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RecruitMonty January 20th, 2012 01:23 PM

WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Dear All,

Since we now have a mod section I thought I'd post up anything related to my ongoing mod project here.

As some of you may know I began a mod project to create a new German OOB filled with all the tech the Germans would have had from 1946 onwards. It started out as a response to a few forum members asking for an OOB that simulated a German victory at the end of the war or, at least a continuation.

Since then the mod has taken on other dimensions. So your typical "Fatherland" setting - complete with Swastikas etc - is no longer on the cards for the first release. As it is, I will make some adjustments to the mod upon its completion to allow for a continuation of the Nazi Germany OOB too for those who prefer that sort of thing. Shouldn't be too hard. :)

Those of you interested in all the late 40´s tech, German VTOL aircraft of the late 50s and early 60s, abandoned Bundeswehr projects etc will still find this mod to their liking as all of those goodies and a few more besides will be included in it.

Now, for some acknowledgements and an update on progress.

Firstly, I would like to thank the following forum members for their contributions to this project:

1. Oragus, thanks for the icons you made and for having inspired me to improve my own icons.
2. Pierre, thanks for your lovely icons. They too were an inspiration.
3. PlasmaCrab, thanks for your icon work for the mod and for your advice on OOB restructuring.
4. Cross, thanks for teaching me how to make soundfiles properly.
5. Troopie, thanks for your advice on the inner workings of the game, more specifically on morale and country specific dates.

Secondly, I would like to thank Andy and Don for their stirling work. :) Without them this mod would never have been possible. Thanks for making a game that is both fun to play and also very mod friendly.

As for progress:

Almost all of the turreted armoured units have been put into Shape files (18 at the moment). Infantry icons also completed. Aircraft, turretless vehicles and helicopters pending. OOB work set to begin soon. Will dig up my old files from 2008 and see what can be salvaged.

Am working on self propelled artillery for the Germans at the moment. Will then do some more work on aircraft - mostly transport - while editing the OOB. Am also collecting pics for LBMs.

Will, more than likely need help with the pick lists down the line as well as I am fairly sure I won't quite understand the existing tutorials. This will be the last job I plan to do before releasing the mod.

Many thanks,


- Update: 03.05.2012 -

Have finished most of the icon work on the self propelled arty.. Have coded in MBTs, SP Arty. and am working on SP Flak right now. Weapons coded in for both German OOBs. Looking forward to the infantry in July or August.

- Update: 07.10.2012 -

1) completed the first ORBAT - subject to further inspiration,
2) created a set of amphibious transports (2) for Imperial Mechanised Marines and,
3) begun work on the second - colonial and QRF -ORBAT.

- Update: 24.10-2012 -

1) re-worked both TPz. Fuchs 1 and 2 icons (there are now three variants in total: transport, anti-tank and mortar carrier),
2) created Wiesel 1 and 2 icons (Wiesel 1: 20mm and ATGM / Wiesel 2: APC),
3) and have begun collecting pictures for use as .lbm files.

-Update: 21.02.2013 -

Due to recent improvements in my over all style while re-doing my Leopard 1 series of icons I have lately been updating all my other tanks as well.

1) Completed work on Leopard 1 ("0-Serie" - 1A5)
2) Completed update of E-90 "Kaisertiger (A-F)
3) Completed update of E-50
4) Completed update of E-75
5) Have begun an update of E-100
6) Updated 1st German OOB with new Leopard models (0-Serie) and new E-90
7) Continuing work on 2nd German OOB (Colonial, Airmob. etc)

-Update: 29.12.2013 -

1) Icon work for both project OOBs (98 and 99) at present now all completed subject to one or two additions if need be
2) Progress on 2nd OOB past the armoured unit phase now at APCs etc
3) Leopard 1A5 icons now also complete and downloadable
A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

- Update: 19.07.2014 -

Work on the second "colonial/QRF" OOB is finally drawing to a close. I've completed all of the APCs (incl. two types of amphibious vehicle for the Marinetruppen and something for the Fallschirmjäger too), helicopters (transport and attack in various configurations), aircraft (VTOL and additional "Luft-46" goodies), rocket artillery and, last but not least, the usual mix of trucks, jeeps and other misc. suppt. vehicles. With any luck I'll be able to move onto the next phase - searching for and making .lbms and adding in sounds for weapons. Then it will be a simple case of adding in the .shp files full of icons and going through both OOBs one more time to make sure everything is where it should be.

