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-   -   Jets & Planes but no UAV's here. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46891)

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 6th, 2011 04:29 AM

Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well the usual "blah blah" here on my intentions which have been stated elsewhere in infinitive. In working on my last inputs for the upcoming patch I've noticed in some of the smaller nations I'm addressing major efforts are being made to modernize and or get the best "new" plane in their Air Force's as their budgets allow, Thailand being a perfect example of this tread which I'm addressing as stated above. So I'm starting with India who has some major concerns with their neighbor to the north and is representative to what's going on in Asia and S. America and by extension the surrounding regions. And we'll say goodbye to some stalwart "friends" like the HARRIER (On my list as well.) which has flown in ALL variants for the last time this past December for both the RN & RAF, to welcoming Russia and China's newest 5th generation fighters. So here we go off into the "wild blue yonder"!! Of course game related because I just don't have time for anything else. Anyone else up for UAV's?!? Anyway:

Won't (Hopefully?) spend as much time on this as land platforms but we all know air power as well as defence is a major if not unintended consequence for the game.


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 9th, 2011 12:44 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1 Attachment(s)
This is for the A400M fans out there which I believe someone started a thread on this plane as well. I even have a picture and if CINCLANTHOME has her way this June for her birthday that could be me, God help me!! Anyway no news when the further para trails are to take place this year. Will do my best to track this otherwise there's no point of it getting in the game.

Attachment 10740


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 9th, 2011 05:01 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
4 Attachment(s)
Here's the new 5th Gen fighters I spoke of from the Chinese and Russians. I'll be using the KISS concept for now,
I like military-today.com for this purpose to the point & short and sweet unlike me, but always a good starting or rounding off source. And to prep for the game:
CHINA/CHENGDU J-20/C1/Internal Weapons Bay (IWB) UKN weapons at this time/.
Attachment 10751

Next the Russian fighter it was based on as we know the Chinese are great copycats with a high degree of technical sophistication also they might have received some help as well. This did not see service with the Russians.
Attachment 10752

Now for the Russians, and some game prep:
RUSSIA/Su PAK FA/JUN 2015/30mm Cannon &
A two seater will be made as well, this will be the one to watch as this is probably going to be the FB version.
Attachment 10749

And it's origin can be traced to this next fighter which is very hush hush shh!, but might see service later in it's own right.
Attachment 10750

These are too early for any game consideration for now until the the ground attack capability is either resolved by the FB variant or air to ground weapons capabilities are identified. These will be late game entries (Especially for the Chinese.) if at all. No hint of ground attack capability in a plane or jet means no interest on my part for this thread or game to me, that's for you know whom!?!. This also provides a home for a handful of issues I'm addressing on the dreaded list.
Well have other projects to work on, enjoy the rest of yours and have a GREAT week.


Marcello January 10th, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Next the Russian fighter it was based on as we know the Chinese are great copycats with a high degree of technical sophistication also they might have received some help as well. This did not see service with the Russians.
I would be very careful before stating that a design is derived from an other on the basis of some superficial configuration resemblance.
After all it is not like this...
was actually derived from this...

It is probably a safe bet that the chinese have sought whatever knowledge could be obtained; I certainly would not be surprised if some MiG 1.42 material was handed over to them or if sensitive F-22 data had ended in the hands of chinese intelligence and it cannot be ruled out that some of that might have been used in the design process. That however should not be mistaken for some kind of genetic inability to design from scratch.
When closing a technological gap it is only sensible to aquire foreign designs for evaluation, license/copy them and only once you have sufficiently mastered the technology move on to original designs. This has played out a number of times in the past: assuming that those copying and catching up would remain stuck there has caused its share of unpleasant surprises...

As for the PAK FA and the Berkut they are both already in the game, as SEAD assets: I suppose that's mostly to placate all the people that would be screaming if the latest whiz bang fighter was not available.In the game aviation primary task is CAS, which is somewhat of a cinderella as far as air forces are concerned and not something you want to throw a rare, expensive fifth generation air superiority fighter at. SEAD is probably the only "economic" employment of such aircraft that is included in the game.
Though I doubt the Berkut would enter production: it would be a wasteful duplication. I could see it happen for political/bureaucratic reasons if the Berkut was, say, a MiG project. Being both Sukhoi there is not even that rationale.

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 10th, 2011 10:51 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well that being said I guess BERKUT will free up a slot for the Russians as it's only an experimental prototype/demonstrator, not to worry it'll join the U.S. and Israeli AH-X on the, yes, dreaded list.

Could be the same for the PAK FA as it's development is limited to the interceptor role thus far, at the very least I'll check for dates and make sure India has it too. I really didn't think they would be in so far out but times were different when they were put in the game I'm sure. Also a lot of developmental equipment got in as well that I know Don has been trying to clear up over the last couple of years, I have a few of those already posted with more to come as well. As to the Chinese the only real problem identified with them is the issues they've had in developing their own successful jet engine technology a problem they share with India and others in that field. That's why India and Russia are currently working together on a fighter now. Check broadsword.com for more on that and the following poor mans article.
I mean this with sincerity Marcello, thank you I wasn't planning on even checking these to see if they were in the game as stated above.


dmnt January 11th, 2011 07:43 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Patria to upgrade Finnish Hornets. Unfortunately there is no English press release, but hope machine translation will do:

A major order from the Air Force to Patria for Hornet fighter MLU2 series installations

Patria has received a major order from Air Force Hornet fighter MLU2 system upgrade kit installation. The order is worth more than EUR 24 million and its effect on employment is about 150 person-years.

