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Ragnars Wolves December 7th, 2010 08:11 AM

Global clarification
I have 2 questions about Globals that may be in the manual or wiki (but I sure can't find a CLEAR answer)and could use some clarification.

1. Can the same caster cast more than 1 global (I know it is probably not a good idea but just want to make sure)?

2.This is a little more complicated....In a game I tried to cast a Global with 125 gems. All 5 slots were full, but I KNOW for a fact that 1 global up there was cast using 60 gems. I was NOT trying to override the existing global, but rather cast a new one.

My Global failed costing me 125 gems:sick:, my pride at being sooooo smart to ace him out, and a need to rethink my whole strategy.

So my question is...does the casting of a global hone in on the lowest gem total of an existing global, and if not...WHY NOT? It seems ridiculous that it would pick a random global to try and override. Once the slots are full you could actually override your own global by 'random' choice.

Lets take a minor spell like Stellar Focus, you only get 5 S gems a turn from it so putting more than 50 or 60 into it is not real bright (in my estimation anyway) except in the early stages of a game. So with that thought in mind, if I wanted to cast another global after that I can't target that EVEN if I know exactly how many gems are in it because it is my own global.

Could someone explain how this works (and if they know the logic behind it, I would be interested in that also):confused:

Thanks...this has been bugging me all day.:eek:

Jarkko December 7th, 2010 08:22 AM

Re: Global clarification

Originally Posted by Ragnars Wolves (Post 765282)
1. Can the same caster cast more than 1 global (I know it is probably not a good idea but just want to make sure)?



So my question is...does the casting of a global hone in on the lowest gem total of an existing global, and if not...WHY NOT? It seems ridiculous that it would pick a random global to try and override. Once the slots are full you could actually override your own global by 'random' choice.
A random global is targeted when all five slots are taken (unless you try to get up your own verion of a global that is up already). Yes, "random" means you can accidently target your own globals too.

TheConway December 7th, 2010 04:24 PM

Re: Global clarification
Filling up remaining global slots is actually one of the main reasons to cast mediocre but cheap globals like stellar focus or illwinter.

GrudgeBringer December 7th, 2010 08:40 PM

Re: Global clarification
Hmmmm, I had never really thought of it that way. Hmmmm, new strategy forming in my mind...Thanks:up:

Executor December 7th, 2010 09:39 PM

Re: Global clarification
I dont think there's ever a good reason to cast Illwinter.

TheConway December 7th, 2010 11:01 PM

Re: Global clarification
Ever fought against nief as Aby or the monkeys and had your income completely nuked? Or as Ctis and had to forge cold resist rings for _every single mage_?

Executor December 7th, 2010 11:17 PM

Re: Global clarification
My point exactly, your gonna get ganked if you cast.

TheConway December 7th, 2010 11:41 PM

Re: Global clarification
Not necessarily. Since it only really effects a certain subset of nations, if you aren't one of the weaker nations a lot of times the rest of them will just shrug it off as not worth the hassle. Its one of those globals that is annoying to a lot of nations, and devastating to a certain set of them. If the random niefel giant attacks came with a priest it might become enough of a pain, but overall if you can convince others that attacking you will hurt they will generally leave you alone unless they're a heat pref nation.

Executor December 7th, 2010 11:51 PM

Re: Global clarification
Depends which set of players your playing with. Newbs, maybe.
I can tell you with almost certainly that any vet would attack you, I'm not sure they'd like the unrest increasing world wide and losing money, both to unrest and cold scales. I'd certainly attack whoever cast IW, and I'd probably disregard any NAP or arrangement as that's one of the spells I consider a deal breaker, like AN, BoT, Armageddon, UD, AC. Any one of those spells will get you ganked.

Spells with a global effect tend to do that.

TheConway December 8th, 2010 12:12 AM

Re: Global clarification
Obviously its a risk, but from what I've seen it just doesn't create the same sort of fear/anger that those other spells do. Would you attack someone for putting up Second Sun? Or Ghost Fleet? Despite their global effects, I have trouble comparing any of these to heavy hitters like the ones you mention. Hell, FOTA doesn't even engender as much hate as those, and its FAR more dangerous to leave up than Illwinter.

Soyweiser December 8th, 2010 09:23 AM

Re: Global clarification
Also, Illwinter has a serious bug that the winter wolves attack doesn't have a supporting mage. The wolves rout and die. (Sure this is easy to fix, just give the niefel giants magical leadership. Something CBM 1.7 didn't do).

It is mostly a waste of blood slaves.

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