Some icons - trucks and a couple of jeeps are still under development. At least one plane - listed below (Me. P. 1101/99) is also under development.

Infantry included in the second OOB:

Marinetruppen - A much bigger and better equipped Seebataillon (much like the Soviet naval troops in terms of scale)
Fallschirmjäger - also fulfill the role of airmobile infantry in my OOB
Schutztruppen - The backbone of the oversees colonial army
Kolonialpolizei - A police force for the colonies

Some of the special aircraft making an appearance in the second OOB:

Me. P. 1110
Me. P. 1101
Me. P. 1101/99
Me. XVJ 101 B
EWR VJ 101 B - E
MBB A400
Do. 31

RecruitMonty February 24th, 2012 09:25 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich

Finished most of the .Shp work for now.

Am now coding in weapons into a new .obf file. When the weapons are done I will begin coding in the infantry, artillery, usw.. Then I will add the .shp files and start work on the armour. After that I will be working on formations. Then I will be beta testing and adding in anything that is still missing.

troopie July 3rd, 2012 09:29 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Are you going to do things like the Schmetterling and Rheintochter SAMS, the Lark SAM, the TA-183 and ME-1101 fighters, the AZON and RAZON glide bombs?


Richard_H July 5th, 2012 07:33 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich

As this mod has been so long in the making (no criticism, RecruitMonty, I know how long they can take, especially when you get upgrades in the interim!), I've started a 1946-49 version of my own, which will include a good deal of the projects that were being worked on/tested at the time - Schmetterling, Wasserfall, Ho 229, Ju 287, follow-ons to the earlier glide bombs etc etc. Could be a while yet: I've just finished converting my mod to V6 (yup, unit by unit), have 4 countries to go to make WW2 & MBT as fully compatible as possible, need to get the colonials that were never available because of date restrictions in somewhere (prolly Red), then Deutschland is probably next on my list - say a couple of months?

My starting point is different from Monty's, and hopefully rather simpler: the July 44 Stauffenberg plot succeeded. With no Hitler, Canaris comes out of retirement to lead a new government acceptable to the West, if not to the Soviets. There are elections confirming Canaris as head of state (which could also give rise to a nice little campaign between SS & government forces?), and the Western Allies accept the result. Accordingly, German industry is allowed to continue and develop . . . .

Richard H

PS That's the first time I've put these thoughts down, although they've been in my head for a while.

Agesilaos August 2nd, 2012 04:56 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I enjoy the what-if scenarious and orders of battle and have been waiting with anticipation for someone to complete a what-if World War Two beyond 1945. I can't wait for this one Richard. Thanks very much.

gila August 19th, 2012 08:07 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
1 Attachment(s)
Speaking of whaf if's..

gila August 19th, 2012 08:37 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
1 Attachment(s)
If the last one is too a bit extreme,
How about this one..

Aeraaa August 20th, 2012 03:38 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
The Ratte could almost occupy 2 hexes instead of one...:D

RecruitMonty October 7th, 2012 03:39 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I do believe someone made a Ratte icon at some point. I will not be including it in my mod though as it is, quite frankly, too big. As for the E-100, well, it will be making an appearance ;).

Now for an update.

As of the 07.10.2012 I have done the following:

1) completed the first ORBAT - subject to further inspiration,
2) created a set of amphibious transports (2) for Imperial Mechanised Marines and,
3) begun work on the second - colonial and QRF -ORBAT.

That is all I can report for the moment.

oragus November 29th, 2012 01:28 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich

You are correct. I built an icon for the Ratte years ago. As far as the E-100, I have the hull I built for your Crocodile sitting here. I could whip up the turret and send it your way if you like?