The Air Force has ordered Patria Hornet fighter MLU2 system upgrade kit installations. Order as a whole covers 35 Hornet fighter aircraft modification and related components and network processing. Work will begin in 2012, and installations made between 2013 to 2015 machines during normal maintenance periods and structural upgrades.

Work undertaken by Patria Aviation and Systems business, Jämsä Hall, where the human resources to be added over the coming years thanks to your order. The order is valued at over EUR 24 million and its effect on employment is about 150 person-years.

"Hall's office is already taking place MLU2 upgrade support and preparatory works. Patria We worked in close cooperation with the Air Force and MLU2 systems comparable with the U.S. Navy since 2004, when a system update for the implementation of the planning started, "says Senior Vice President Calvin Matikainen Patria.

The Air Force goal is to upgrade all 62 planes until the end of 2016. Patria has previously taken the Air Force's Hornet fleet of the first system update (MLU1) between 2007 -2010 as well as machinery for the acquisition of 57 single-seat F-18 C-model final assembly and testing.

For more information:

Senior Vice President Calvin Matikainen, Patria Aviation, tel 040 869 3351, lassi.matikainen @ patria.fi

Patria is an international defense and aerospace group, which supplies its own specialist know-how and partnerships, competitive solutions based on its customers. Patria is owned by the Finnish government and European Aeronautica Defence and Space Company EADS NV

Some info over what this upgrade includes: http://www.defence-observer.info/news/europe/427-f18

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 11th, 2011 01:15 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
This touches on the Finnish upgrades. Also note the Jan. 6, 2011 entry, F35 slips to 2016 now vice 2015.
Got to get ready for work, have a major inspection this week. Have a great day everyone!


Marcello January 11th, 2011 05:23 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 768127)
Could be the same for the PAK FA as it's development is limited to the interceptor role thus far, at the very least I'll check for dates and make sure India has it too. I really didn't think they would be in so far out but times were different when they were put in the game I'm sure. Pat

The SU-47 has been around for a long time, IIRC it was talked about as the starting point for the next fighter project. Typically things have played out differently...
The PAK FA was put in last year just before the patch was released.
As far as I understand it is meant to be primarily a tactical fighter, though no doubt it will be used in the interceptor role too. I guess it is likely that at least some basic air to ground capability will be put in as well: there may be targets that would be best engaged by a stealth platform and it is not like Russia or India are going to be able to afford a dedicated stealth bomber very soon (there is some work being done but it will probably be a long time before it comes to fruition). In regards to timeline it is a bit too early make predictions as to when the russians, never mind the indians, are going to put it in service. According to some knowledgeable people it may well be that the chinese will come ahead...

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 12th, 2011 04:32 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1 Attachment(s)
Great discussion here!!
Go to CBS.com to the CBS Evening News (11 JAN. 2011) link for the story on SECDEF Gates meeting in China over defense issues. China decided to take the J-20 for a ride today while he was there sending a political message of their own. They made a comparison of the F-22 to the J-20, imagine that!?! It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Another piece of the puzzle to the lineage of the PAK FA. Also note "The China factor" and March 16/10 section which is only part of the picture in Russian modernization and procurement over the next ten years, T-95 MBT anyone? We'll see.
Attachment 10762
Article I left off from Post #1 on PAK FA.

Links plane lineage to PAK FA.

Supports 2015 - 2017 start of production.

Very technical read I was thankful for some "signal training" but very through with a little bias.

Sets up the situation and DETAILS the factors involved. This from a very respected aerospace think tank.

I consider fighters in VERY BASIC terms like radar detectors for cars, as fast they are marketed, the police have counter measures, the new model comes out, the police have... and on it goes. Tanks are easier, (Hey maybe I'm sending a message of my own. Nay...not me!?!) much easier.


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 14th, 2011 03:19 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well this will be my last post for a while I'm making my final push to finish my list between work etc.
I found this very interesting and touched on it yesterday, but the question is who was caught more off guard by the J-20 flight test the Chinese President Hu Jintao or SECDEF Gates, you decide.

Gates changing course based on other countries advances in equipment and accelerated procurement efforts. I see more RAPTORS which could mean more delays or less F-35s for the U.S. The last is my assessment concerning the F-35, but money is money and we have only so much to spend.
Gotta love them Navy boys even if those are only "targets", a little inside joke for my surface counterparts!

A little surprise for me with the next concerning the F-4. I had the fine privilege until recently to have worked with a retired USAF Maj. who flew combat missions in Vietnam in them. Being a gentleman and a great Irishman I salute him and all you Vietnam vets! :up::cheers:
He'll be glad to hear the AF is keep'em flying.

Good Night and have a GREAT weekend everyone!


Marcello January 14th, 2011 05:01 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 768463)
Gates changing course based on other countries advances in equipment and accelerated procurement efforts. I see more RAPTORS which could mean more delays or less F-35s for the U.S. The last is my assessment concerning the F-35, but money is money and we have only so much to spend.

Not going to happen. Bloody political battles have been waged on the F-22/F-35 and issues have been settled; I cannot imagine everyone saying: OK, we have screwed up, back to the drawing board. That is not how politics works; you would need an extremely compelling reason to overcome that and a couple of prototypes we know little about isn't enough to do that.
Besides you can only trim the F-35 program so much for a variety of reasons (economies of scale, US allies etc.).

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 26th, 2011 03:54 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
5 Attachment(s)
Was on my list and then saw it brought up separately before posting my last patch page. Since Don has addressed this for the game, here then is my tribute to the plane , those that flew'em and those that kept'em flying.
Combined 700 Billion GPD in 2009 contract expenditure on life cycle and engine upgrades for the HARRIER.

Attachment 10796

HMS ARK ROYAL pulls into port for the last time.


