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dTerm February 3rd, 2024 07:36 PM

Messed up purchase screen
Hi folks, :wave:

I stumbled upon a rather odd problem, when setting up a battle via the battle generator.
I was buying some attack helicopters, when all of a sudden the unit selection screen jumped back to the main purchase screen with more than one page of the formations missing. :eek:

I was able to reproduce it with different setup options under v17 and v17.5a. It happens, when I buy 5, or sometimes 7, attack helos straight in a row as the first five/seven sections. First I thought it might be, because I was pushing the mouse buttons too fast.

Can someone please have a look? :help:

DRG February 3rd, 2024 10:48 PM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
post a save that shows it

dTerm February 4th, 2024 02:39 PM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
1 Attachment(s)
here's an archive with four screenshots before and after I purchased helicopters, along with the battle setup.

DRG February 4th, 2024 04:37 PM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
I set up my game just as you show. USA P1 NK AI P2 Feb 2020

I will stop here and say you should have clearly numbered the screen shots in the order you wanted them interpreted. I interpreted them using the last number so...


I bought 8 attack helos and the purchase screen came back......


....just as it should

Next point is what did you have your air sorties set to in Preference ?

Mine was set to 8 as that was how many you showed in -26

After you rebooted your machine did you try the same experiment and get the same result?

I tried again by deleting some of the single helos and bought sections instead and the screen behaved normally

It's only a "bug" when it can be repeated

dTerm February 4th, 2024 06:37 PM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
As for the order of the screenshots, you are correct; the numbers are the date and time I made them, so the order is chronological. I forgot to mention that.

The air sorties in Preferences are set to the default XXX.

I rebooted my machine several times in between, and still get the same result.

In your example, why is the the purchase screen expected to come back after you bought the 8 Apaches?

I was able to repeat it more than twenty times since yesterday, only the number of attack helos needed to be bought to trigger it varies. It doesn't happen always, but in 80-90% of my attempts.

dTerm February 4th, 2024 07:10 PM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
Ok, I messed things up myself! :doh:

Looked up air sorties in the manual and realized my mistake.
I just was not aware of the fact, that the number of air sorties is also relevant to on-map aircrafts, like attack helos. :dk:

So I apologize for shouting BUG too fast! :hammer:

Dion February 5th, 2024 12:03 AM

Re: Messed up purchase screen

Originally Posted by dTerm (Post 856021)
Ok, I messed things up myself! :doh:

Looked up air sorties in the manual and realized my mistake.
I just was not aware of the fact, that the number of air sorties is also relevant to on-map aircrafts, like attack helos. :dk:

So I apologize for shouting BUG too fast! :hammer:

Good to know, attack helicopters are awesome, I like to buy as many as I can, that is, as long as it doesn't break the bank. Now, I'll consider all types of aircraft, even on-map aircraft, as the Maximum Number of Air Sorties allowed.

But, I don't understand why a whole page of purchased units disappeared. Seems to me, that you just wouldn't be allowed to buy anymore aircraft. :confused:

Mobhack February 5th, 2024 12:51 AM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
The purchase screen will stop the purchasing when you reach 0 flights - and likely returned the end user to the first page of his buy, showing A0. He would then need to page down to see his recent purchases. Been ages since I bought air, bar a single scout helo or so. I dont really bother much with strike air or attack choppers.

Suhiir February 5th, 2024 05:20 AM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
I use helos and air regularly and you need to pay attention to the number of formations you're allowed. Be the formation 1 helo/aircraft or 3. The number is individual units (helos/aircraft) is irrelevant, it's the number of formations that matters.

Occasionally I'll get some oddball results when I attempt to over-purchase the number allowed but 90%+ of the time it just refuses to let me purchase more.

dTerm February 5th, 2024 10:53 AM

Re: Messed up purchase screen
1 Attachment(s)
As a positive side effect, I discovered a litte graphic glitch in the status bar. Depending on the number of moves displayed, the separating colon gets swallowed. ;)

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