RecruitMonty December 22nd, 2012 07:26 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Hi Oragus, Sorry for my late reply. Many thanks for the offer. I've made a few myself as it happens. Your "Crock" was very well made though. If you could make a winter, desert and camo variant I'd appreciate it.

I'm working on my Leopard icons again. Re-doing the whole Leopard 1 set. I've finished the Leopard 1 (0-Serie), Leopard 1, 1A1, 1A2, 1A3 and 1A4. Just got the trickier 1A1A1, 1A1A2 and 1A5 to take care of. I will then revise my 50s tanks so they are up to date too. Have also finished coding in armour to the second OOB.

All the best,


RecruitMonty December 22nd, 2012 07:29 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
The SAMS will be in the Mod. The fighters too. As for the bombs, well, I'll try. I don't have much info on them at the moment.

Richard_H February 3rd, 2013 07:48 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Sorry all, got caught up with MBT mods. I'll do this as a stand-alone, without picklists, but with lbms and icons. Give me a couple of weeks . . . hopefully ;)

RecruitMonty March 13th, 2014 08:01 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Dear WinSP Community members,

Recently my hard drive has suffered a mechanical malfunction and is therefore duly being sent in for repairs, so there is no progress on the modding front per se right now.

I have gotten most of the APCs coded into the second of my German ORBATs and I had backed most of that up prior to the malfunction but, crucially, one batch of amphibious vehicles is missing and I'd rather wait till all the data has been recovered and then move on from there.

Some icons are now also missing, which is another reason why I have halted progress for the time being.

When my data is safely back in my hands I will continue putting in the remaining APCs - Fallschirmjäger and Marine stuff mostly - and then I'll move on to trucks etc. After that we're looking at Helicopters - transports & attack, then the infantry and after that the air support. Then the second ORBAT will just need to have the formations put together and then my ORBAT work is done and I can match up icons and lbms to units in the ORBATS. After that the mod will be ready to beta test.

MarkSheppard March 26th, 2014 01:38 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Good to know you're still OK and working on the mod. Losing your information sucks. :-(

Anthony_Scott March 27th, 2014 02:05 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Always, always ALWAYS backup your files to a jump drive or something similar. I am pleased to know that this mod is still alive and well for the most part.

RecruitMonty May 8th, 2014 05:29 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I have begun work on the second OOB again and it is progressing nicely. I still feel like a bit of an idiot for having forgotten to back-up the last bit of work before the harddrive packed in :o.

Oh well... .

Amphibious stuff is done. Now I'm working on my wheeled troop transports as well as the Fallschirmjäger APCs.

RecruitMonty July 18th, 2014 07:22 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I've updated the first post. Thank you all for your patience and for sticking with this project. The last few weeks have seen an explosion of activity on my part due to more free time. The end of the development phase is drawing nearer and the biggest mod project I've ever had anything to do with will soon be available for all to enjoy. Lets see how long the rest of the work I've got left will take.

Warhero July 19th, 2014 02:00 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Hey Recruit, do you use Germany or another (for example Red/Green) OOB/flag? And do you have any guess when mod is available here?


RecruitMonty November 1st, 2014 09:12 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Dear War Hero,

Due to the scope of the project I will be using two OOBS. Germany and another appropriate OOB. Not sure which one yet.

At the moment I am putting the finishing touches to the second OOB's formation roster.

After that I'll be adding in .LBM files and some sounds. Then the icons will be added in. I will need to figure out where some of the planes and turret-less vehicles should go. I have a few.

My apologies for the late reply. Have had a lot to do IRL. Gets in the way sometimes. ;)

All the best and thankyou for your interest,


Warhero November 6th, 2014 03:05 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Nice to hear that development of mod still exist:). Keep up great work!


RecruitMonty January 6th, 2015 07:11 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Sitrep (07.01.2015)

Work on the OOBs is complete. Now the fun with shape, .lbm and sound files begins. Most of the sounds are sitting in a folder ready to be implemented. The icons are also more or less all done. Just need to incorporate them into the directory and update a few of the older ones I did way back when. The .lbms are a pain in the posterior. I will re-read the tutorial and work some magic.