Concerning the final flyover.
Attachment 10797 Attachment 10798

Attachment 10799

Attachment 10800 Proud as they should be and no better way for a send off then with the "Pipes", I know I had the honor of one at my retirement ceremony.

Though he had some "thoughts" about the MOD decision at the final flyover, RNC Nigel "Sharkey" Ward wrote an excellent book on the Falklands War and the role of the HARRIER while serving as a flight leader there. I got to see PELE play for the
Mid-Atlantic Cup while with the NY COSMOS but, he was almost overshadowed by the war as the Argentina team and fans found themselves very unwelcome at the Meadowlands Stadium at the time after some "demonstrations" of their own. Not something to do with a NY crowd!


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 26th, 2011 04:42 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Sorry SEA HARRIER retired in March 2006. It should of course be the joint services GR9 HARRIER.

The last covers the Corps (Which have been upgraded since this was published.), SPAINISH and ITALIAN Navy versions. INDIA flies the SEA HARRIER but I believe they may be "grounded" now.
Good Night and Have a Great Day!


DRG January 26th, 2011 10:17 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 769444)
INDIA flies the SEA HARRIER but I believe they may be "grounded" now.


Oct 31/10: The Financial Times reports that Britain is looking to sell its fleet of advanced Harrier II GR9s, adding that India is seen as a potential customer:

“India and the US are the two most promising markets for more than 50 of the most up-to-date Harriers, which will otherwise be consigned to the scrap-yard or museum. Peter Luff, defence procurement minister, told the Financial Times that some of the kit axed in the defence review… might still find a home abroad.”

and Re : Grounding


Aug 26/09: Sify News reports India’s grounding of its Sea Harrier fleet. Indian navy spokesman P.V.S. Satish:

“The fleet has been grounded for immediate physical checks on all the flying controls…. We’re likely to finish that in 48 to 72 hours and thereafter the fleet will be cleared.”

FASTBOAT TOUGH January 26th, 2011 12:43 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Thanks Don!
I did raise the idea of a possible sale in the APC thread
Post #71 as purely supposition on my part. With the written word on the topic I would guess India has the best shot to buy them. We're cutting back and our Congress is looking for more than SECDEF Gates is offering in cuts now. Spain is not far from needing a bailout from the EU as well if things don't improve. Italy isn't far behind plus it's on going political scandal. Though the both of them are better off then Greece, Ireland, Portugal and they fall in order as I put them above if the "domino's" keep falling. But India is expanding (Economy.) at about 4 to 6% of GDP a year and as I've been posting is modernizing and expanding their military rapidly over the last few years.
Honestly I have to plead complete ignorance to the length of the grounding, I thought it might've been in the order of months similar to Germany's grounding of the Eurocopter AH. Never looked into it with the HARRIER.
Thanks again for the info!!


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 29th, 2011 04:56 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
As I stated in my last APC post of earlier today the "winds of change" are a coming. No program is safe and the stakes have been increased outside the U.S. by China and Russia as I've posted. These changes are putting the F-35 further at risk here for us and it doesn't help when you announce more delays to the program around the time the SECDEF is announcing his budget cuts and Congress has since said it might not be enough. There's already talk of restarting production of the F-22 again even though it's a more expensive plane. Why? It's a proven jet that has exceeded expectations in all areas including in maintaining it. Also it's stealthier then the F-35. And it's thought to be better then the J-20 and Su-50 PAK FA already as well. Some of this I've posted from AUSA etc. on the analysis of the various aircraft just discussed. It might not totally be dead if the U.S. cancels it (SLAMRAAM is a perfect example, it got killed by SECDEF on 6 JAN. 2011 but, the program as far as I know is still pushing forward for the European countries that have been interested in it.) but if we do, will those same countries be willing to bear the costs involved to get it to production? So as usual we have more questions then answers but I'm confident we'll have a clearer picture of the situation by years end if not sooner.

More problems for the F-35, not a good thing at this time.
Some insight as to why the F-35B was put on "probation", and will there be "bleed over" for the F-35A and C?
The case for the F-22 in case you didn't like my case for it.

Well again everyone have a great weekend! Time to hit the rack, it's a work day for me later today, take care all!


Marcello January 29th, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
The problem with killing the F-35 and restarting the F-22 line is that it leaves the US Navy and several US allies out in the cold. And it does not provide the numbers to flesh out the USAF as the older platforms retire.Then there is politics.
So, no matter what people say over the internet, unless the F-35 fails in such a spectacular manner that not even Baghdad Bob finds a way to spin favorably the F-35 is going forward.

Warwick January 31st, 2011 06:37 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Doesn't look like Gates decision to cancel the alternative engine for the F-35 (the F136) was such a bright idea!


FASTBOAT TOUGH January 31st, 2011 11:23 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I've used the following source quite regularly over the last year or more in matters concerning India's military equipment most notably the ARJUN and ARJUN MKII. Since starting this thread it's time to bring some of that insight here on this thread. I've commented on the issues in a general manner elsewhere concerning the relations between India and China. Mr. Skula was a Colonel in the Indian Army and now writes for the well respected Business Standard. I hope you find these to your liking as two of the top five economies and top ten in military procurement and development square off in their own "cold war" of sorts.
For a little background:

On the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) Program:

Chinese J-20 and how it affects India and the region:


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 12th, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Lot's of news here:

1. Was the J-20 "combat" video rigged?

2. A sample of how important India is seen in the current fighter procurement process. See this site and others for more.

