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sachmo December 18th, 2002 08:13 AM

Demo Questions...
Are there more planets avaliable in the retail Version of Interstellar Trader?
Also, when I quit Interstellar Trader, my screen is not reverting to it's original resolution and I have to manually change it. Is this by design?

In the Nanotech demo I can't attack my rival gang headquarters. Can I do it in the full Version?
Also, is there a way to find out which judge is going to try my gang, or do I have to bribe them all and hope for the best? I'm really enjoying this game, by the way.

StormcloudCreations December 18th, 2002 06:33 PM

Re: Demo Questions...
Glad you're enjoying the demos so far!

To answer:

1. Yes, sometimes, the demo of Trader did not change back properly. It was early on and I was still figuring out the code (in that language anyway) to do that correctly. Apologies. The other games solved this problem.

2. Nanotech: First question, the rival gangs aren't organized enough to have a headquarters, but you are (what separates you from them, and why some want to join you). The full Version removes the 3 game year "time" limit and enables the save game function (games can get quite long). Second: the judge assigned in a case is random, so you have to decide which judges are worth bribing (or knocking off). Look at their stats. Most stats in the judge and lawyer screens have mouse pop-ups that explain them better. Just rest your mouse pointer on the stat itself for a few seconds, and it will tell you what it does.

StormcloudCreations December 18th, 2002 06:35 PM

Re: Demo Questions...
Oh, and no, Trader only has 6 planets. With the structure of that particular game and its design, it's usually enough to keep going pretty well. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

sachmo December 18th, 2002 07:13 PM

Re: Demo Questions...
Thanks for the answers, Derek. I will try the other two demo tonight.

Another question...which files can I customize? A quick glance in the Nanotech folder showed me the first name and Last name files, which I hoped could be edited with on ill effects, but are there others? How about the graphics?


StormcloudCreations December 18th, 2002 07:26 PM

Re: Demo Questions...
I had almost forgotten how some Shrapnel players love to "tinker" with the game files. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

The first and Last name files can be changed, as long as you keep the same number of names in the file, and keep the text formatting the way it is. The existing names themselves can be changed fine.

The graphics can be changed, as long as you keep them the same size (200x150 for the byte pictures, and 75x75 for the gang pics, otherwise they might not look good) and the SAME file name and extension (.JPG). Aside from that, the pics themselves can be changed freely; they're not encoded in any special way.

Have fun and I hope the Thunder Pack has won you over! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

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