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Aeraaa December 29th, 2011 05:53 PM

Hit percentage rant
OK, sometimes this game really drives me crazy. I cant see my sniper with 60 or 70% hit rate missing and enemy rifle squads elliminating him and a scout section with 3 concequtive hits with 1% hit rate!!! Sometimes I think the game just plain cheats.:mad:

scJazz December 29th, 2011 06:35 PM

Re: Hit percentage rant
You roll the dice. You take your chances :D

Honestly, the number shown when targeting is not the actual percentage it is a close approximation. It also only shows the chances for Weapon 1. Which for infantry is a rifle generally. It doesn't show odds for the squad LMG, or Squad Markman, or Squad Grenade Launcher, etc, etc.

As for the Sniper, never fire more than 2 shots per turn from him and set his range back to 1 hex when your done. This way he won't OpFire during Player Twos Turn unless he gets shot. Never fire and move in the same turn.

Scouts same as Sniper except maybe never shoot with them at all. Scouts are great scouting. They kind of suck at the whole fighting thing.

The designers have for the longest time tried to make things "uncertain". They do a wonderful job of it and I applaud them for it.


PS: Sorry to hear about your dead snipers.

Suhiir December 29th, 2011 07:39 PM

Re: Hit percentage rant
A stationary sniper after taking a shot is a dead sniper ... unless your opponent is out of their range ... or has really poor morale.

gila December 29th, 2011 07:45 PM

Re: Hit percentage rant
Most want to learn the game by trail and error, and take it in the chin every once and while.
Some others just complain whenever they get a bad outcome or two:rolleyes:

paulo December 29th, 2011 11:47 PM

Re: Hit percentage rant
actually I've had a lot of success using snipers- I rely on them a lot

scJazz December 30th, 2011 12:10 AM

Re: Hit percentage rant

Originally Posted by paulo (Post 791604)
actually I've had a lot of success using snipers- I rely on them a lot

I think she was referring to the tendency of PBEM players to splatter the area where the gunshot came from with Z-Fire and artillery.

Palle December 30th, 2011 06:06 AM

Re: Hit percentage rant

I think she was referring to the tendency of PBEM players to splatter the area where the gunshot came from with Z-Fire and artillery.
Did not help the Soviets against Simo Häyhä...

Palle December 30th, 2011 06:14 AM

Re: Hit percentage rant
Oups double post.

Aeraaa December 30th, 2011 07:13 AM

Re: Hit percentage rant
@gila: I dont think I'm such a bad loser. I know that even if you have a good hit ratio you can miss, or a bad hit ratio can score hits once in a while. But 3 concecutive hits or %1 rate? The possibility of that is 1/100^3, in other words almost impossible, yet it happened to me.

@scJazz: Each weapon has different probablities which show whenever that weapon is being fired. In all of the 3 enemy successes the enemy weapon was a plain old Mosin-Nagant. No LMG, no enemy sniper, nothing else. About the scouts not fighting thing, I agree with you if I play a meeting engagement or I'm attacking (and even then under certain cirumstances I use my scouts for fighting). However I'm playing as the USMC againt NKorea defending the Obon-Ni ridge (sp?) and I'm being attacked by a horde of infantrymen and T34s, so I need every rifle I can get.

@suhiir: my sniper was dug in in a foxhole in defense. IMHO I think it was better to leave him there, especially when no tanks zeroed in on him. But I have to admit I'm guilty of stationary snipers quite often.

Oh and my enemies where visible, so no Z fire spam (not that I would ever do that with a sniper, that why rifle squads and MGs are for)

Wdll December 30th, 2011 11:09 AM

Re: Hit percentage rant
since once shot is not connected to the next, it is not 1/100^3. It is 1/100 for each shot. They don't add up or otherwise connect. The same with the flip of a coin. Each flip is independent and so are the chances.

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