3. USN pilot completes first naval F-35 test flight.

4. USAF C-17 GLOBEMASTER III first to use bio-fuel mix.

5. USAF evaluates Brazil's Embraer A-129 light attack aircraft.

6. A400M starts cold weather trials in Sweden.

7. Spain completes prototype flight test of it's RESET of their AV8B HARRIERs.


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 12th, 2011 07:37 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Again "raw" data from the final patch post for 2010/2011.

AC-130U TIME TO...
C1. CHANGE: USMC/AC-130U SPOOKY/UNIT 573/Name AC-130U SPOOKY to AC-130U+4 SPOOKY/End Date to DEC 2010 vice DEC 2020/
In the eyes of the USAF this was a failed attempt to remove the 25mm and 40mm and replace it with the 30mm. This was conversion was only done on 4 of the 17 operational SPOOKYS. Part of the reason the conversion was due to the maintenance and ammo requirements of the 25mm and 40mm. The other, the 30mm was found to be inaccurate and thus "operationally unsuitable" The USMC has other thoughts about this (30mm) but you'll have to wait until my first Patch Post for 2012 to find out why.
Great overview of the issue at hand and at the bottom is the reason I started the thread in the first place.
Detailed background on the project.

A1. ADD: USA/AC-130H SPECTRE/JAN 1998 - DEC 2020/Use USA UNIT 564for the base./
These never stopped flying and are in service (8) for the foreseeable future. This "new" unit is at least electronically comparable to the current AC-130U (TI/GSR etc.). However and if time allows before the deadline, the AC-130 will be advanced further electronically and in weaponry (VIPER STRIKE ATGW) as well with information I have.
If not I'll present it for next year.

Comparison between SPECTRE and SPOOKY. Note weapons and ammo info.
As immediately above.
Gets into the electronic issue in greater detail.
A little history from the guys who flew them.

Jets and Planes but...
A1. ADD: EQUADOR/CHEETAH C/JAN 2011/Use SOUTH AFICAN UNITS 154& 336 for the base./ Retired by the SAAF in 2008, the planes have been maintained in storage for surplus sales purposes. Used JAN 2011 since Ecuador has been involved with these planes in both South Africa and at home for over a year.
Reports the buy.
Does the same and details it as well. It'll show these to be upgraded versions of the CHEETAH C as well.

A2. ADD: THAILAND/GRIPEN C (TJAS 39C)/OCT 2011/Use SWEDISH UNITS 327- 329 for the base./ These are brand new fighters. The GRIPEN C is the single seat 4th generation interceptor version.
http://www.deagel.com/Strike-and-Fig...000532001.aspx A good quick look.

A3. ADD: THAILAND/GRIPEN D (TJAS 39D)/OCT 2011/Use SWEDISH UNITS NONE (?) for the base./ As above except that the GRIPEN D is the two seat 4th generation fighter-bomber version with heavier payload.
As above. The rest below cover the deal plus more for both.
When you can get the full articles they're hard to beat.
SAAB comes to Thailand in partnership deal.
Thailand orders more GRIPEN C fighters.
Click on tabs at top for further info.
Homepage that'll allow you too find info on all current user nations.

Though older, provides good background info note chart to left (Normal feature of site.) weapons section.

This is strictly a prototype/demonstrator craft.

C1. CHANGE: RUSSIA/Su-50/UNIT963/Name to either Su PAK FA or Su-50 PAK FA vice Su-50./
This might avoid confusion with the T-50 that was the prototype and puts it in line with net searches as normally known simply as PAF FA.
Posts #3; #5 and #9.


Marcello February 13th, 2011 04:26 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 770966)
Lot's of news here:
1. Was the J-20 "combat" video rigged?

That would actually be the J-10, which is a rather different beast: a cheap export fighter, though perhaps it could be used to boost numbers as the J-7 retires.
The J-20 is still far away from any kind of "combat test".
As for what happened, I would reckon that the PR department thought that the footage of J-10 shooting at a drone was not sexy enough.

FASTBOAT TOUGH February 13th, 2011 01:36 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Thank you Marcello, I stand corrected.


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 20th, 2011 02:51 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
The news of the week.

How to help kill the troubled F-35 program, recover and then continue the debate anyway.

1. We want the second engine for redundancy and to protect jobs.

2. Almost made it but, the House kills it in the end.

3. But could a little "dejueve" still happen? Remember the F-16 had the same problem. Here's that story and as it might apply to the F-35 still.

4. Costs have reached a major tipping point.
Anyone who assumes any program is safe had better read the updates I've posted concerning MEADS in the Patriot update thread.

Now for the only true 5th Gen fighter out there for now anyway.

1. F-22 gets a whole lot of $love$.

2. F-22 update of the program and overview.

A400M begins air refueling trials.

APKWS II coming to a HARRIER and A-10 near you!
Well with the success in combat of the USMC laser guided APKWS on the AH-1W and soon AH-1Z it was only a matter of time before the much more accurate and thus more concentrated fire power of the system would make it's way to jets. I only wonder is the USA maybe going to second guess itself down the road and put them on the APACHES?

The surprise of the week the V-22 OSPREY, perception now vs reality.

The stupidity award goes to the U.K. how in the world can a right minded military do this when so many are so close to finishing their quals?
Got this off the "did".com site as above for APKWS article.


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 27th, 2011 03:04 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
The news of the past week.

1. A perspective of why the U.S. wants Asia to buy American.

2. Naval version of EUROFIGHTER (TYPHOON) debuts @ Aero India 2011.

3. Jordon to convert 2 CN-235 medium transport planes into light gunships (As compared to SPECTRE and SPOOKY gunships.). The USAF & USMC looking at the same as I've already eluded to (For next year.) in this thread and the AC-130 Time to Upgrade? thread. These are roll on roll off suites. The USMC KC-130J will soon be used in that role and will still maintain one refueling pod as well to perform that function as well. See Post #21 above on USAF and USMC efforts.

