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dari July 13th, 2015 06:23 PM

Upgrade 1.20
big thank you for that upgrade 1.20 !

is it save game compatible with games that were started under 1.10 ?

Narrew July 13th, 2015 07:08 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
Product page says it is compatible with current games.

Just updated and so far so good with existing game...


Dubious July 13th, 2015 07:54 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
AI Patch 1.2 Initial impressions

Lots to love, BUT there are features previously suggested I still want to see: such as Away Team Cargo display indicating how much free cargo space remains on the ship.

Like the new terrain obstacles in the cave system. BUT. Need the ability to switch installed AT gear while on the planet surface. It becomes really common to need to switch between AT gear, especially now that the cave systems routinely have different terrain barriers (in addition to lots of "impassable rubble") blocking access to certain parts of a level. Having to not only return to the shuttle but also leave the surface to switch AT gear gets annoying REALLY fast. Perhaps offset by reducing the shuttle's free cargo space for the preloaded AT gear? Logically it doesn't make sense to have unlimited shuttle cargo space while the larger ship itself has a fixed limit.

Why can't we "abandon" AT cargo other than "large objects" in the cave system? No need to track it once we leave the level/surface; it was dumped to make room on the team/shuttle/ship for higher priority cargo.


PvK July 14th, 2015 12:01 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
New update? Yay! I've been holding off playing for this one. When did it get posted?

dari July 14th, 2015 02:17 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
tried the cold water: 1.10 games will load with 1.20
my real question is do some/most/all new/changed 1.20 features work without a new game ?

And also some initial impressions (continuing my 1.10 normal perma-death game)

1. was able to promote my commanders beyond the old known limits.. ie field medic 4 - and other skills like party leader and efficient construction - crafting consultant up to 5 even the "only-one-level" skills could be upgraded

2. way more awesome: no more targeting through walls !

3. deep diving in caves got a very nice and dangerous boost - no more instakilling rock collossi with my smg - and that stinger bee queen almost killed my 17K HP party :eek:

4. not all data entries got that thousand delimiter - only new created items get that "," in their text-data-field

5. sometimes in caves i lost several hundreds points of oxygen for no apparent reason (no unidentified artifacts - nor monsters) maybe thats the way the newly oxygen limit works

6. crafting got big nerf in few areas - was not able to produce even one special effect space suit out of 20 tries with base crafting skill of 457 - getting decent reactors was also impossible and stuff that uses supply now doesnt get extremely low supply usage anymore - at least i get way more easier longer jump ranges :D

very good job IBOL !
(btw what is the harder difficulty than HARD with permadeath on ?)

PvK July 14th, 2015 08:02 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20

Originally Posted by dari (Post 830827)

1. was able to promote my commanders beyond the old known limits.. ie field medic 4 - and other skills like party leader and efficient construction - crafting consultant up to 5 even the "only-one-level" skills could be upgraded


Were they level 10? From the patch notes:


officers who reach level 10 can level up ANY SKILL THEY WANT, regardless of whether that is intended/designed!

ibol July 15th, 2015 12:03 AM

Re: Upgrade 1.20

(btw what is the harder difficulty than HARD with permadeath on ?)
If you beat the game (any victory) on hard/perma-death, it should unlock "insane" mode, which is, well, yeah, um... harder than hard.

PvK July 15th, 2015 01:12 AM

Re: Upgrade 1.20

Originally Posted by ibol (Post 830832)

(btw what is the harder difficulty than HARD with permadeath on ?)
If you beat the game (any victory) on hard/perma-death, it should unlock "insane" mode, which is, well, yeah, um... harder than hard.

Nice! Can't wait! :D

dari July 15th, 2015 02:19 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
i disbanded my god-like-crafting normal game and start a quick hard 1.20 game for that insane mode !
And what are the main differences between those levels - just higher hp and damage from badguys ? or "better" chance to get cursed artifacts too (bad idea from me...)

dari July 15th, 2015 02:27 PM

Re: Upgrade 1.20
Were they level 10? From the patch notes:


officers who reach level 10 can level up ANY SKILL THEY WANT, regardless of whether that is intended/designed!

i guess so - each of them had more than 10% profit share and had the "commander" title

also i could promote them all to over 65% profit share - the manual reads a 50% cap for this - dont know if this limit was already removed/non-working even in 1.10 - yet it didnt hurt my balance unlike armor repairs...

and on hard ill make sure to have armor replacement in my cargo hold! these repair costs are punishing right at start
(i hope that the formula will be made available for modding)

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