RecruitMonty February 2nd, 2015 08:35 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Sitrep (03.02.2015):

Work on the shape files is coming along nicely. All the Panzers are now loaded up. At present I am working on the self-propelled arty.. After the Arty. come the recon vehicles, then the APCs and then the jeeps, trucks etc.. Am about a third of the way through. After the shape files are done then I move on to finishing off the .lbms and then finally sounds. Couple of months work still to do but I am confident that a playable mod will be finished this year. I will, however need some help with the AI-picklists as well as some coding help for both OOBs regarding start and end dates as well as morale.

Wiking May 18th, 2015 08:43 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Hallo hallo Monty. Was always curious about this project (as I have attempted similar things on my own with no real knowledge or talent for .shp editing!) and I was curious if this was still going or had been shelved for the time being!

RecruitMonty May 28th, 2015 08:31 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Both OOBs are finished. Icon work too, more or less. Sounds are the next big hurdle. Then finishing touches. Soon. God willing ;).

Wiking May 28th, 2015 09:59 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
This pleases me more than you can imagine! You'll have at least one dedicated tester upon release! :D

RecruitMonty June 1st, 2015 05:36 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Thanks! It has been an interesting project so far. Finished my sounds. At the moment the mod is compatible with version 8.0 or thereabouts. I've got some fine tuning to do this end still.

Anyone know by any chance how to edit start and end dates for the nations in the game? Anyone also know how to edit experience and morale base-values?

I'd appreciate any help on these two matters.

scorpio_rocks June 1st, 2015 06:07 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich

Originally Posted by RecruitMonty (Post 830260)
Anyone know by any chance how to edit start and end dates for the nations in the game? Anyone also know how to edit experience and morale base-values?

AFAIK these values are hard coded and unchangeable.

RecruitMonty June 1st, 2015 06:45 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I believe that Plasma had managed to change the start and end dates for the DDR in his mod. I may be wrong though.

RecruitMonty June 1st, 2015 07:48 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Wiking June 1st, 2015 11:04 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Might have to take it on the chin with this one. You're using the German ORBAT, right? Though I don't know of a solution for pushing back until 1950's, at the very least I'd think you can probably leave morale and experience alone for the most part. Even a victorious Germany would likely be totally exhausted as a result of conscription and the things it had endured, so I don't think letting morale and experience drop into the 60's and low 70's is too terribly upsetting. You could also bolster paratrooper and commando units in the formations by granting them larger bonuses to keep them in line with what they ought to be.

Really wish I knew what to suggest for the dates though, that might not be something that can be fixed.

RecruitMonty June 2nd, 2015 12:52 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Morale and experience isn't too much of a problem. That is true. I'm thinking of using Denmark and the FRG. I do have two OOBs chock-full with various units, after all.

As for start dates... , I will attempt to fix this. Maybe there is a work around.

Wiking June 2nd, 2015 06:19 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Hey Monty, I have a suggestion. Why not just use Austria in addition to Denmark? It kills two birds with one stone: a surviving Greater Germany, Nazi or not, would likely still control that territory and it allows you to go from 1946 to 2020 with no problems. FRG would be unsatisfying as it ends in the beginning of the 1990's, right as the really fun stuff comes around.

I think most people who would be playing this would not really care about the fate of Austria or Denmark anyways, as far as playable ORBATS goes ;)

The only other question I have is what sort of campaign locations would be generated by using one or both of those ORBATS? I think that's mostly hardcoded isn't it?

RecruitMonty June 2nd, 2015 07:04 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Austria has the wrong infantry colours. By FRG I meant West Germany i.e. Germany proper. Good point regarding the maps. I had completely forgotten that :doh:.

Wiking June 2nd, 2015 08:57 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Oops, forgot East Germany was GDR! I'm more of a World War 2 guy than Modern truth be told :) And I forgot Austria changed infantry colors. Is West Germany still the only one that has the grey infantry sprites? A little surprising.

I know for Random Campaign generation, if you're fighting say, the USA or the Soviets as Germany in MBT you'll mostly get battle-locs in Central Europe (Germany, Czech Republic rarely). Obviously you can load custom maps up or make your own in the middle of a campaign but if there's a way to freshen that up it would be nice.

