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-   -   Bad lag after 110-120 turns? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=16806)

Joonie73 November 20th, 2003 05:30 AM

Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
Is everyone getting it? I have a pretty fast computer with lots of memory. So it's not an issue with my system...

Gandalf Parker November 20th, 2003 05:55 AM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
You mean on turn processing?

The game has always slowed down in late game. Especially with large maps. Independent provinces dont take much thinking but every owned province does. When the map is almost completely owned then turns get slow.

Everything has its pros and cons. Since its a PBEM game turn processing doesnt matter much. We get to keep many things (like AI thinking) that other games take out to speed up turn processing.

Joonie73 November 20th, 2003 06:23 AM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
Yep, I am playing on the huge Orania map & the turn processing takes forever & I am around 140 turns now. Yuck...

Gandalf Parker November 20th, 2003 03:36 PM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
One of my sigs from Dominions 1......

-- Do not curse the time it takes for a turn to process in Dominions. It
keeps us from losing so many players to starvation or exploded bladders.
(this game is WAY too addictive)

Arralen November 20th, 2003 03:50 PM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
Could be some form of memory leak...

After some alt-tabbing DOM2 reserves up to 300 megs virtual memory on my machine, while acutally using about 140 megs (max. usage is 170 megs say W2k).
(roundabout values .. will check & write the values down if someone cares..)

There was even one incident when Win told me there was too little virtual mem - and I have 384 installed and the same amount set up as fixed swap file... .

Wonder why DOM2 wants that much virtual memory ..

Excessive Swapping could be the cause for the slowdown, after all.


DominionsFan November 21st, 2003 02:39 AM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
Hey, this is why I keep a Playboy close to me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif

EonDarkStar September 10th, 2012 10:12 PM

Re: Bad lag after 110-120 turns?
I am at a bit over turn 3010, right now I am waiting on a major battle, it has stalled a few times to the point I'm not sure if it is just taking a long lagging time or if it has broken down without popping up an error.

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