4. Israel doing what it does best, upgrading equipment and making it much better.

5. SAAB GRIPENS arrive in Thailand.

6. Japan working towards it's own fighter. How will they get there though?
Off the "did.com" site.

7. India looking to phase out it's MiG 17 and MiG 27 fighters by 2017. Will they get there it's hard to say given the issues they have procuring systems or "should we or shouldn't we" over the years.

Note to self, follow up for 2011/2012 campaign.

FASTBOAT TOUGH March 7th, 2011 01:53 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
3 Attachment(s)
News of last week.

Well for a thread I was hesitant to start it's been the most active in development of new systems and procurement and I think could have the most inputs for the 2011/2012 campaign.

1. I will slow down on the F-35 but it met a major milestone this week and there arose an issue in procurement with Canada. But the program I feel is all of a sudden out of the woods, it's amazing how cutting a few high profile programs will motivate others to get their poop together. And I'm all about motivation. So I'm going to limit things to major milestones, projected procurement issues and fielding of the F-35.

A. I'm in this group to some small degree (As some might guess.) but it goes to what I mentioned above.

1. The first production F-35 makes a successful flight.

I really like the above site he's not afraid to put his opinions out there with the information to back it up.

2. Canada debating the procurement of the F-35 due to cost delays against budget for it.

B. India could come to a decision this week in the MMRCA program.
This will represent one of the largest procurement programs ever made if the numbers hold. And that procurement goes beyond just jets to include weapons and support.

C. Chinese J-20 not all that, at least for now?

D. Frances A400M on the cusp to reach production.

E. S. Korea to step up it's FX-111 procurement program by one year in lue of N. Korea military overt actions and force build up and modernization programs.

F. As a reminder let's not forget as I've mentioned elsewhere that the PAK-FA Su-50 [b]is not[b] just a Russian program, it's a joint one that India is very happy to be a part of given recent events with China and the J-20 (See above and on earlier posts here.). A second PAK-FA has just successfully taken to the skies this past week.
Unfortunately when they update you get the poor mans version.
Attachment 10877

G. This next makes me feel just :sick: this was not intended to happen but as I mentioned in the MBT thread earlier today the British SDSR plan is cutting deeper than originally planned. The HARRIER was sacrificed (All retired in Dec. 2010.) in the view that the TORNADO was the more viable solution until the F-35 become available to the RAF and RN. This past week it was announced that 13 AND 14 Squadron(s) will be disbanded and stood down on 1 June 2011. And the beat goes on.
Attachment 10878

H. A little supposition on my part on the destination the first is fact based. Russian had intended that Libya would be the first export country to get the very capable Su-35. But with the current UN sanctions in place the deal has been canceled for now. Like the S-300 meant for Iran don't be surprised if the Su-35 doesn't go to Venezuela :shock: as well.
Attachment 10879

Done for another week, hope you all have a great one!!

Follow up for the FX-111 program AND 2011/2012 campaign.

Noticed when "timed out" as happened with this post and an earlier one, when logging back in (Using the middle box, not the log in at upper right.) and hoping
something is there, it now is, the full post where left off at.
Somebody must have fixed something so thank you from this "hunt and peck" (I was tempted.) person.

FASTBOAT TOUGH March 8th, 2011 02:50 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Here's the follow up to yesterday (Sunday) concerning the S. Korean XF-111
Program for your info.

Refs touch on Japanese stealth program, hope to have more on that for this weekends news roundup.


FASTBOAT TOUGH March 13th, 2011 03:48 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1 Attachment(s)
News of the past week.

1. As promised some background on the Japanese Stealth Fighter program. It can find it's origins in the F-2 program, and the next with the stop gap measures and plan to get to this fighter.
Japan decided to go on it's own after it was unable to attain the F-22. They are considering the F-35 though no firm decision has been made.

Second off the "DID" site as well.
Attachment 10888

2. A mixed week of good news and bad for the F-35 but in keeping with my continued approach to the F-35 as outlined last week.

3. Egypt wants to buy 24 new F-16C/D in the latest Block 50/52 configuration.

4. BAE signs contract to produce the APKWS fixed wing rockets for USMC and USAF testing over the next 27 monthes. They are planned for use on both the AV-8B HARRIER and

5. GUARDIAN AMS has started testing with the KC-135 190th Air Refueling Wing. If successful it will be deployed on other types of planes. If not deployed on SPECTRE or SPOOKEY if the program moves on would suggust they have something better. The GUARDIAN is intended for the "slow movers".

Follow up on this.


FASTBOAT TOUGH March 27th, 2011 01:55 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1 Attachment(s)
News of the last two weeks.

1. First flight for the GRIPEN D of the RTAF they got them and we have them too now in the game.

2. More on the GUARDIAN System, coming to a "slow mover" near you.

3. The Aussies are hanging tough with the F-35 as are the Canadians, however, in Canada it may have near term ramifications for the current government.

4. The F-22 breaks the sound barrier using a bio fuel, the source of which is revealed (Confirmed.) as well.
Attachment 10929

5. It's been coming for sometime now, and now it's finally made official, big changes are being made to Russian Naval Air units.
Off "DID" again.


FASTBOAT TOUGH April 3rd, 2011 04:46 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
3 Attachment(s)
News of the last week...

1. From a partnership that started with Yakovlev, Italy's Aermacchi has developed one of the most advanced trainers in the world, the M-346 a highly modified version of the YAK-130 Russian trainer. Both can be used as light attack aircraft as well, with the M-346 having nine weapon hard-points on it. The M-346 is so advanced as to allow flight certification for the
F-22. It is now fielded.

