system in the Planet_Types file
- Due to fighter design problems, reduced number of valid designs to one
- Increased number of research &amp; intel facilities in the Construct_Facilities file
- Removed duplicate facilities in the Construct_Facilities file when a facility has more than one ability
- Totally reworked Epoch 1 research to attempt to provide stronger early game ships
- Removed blanks from the end the design name file
- Redesigned early game mine/sat layers to provide more laying ability
- Increased # of PD weapons on small attack/defense ships

Ver 1.65 - RELEASE #07
- Removed minesweeper as component to larger attack ships (sweeper components do not work while cloaked)
- Tweaked planet selection to decrease farming and increase research colonies
- Modified default formation "Dark Wing"
- Further tweaking to research tree and ship designs based on testing

Ver 1.60 - RELEASE #06
- Fixed error in 3000 point start in General.txt where all points were not spent; added new design name file; removed cloaking from sweepers and colony ships due to bugs
- Created new .emp files with strategies (previous ones had some bugs)
- Tweaked Anger/Politics file for better reactions re: trade and treaty policies
- Made dramatic changes to research tree, designs, construction and facilities queue file

Ver 1.55 - RELEASE #05
- Modified .emp files since unique strategies file still not working in race folders
- Modified unit launching designs to use cloaking
- Modified construction queues based on extra resources &amp; unit caps

Ver 1.50 - RELEASE #04
- Deleted Kamikaze &amp; Boarding Ships (again) b/c still not used in fleets by AI
- Added back unique strategy file now that it is usable by AI
- Modified Construction Queues and Vehicle designs
- Added back defense bases and research of cloaking now that these are fixed

Ver 1.40 - RELEASE #03 (shipset graphics by Voidhawk now added)
- Deleted all calls to "Defense Ship" (until bug fixed) and completely overhauled construction queues
- Fixed several range error bugs and added multi-class attack/defense ships

Ver 1.35 - RELEASE #02 (shipset based on Xiati)
- Additional tweaks to designs and construction queues based on tech levels 2 and 3 playtesting
- Overhauled planet selection file to make decisions more consistent with human player and limit number of facilities built in early game
- Overhauled research, construction and design files to eliminate under-utilized tech and ships (i.e. boarding, troops, kamikaze, cloaking, etc.)
- Fixed spacing errors

Ver 1.30 - RELEASE #01 (shipset based on Xiati)

Atrocities March 24th, 2006 11:08 PM

Re: AI Text Files Tips & Hints (Modders Please Rea
bump nudge

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