Thankfully if you take Germany adventuring out against say, Egypt or China it works perfectly fine and you get a nice exotic locale :)

RecruitMonty June 3rd, 2015 05:17 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Italy, Spain, Denmark, Albania and the VC have the Grey infantry colour. A few others too. Not sure which ones though. Good to know that exotic locales are not completely excluded.

Wiking June 16th, 2015 06:22 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Out of curiosity, and since the original postings are so old, I was wondering if you could give a brief summation of the forces you're representing?

Will it be primarily Heer and Luftwaffe troops, or will SS and various secondary forces be available? You mentioned using two nations to represent two OOB's, so I was curious what the game plan was in more detail. If you don't have the time to get into it I'll understand, but I started thinking about the kampfgruppe's I'd be making and I wanted to inquire :)

RecruitMonty June 20th, 2015 05:57 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
In OOB 35 the following troops are represented:

Regular Heer infantry (leg/motorised - trucks and later wheeled APCs), Pioneers (Leg, mechanised - halftracks and fully tracked) Panzergrenadiers (halftrack as well as fully tracked), Gebirgsjäger and Waffen-SS (Leg, mechanised - fully tracked). In each case the full accompaniment of scouts and pioneers are there where applicable.

In OOB 44:

Fallschirmjäger (leg/aircraft/KraKa), Luftlandetruppen (Fjgr. in Helicopters), Brandenburgers (in various guises). Additionally I have colonial troops in the form of both lightly equipped police type units (leg/motorised) followed by regular colonial infantry (think Afrikakorps or Mediterranean theatre in a COIN role). Last but not least a Marine landing element(a Seebataillon analogue with more appropriate kit and implied troop strength). The Marines, Paras and Brandenburgers all have pioneer units and scouts. The regular infantry have scouts too.

I am toying with the idea of adding in mounted troops (these would be in the Green OOB along with a couple of other loose ends).

RecruitMonty June 20th, 2015 06:11 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Armour wise 35 is where the heavy tanks, Jagdpanzers and heavier MBTs are. 44 has a lighter emphasis. I'm play-testing and ironing out kinks in the OOBs. There was a real doozy of a problem with some formations not showing up in the special companies I created. Fixed most of it now though.

Wiking June 20th, 2015 07:56 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
That is actually really logical and cool. I am more excited for this than ever, as I've been wanting to really sink my teeth into MBT for a while but the default German ORBAT just never did it for me. :D

RecruitMonty June 23rd, 2015 04:16 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Who wants to Beta test? I take it, Wiking and mkr8683, are in? Who else? A couple more should suffice for now. Should be uploaded to drop-box by the end of the week. I'll provide the beta-testers with a link via pm when its uploaded.

scorpio_rocks June 23rd, 2015 04:20 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
count me in

RecruitMonty June 23rd, 2015 04:44 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Ok. That's three. :)

Wiking June 23rd, 2015 05:50 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Without question, me! :up:

RecruitMonty June 25th, 2015 02:46 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Three will do nicely. Should be loaded up to drop box by tomorrow evening (Central European time) unless unforeseen difficulties hold the process up. I'll PM you the link then.

lukerduker123 June 25th, 2015 11:30 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
A bit late to throw my hat into the ring, eh?

RecruitMonty June 26th, 2015 04:38 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Four is a nice even number compared to three. :)

RecruitMonty June 26th, 2015 11:13 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Quick update: It looks like I'll be ready to upload by tomorrow. Ran into some additional trouble. Nothing serious. Just tedious. Might be done by tonight but my better half mentioned something about going out for dinner. We'll see. Never a good idea to get between a woman and her dinner ; ).

Wiking June 26th, 2015 11:45 AM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
I'd be lying if I said I was being patient about this, but great things are worth waiting for. So I keep telling myself. :D Have fun on your night out!

RecruitMonty June 27th, 2015 09:24 PM

Re: WinSP MBT: Das Reich
Loaded it up to dropbox. Should be downloadable for Beta-Testers. If not I'll know soon enough.

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