Attachment 10973 Attachment 10974 Attachment 10975

2. Danish DIFAT team looking to improve their fighter capabilities beyond its current F-16s.

3. USAF got the first of its MC-130J COMBAT SHADOW II Spec Op planes with much improved capabilities to penetrate enemy airspace.


FASTBOAT TOUGH April 28th, 2011 02:39 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
3 Attachment(s)
News from the LW+

1. Always wanted that swimming pool but were concerned about how long it would take just to clear your property and dig the hole?
Well the USAF has the solution for you, called Big BLU by some!!
With Big BLU you'll even be able to go deep diving! Seriously this could be the most effective "perpetrator" bomb ever designed. The primary platforms are the B-52H and B-2. It is in low rate production. Well maybe the GBU-43 MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) might be better to clear your property with.

2. MOD: The B-1B is being modified to carry triple it's normal bomb load. Ouch!!

3. Do we want to add these weapons to the collection? SLAM ER, SDB II are here.

4. MOD?: TYPOON gets new weapons in the precision guided air to surface category. The Germany, Spain and Italy will soon use the EGBU-16 while the UK has chosen the PAVEWAY II. Current load to be at 6 of these missile types, see inset photo for layout.

5. Remember what I said about India watching events in Libya to make a decision about it's MMRCA Program? Well it's in the last post of this thread, but it seems they're not the only ones as, France and the U.S. are expressing serious interest in the BRIMSTONE Multi-Purpose ATGW Air to Ground Missile.

6. China developing the J-18 VSTOL Fighter, probably are CBS News here showed a video of the J-15 which will be a carrier based jet reversed engineered from one purchased by the Ukraine
(Su-33? Also as part of the Carrier deal.) as Russia would not sell the jet themselves to the Chinese.

7. MOD: F-35 news in order of refs, 1. F-35 by law is critically over budget. 2. U.S. Program Manager indicates the program is still in trouble and delayed again with testing now through 2016 and fielded by 2018. 3. Norwegian political parties calling for a cost review. Canada is doing this now as well as already reported on in this thread. 4. F-35B moving on.

Finally as it's getting late and it was a long hot day today, we say goodbye to another piece of equipment that has served it's country well for over 25 years.

8. The F3 TORNADO shown here Attachment 11118 , sorry wrong one and we've seen unfortunately enough of these here over the last few weeks ourselves, anyway it has served as the primary Interceptor for the RAF over the UK for the last 25 years. It will be replaced by the recently upgraded GR.4 TORNADO's which is the FB version of the TORNADO. The F3 was planned to be retired this year for sometime but, was moved along for cost savings. So as with the GR.4 HARRIER, to the air and ground crews of the F3 TORNADO we salute you for a job well done!! Us "Bubbleheads" are such nice people.

Attachment 11120 Attachment 11119


Marcello April 29th, 2011 02:14 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

2. MOD: The B-1B is being modified to carry triple it's normal bomb load. Ouch!!
Something similar was done to the B-2 some time ago. A korean driven modification in all likelyhood.

FASTBOAT TOUGH April 30th, 2011 03:09 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
In my last post #31; Item 1. , is the perfect example of how to spell check your way to "stupidity" :doh:, of course "perpetrator" should've read "penetrative". To our friends across the pond, thank you and congradulations for a wonderful day yesterday! It was good to see something positive for a change in the news, it would've been made only better if the shuttle would've lifted off on schedule with it's back story as well.

Good Night/Morning!


DRG April 30th, 2011 08:42 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
"how to spell check your way to "stupidity" "

Been there........done that. :)

FASTBOAT TOUGH May 10th, 2011 01:32 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
3 Attachment(s)
News of the LW+

1. The first serial Su-35S (PAK-FA) takes flight.

2. Electronics, improved avionics and expected future areas of operations have brought the light attack aircraft back into favor with many "major" air forces again. Could the AT-6 be the answer for the USAF?

3. ADD: Will need to confirm this against the OOB list but this buy could make the list.

4. MOD: With strong Russian support and delays in other programs the IAF is looking to upgrade it's MIG-29 fighters.

5. Well some might have scuffed at the notion I presented over the last few weeks about India watching events in Libya to narrow the field of competition in it's MMRCA Program. Well the signs were there you just had to pay attention. The no shows were eliminated (See earlier posts this thread.) and then there were three except one was also a no show at the dance as well.
Though except for a radar issue it might've moved on, I guess Thailand was more patient.

So India has finally narrowed the field to two and they are performing at the Libyan dance to some degree better then expected as are some of the weapons, BRIMSTONE in particular (See previous post I believe.) is getting attention by others. There's some good reading here!

6. I don't know when these were released but a little bonus from CINCLANTHOME off the Facebook site of my old boat the USS Providence SSN-719. All info is from the site and I was there.

A. June 1987 the score is 2-0 the USN fly-boys are winning the game. Gaddafi told us if you cross the "line of death" in the Gulf of Sudra we would suffer the consequences. Well we didn't listen. This was meant to be a media event covered by something called CNN back then, but the situation was too hot.
MK-48 vs Ex-USN/Decommissioned Italian destroyer that was watertight with instrumentation on-board to measure the affects of flooding etc.
Attachment 11137 Attachment 11138

B. Off the coast of Port Canaveral FL. in 1988 the Providence was the first VLS boat in the fleet and as told by my old CO at my retirement ceremony we didn't know that as the picture shows the missile was going to go back "over our heads" needless to say it caused some excitement for the chase planes!
Attachment 11139

It was a great way to make a living but, it's good to be home.


