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Kurt Montandon January 6th, 2013 02:25 AM

This doesn't make sense.
The M-56 Scorpion airborne tank has a carry cost of 10.

The C-123 has a carry capacity of 60.

The M-56 cannot be loaded into a C-123 because it's "Too Heavy." The same applies to the C-119.

I'm kind of frustrated.

Mobhack January 6th, 2013 03:40 AM

Re: This doesn't make sense.

Originally Posted by Kurt Montandon (Post 816004)
The M-56 Scorpion airborne tank has a carry cost of 10.

The C-123 has a carry capacity of 60.

The M-56 cannot be loaded into a C-123 because it's "Too Heavy." The same applies to the C-119.

I'm kind of frustrated.

It makes perfect sense, in the SP load cost universe.

men and teams load cost is in the 0XX series
howitzers and ATG are in the 1XX series
Vehicles are in the 2XX series

The M-56 is a vehicle so it needs a plane or barge etc with a carry capacity of 210 or greater. Check out the Hercules in Mobhack.

(you could make versions of those cargo planes with 2XX codes, but then you are limited to 255 - its a byte field - so max 55 men if it can carry vehicles, 99 if its a 0XX or 1XX carrier)


DRG January 6th, 2013 01:52 PM

0xx = can carry infantry only , 1xx = can carry guns 2xx = can carry vehicles is "SP101"....... it's been that way since SP appeared and it's just assumed any more that everyone knows this.

The info is in the Game Guide but I will ensure it is re-written to explain it better for people who haven't been playing the game for 15 years


Mustang January 8th, 2013 12:26 PM

Re: This doesn't make sense.
I've been playing SP since I was twelve. Before this thread I was confounded as to why a pickup truck couldn't carry 113 infantrymen.

DRG January 8th, 2013 05:04 PM

Re: This doesn't make sense.

Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 816090)
I've been playing SP since I was twelve. Before this thread I was confounded as to why a pickup truck couldn't carry 113 infantrymen.

If you cannot find the info you seek in the Game guide try MOBHack Help

for example under......"WEIGHT & CARRY CAPACITY RATINGS"

You'll find....

"For example, one unit with a capacity of "255" can carry vehicles, towed guns or personnel up to 55 weight. While the otherwise identical unit with a "199" capacity can carry towed guns and personnel up to 99 weight."


2xx (can carry vehicles up to xx weight)
1xx (can carry towed guns/mortars/etc up to xx weight)
0xx (can carry personnel up to xx weight)(the leading zero is left off)

The limitations for 2xx units is, as Andy said above you are limited to 255 because 255 is the highest number you can use in a byte field IF you start counting from zero. This is why you cannot have a barge that carries more than 55 weight of vehicles but one that carries guns ( 199 for example ) can have up to 99 weight


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