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-   -   Force Scenario End button perhaps? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=53089)

SaS TrooP March 24th, 2024 08:10 AM

Force Scenario End button perhaps?
I was just wandering... how much of a fuss would it be to add Force Scenario End button, comparably to eg. Combat Mission series.

Sometimes scenario drags on without AI having any capacity to continue it. Sometimes random battles get awfully randomized as with the turn length.

It would be good to provide player with control to end scenario "as it stands" and immediately progress to victory screen. What you think? Would it be any viable and would it be possible to code it without serious work?

Dion March 25th, 2024 01:12 AM

Re: Force Scenario End button perhaps?
I think it would probably give the players the incentive to conclude a game without finishing it, which in my opinion would be counterproductive, as it would give the players the ability to max out their chances of winning while minimizing their chances of losing. In my opinion a surrender button would be better because you wouldn't have the ability to max out and minimize your chances of winning and losing, you would only have one choice, that is to automatically lose.

I guess you could just put all your troops on computer control and hurry the game up that way, which I've done before, but that always leaves me with an empty feeling, like I didn't really fight a battle, like I just went through the motions, disrespected the game's integrity.

scorpio_rocks March 25th, 2024 09:22 AM

Re: Force Scenario End button perhaps?
Sometimes in generated games you can take all the objectives and destroy almost all the enemy leaving the AI absolutely no chance of taking the VP hexes or significantly damaging your force. This can happen with many turns left in the game... (yes occasionally the AI will give up early but usually only if you have tracked down and killed his HQ).

I think a surrender button and / or a "force the AI to seriously weigh up its chance of doing anything in the time remaining and think about giving up" button wouldn't be a bad thing

SaS TrooP March 27th, 2024 06:47 AM

Re: Force Scenario End button perhaps?
I was actually thinking about it in cases where Player is eg. the attacker and simply lost, thus continuing the scenario does not make sense and he wishes to check the results.
Alternately, scenario could get effectively resolved much earlier than anticipated but due to certain scenario settings (eg. off map VHs) it will not end automatically and so on.
I think about it like a tool, not a trainer.

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