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Paulus_PAK October 15th, 2021 12:13 PM

Detection of IEDs
Hi Everyone!

How can I detect IEDs? Are Engineer squads able to do this or EOD squads? What about dedicated minesweeper/engineer vehicles?

Thank you.

Mobhack October 15th, 2021 03:30 PM

Re: Detection of IEDs
1) Open the Game Manual from the link on the help tab of the Game Launcher
2) Click on the link "MBT Unit Classes"
3) Scroll to unitclass 134=Demolition
4) Read the information provided

Paulus_PAK October 15th, 2021 03:41 PM

Re: Detection of IEDs
Thank you very much! But does it imply that IEDs are detectable by engineers?

Mobhack October 15th, 2021 03:48 PM

Re: Detection of IEDs
Anyone can detect demolitions, but engineers are better at it and stationary troops can detect better as they check around thier location. Just like mines.

They are just fancy mines after all.

But being bigger, then you can snipe them with a sniper class with a proper sniper rifle (not a marksman with an AK, I think)

There is no difference between an EOD team and anyt other engineer class (they just tend to be size 0 and 4 or less men, so slower to clear mines with, but less spottable by defenders if they move slowly)

Mobhack October 15th, 2021 05:09 PM

Re: Detection of IEDs
And an EOD team at size 0 is less likely (a very little!) to trip a mine if it enters a mine hex, and being smaller also helps not to trip a mine/demolition as well - a section of 12 men is a fraction more likely to set one off as it is both size 1 and lots of men troming the ground.

An engineer type element (vehicle or foot) is less likely to detonate a mine than a non engineer unit class. Slightly less, so its not a free pass to go helter-skelter in the minefield!.

But the main thing with mines is speed - charge a unit down a road at its full 6 hexes and it is much more likely for the mine/demolition it tramples over to go kaboom. Vehicles are more likely to set them off, and fast moving vehicles even more so. So slow down to 1-2 hexes total movement if you think you are in a mined area, and stay halted as well, as stationary units are far more likely to spot mines/demolitions if they get a chance to look around rather than keeping moving.

Regular foot troops will clear mines, engineers do it better of course as they are trained for it. Troops in the smae hex (rather than facing the mine or demo hex) do it faster, if you are prepared to take the chance on moving into the mined/demlitioned hex tripping the nasties. If you do decide to enter the mined hex then wait a turn and then move the 1 hex, so you are not considered to be moving fast.

BTW - helicopters can spot mines and demolition charges as well, if low and slow. Only worth trying if the enemy permits you to bimble around low and slow of coourse:re:.

Paulus_PAK October 16th, 2021 11:33 AM

Re: Detection of IEDs
Again thank you very much! You've made the issue crystal clear!

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