FASTBOAT TOUGH May 15th, 2011 02:11 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
5 Attachment(s)
News of LW.

1. USAF looking into Light Attack planes again.
Attachment 11152

2. First production F-35 delivered to the USAF for further evaluation.

3. With the START Treaty now in effect the numbers game can now begin. Non Nuclear use seen for B-52H and B-2 bombers from reduced Nuclear force.

4. The BUFF will keep flying until 2040.
Attachment 11148 Attachment 11149

5. SU-35S begins flight testing.
Attachment 11150

6. Something a little different here, the FIREBIRD MALE.

7. Pilot-less and very stealthy, the X-45 UCAV.
Attachment 11151


FASTBOAT TOUGH May 29th, 2011 01:13 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1. Well at least "To big to fail" might have worked for the banks in 2008 (And that might not happen again-the bailout.) but in the area of defence the highway is littered with programs that have such as the EFV, U.S. SLAMRAAM (Development phase completed, to avoid program termination penalties.) and the most expensive yet MEADS (Funded to FY13 to complete developmental phase to avoid 100's of millions of dollars in program termination fees itself.) The F-35 AGAIN finds itself in the spot light for all the wrong reasons this past week due to cost overruns, program delays, per unit costs that have almost more than doubled and as part of the GAO report that cited the maintenance costs are going to be much higher then expected. All this has already been posted here in the last few weeks. It is NOT a good idea to have one of the most powerful Senators and supporter of the military call your program into question especially during these fiscal times. And if your Lockheed Martin I'd be very concerned over the amount of funding has all of a sudden gone into the F-22 and the fact that several of your potential customers for the F-35 have openly stated they would rather buy the F-22 over your plane. It kind of has to make you really think of why we won't sell an export version of the F-22 but we'll do so with the F-35. Makes you wonder which is really the better fighter doesn't it? But then I've already posted that here as well from one of the most respected aviation think tanks in the world with their analysis of the jets in question and a couple of others. You can pull up the full GAO report at the bottom of the first ref. Again with DEFPRO sources are listed in the upper upper right corner.

A. The F-22 picture, though not always a pretty one either, it's advantage it's already here and we're committed to it.

B. See Post #9 last item on bottom for PAK-FA, F-22 and F-35 combat analisis both are good reading, again AUSA is a highly respected avaition think tank.

2. India buys some new bombs, and my answer to the question I think will be a deciding factor in the MMRCA competition. Of note this is a standard weapon already carried by the B-52H,
B-1B and B-2 bombers.


Marcello May 29th, 2011 01:51 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I believe the reasoning was that the F-22 was to be the tip of the spear, sweeping the skies of enemy fighters. The F-35 was to be the less capable/expensive workhorse. Selling the latter instead of the former made sense as foreign sales increase the chance of it being compromised by foreign intelligence: iranian F-14s anyone? Better risk the F-35 rather than the F-22.

FASTBOAT TOUGH June 17th, 2011 01:21 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1. They won't except NO for an answer.

2. F-35C.


FASTBOAT TOUGH July 3rd, 2011 02:43 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
2 Attachment(s)
Another "resting" piece of equipment awaiting a final delivery date before posting to the PP for game inclusion. The Czech and Iraqi governments are very close to a deal to send about 25 L-159A MP Light Attack aircraft to Iraq. These are very capable and modern aircraft that can handle NATO ordnance. Also will recheck, but it appears this might be an add for Czechoslovakia and Hungry(?) as well though they've been in service since around 2000. Ref A check under Iraqi Air Force section.

Attachment 11209 Attachment 11210

UPDATE: for CAF it'll be a mod to add an extra 20mm cannon it has two of them. For Hungry the L-159A will be an ADD.

FASTBOAT TOUGH July 4th, 2011 12:07 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Still cleaning up the favorites list of the "junk" to just get to my core refs for the PP.

1. F-22 still grounded though they're closer to finding the root cause and also checking into other planes including the F-35 for the same issue.

2. The hammer starting to fall with just a tap for now as the U.S. Senate tightens up on the cost overruns of the F-35.

3. The F-35 delays are causing the USAF (F-16), USN (FA-18) and USMC (AV-8B) to put money back into existing platforms to keep them flying and relevant. Another case of unintended consequences of the delays and the Congress has their calculators out tracking this as well as these a + in $ in the cost evaluations as previously reported.


FASTBOAT TOUGH July 15th, 2011 02:29 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Just a bit of news.
1. Though $400,000,000 looks to be cut from the Defence Budget in light of our current financial situation, there has been plenty of discussion that this number could possibly be doubled or more. Which makes this next story very interesting.

2. In a related story and one I posted earlier, South Korea has seen the writing on the wall at least with the chronic delays in the F-35 program and has found the partner they needed to go forward with their Stleath Fighter program, it's just now official.

3. I think we got this within a month in the last patch.

4. Though I just left a similiar question concerning "light gunships" on the PP thread, this would be a different issue for Italy if the program "gets off the ground".


FASTBOAT TOUGH July 15th, 2011 11:37 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
To the above post, I missed a set of zeros, it should read $400 Billion possibly being raised to $800 Billion over the next five to ten years depending on the actions of the government. Sorry for any confusion.


FASTBOAT TOUGH July 23rd, 2011 01:40 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
1. You just ever have one of those bad weeks? It seems like myself and the USAF are having many of those lately.

2. F-22 grounding problem solved?

3. UK dispels HARRIER rumors.


FASTBOAT TOUGH October 9th, 2011 03:16 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I'll be on hiatus for a while, as I have 25 excellent reasons why I have to go, however they'd be too long to list them here. Suffice to say a couple of people know why due to the state of my current project. But I wish to leave for you all that are interested in such things the following site info and the opportunity to view the main site for it's reference purposes as well. The link below will list every countries Air Force/Naval current and ordered status of fighters, transports and helos through the end of 2010. The file is in PDF format. You WILL need to fill out the basic request form first. For those like myself that had to sign "documents" for employment purposes, under the company name info I simply put USN Ret. and this was accepted so feel free to use what you want there. This would be an excellent tool for verifying current OOB status etc. and just great general info. Sorry simple "cut and paste" didn't work and I don't want to just post the PDF without knowing for sure if I'd violate any copyright issues at this time. So I hope you'll find this helpful.


ALWAYS ON WATCH AND LOOKOUT! Well sometimes anyway!?! Good Night!

FASTBOAT TOUGH November 16th, 2011 02:32 PM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
For those who doubt decent analysis, I'll start with see
Post #44 above, and ask Don not to dispose of the GR.7 & 9 data as it'll be needed for the CORPS. The U.S. DOD is about to purchase UK's GR.7 & 9 HARRIERS for the USMC. This will keep the HARRIER flying through the mid 2020's as the HORNET D Series gets phased out and the USMC experiences further delays with the F-35B.
See defenceindustrydaily.com RAPID FIRE 11/14/2011 section. This links to a defencenews.com article that as reported already will not link to archival articles for some reason.
gotta get ready for work!!


DRG November 17th, 2011 09:26 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Do you speculate the Corp will fit them with 30mm cannon or left without ?

Gurachn November 17th, 2011 10:21 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 785546)
I'll be on hiatus for a while, as I have 25 excellent reasons why I have to go, ...ALWAYS ON WATCH AND LOOKOUT! Well sometimes anyway!?! Good Night!

Hope its not too long of a hiatus, Pat.
Always enjoy your interesting and well researched posts.
Godspeed, and best of luck with your project.


FASTBOAT TOUGH November 18th, 2011 05:00 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
4 Attachment(s)
Well let me start by saying I just lost over an hours worth of work in trying to answer you guys when the screen "fluttered" and my reply was gone and I was returned to the "last page" was I in a maintenance period or something?
Yes, to clarify AV-8B carries the GAU-12 25mm "EQUALIZER" as used on SPECTRE, SPOOKEY and LAV-AD. All use(d) DU rounds for all platforms just named. And does this make them AP rounds since they're from DU origin? Anyway AV-8B uses the same pods that used to carry the twin ADEN 30mm cannons on early UK HARRIERS (GR.3 I believe was last to have them.), AV-8B uses the Port side pod the carry the GAU-12, Starboard pod carries 300 rounds. USMC uses the 30mm on their MC-130 "Light" gunships, same ones the USAF discarded on the SPOOKEY+4 planes we fixed in last years Patch Post/Release. UK would drop ADEN for short ranged AAM. Real issue will UK keep SNIPER (1) Pods and USMC back fit to LITENING (2) II Pods as now carried? We use both (1) A-10, B1B etc. and (2) AV-8B, B-52 etc. I say LITENING for the sake of conformity and all that implies. The worst thing is for us a great deal for the UK not so after spending almost 2 Billion Pounds to improve the GR.9 and bring the remaining GR.7 to the GR.9 standard. Also see Posts #12-#16.

GR.9 note in first the SNIPER Pod on Port side. Next BRIMSONE that performed so well in Libya and has caused great interest by both the USAF & USMC.
Attachment 11464 Attachment 11465

AV-8B in first note GAU-12 25mm "EQUALIZER" on Port side and Ammo Pod w/300 rounds on Starboard side.
Attachment 11467 Attachment 11466

Thank You! All is well 25 reasons was for 25th Wedding Ann. with CINCLANTHOME, Daughters wedding the following week and months of work issues surrounding our new contract, new employer, rehire process etc. and the main project trying to make head way on the 2011/2012 Patch Posts. PP #2 is started FINALLY!! Preview for #2 moving ahead w/OPLOT for Thailand, finally have what I needed to close it out, BPM-97 for Russia new info shows assigned to army now see APC THREAD as this was submitted as a "maybe" 2yrs ago, and a couple of other vehicles. Helos fixes for USMC MV-22 OSPREY, UH-1Y, SAF ROOIVALK, UK PUMA HC1, ADD RUSSIA Mi-35 (Mi-24V) + Verify carry 8P even in gunship config it never lost carry ability, Verify/Add CH-47F to USA, UK, Turkey with CH-47G for USA Spec Op config. If within time limits as agreed btwn Don and myself Add India APACHE 64-D. If I can finish this soon hopefully it's #3 Jets after that think B-1B, B-52, A-10, HARRIER, F-15SE, F/A-18D(?), F/A 18E/F combined with SNIPER and LITENING Pods this will have Vision and FC repercussions for the game as it now has had in the battlefield, have video showing a real world target at 25NM (50,000YDS) on a SNIPER Pod cockpit display looking like the plane is on "top of it". Preview for everyone else update for others.
I even got to use some naval terms , what a GREAT way to end the day!!
Gotta get some sleep later is another day at the "office".


DRG November 18th, 2011 09:10 AM

Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 788768)
........does this make them AP rounds since they're from DU origin?

Pat, Aircraft "AP" ratings come from the weapon "HE" ratings.

The AP slot .........



Class 11 air cannon can only use HE ammo as the AP round number is used as the number of cannon, so if they have an armour piercing capability then this is reflected in an HE AP rating, not an AP round rating

So the 25mm GAU-12 has a penetration rating of 6


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